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Friday morning dawned clear and bright, promising to be beautiful; everything looked fresh and new after the rains. I awoke first, lifting the curtain to see the blue sky before turning back to the best view of all - the portly, bewhiskered Sleeping Beauty lying beside me, naked. (All man...and all mine!) I just couldn't believe my luck. My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest any minute with sheer happiness. The object of my tender gaze opened a single eye, and grinned at me.

"Morning, Cariad."

"Good morning to you, Sexy." I tenderly stroked the side of Andrew's face with my hand, and placed an equally tender kiss on his lips. Andrew gently licked those same lips - not the crude come-on of the night before, but to taste the traces of his lover's own lips. My lips. 

"Let me go and start breakfast for you, you must be starved -" I started to rise, but Andrew grabbed my arm. 

"Not yet, love. I want to just hold you against me for a while. Is that okay?" 

"That sounds perfect." For the next twenty minutes we simply lay there, flesh to flesh, belly to belly, stroking each other gently, tentatively, as if afraid to move too fast and break the spell - until Andrew's stomach gave a massive gurgle, vibrating the bed. We both laughed, the tender moment ended. "I think that's my signal," I said, standing and donning my dressing-gown over my nakedness. "I forgot that there's three of us in this relationship - me, you, and that monster you call a belly!" I exited the room to the sweet sound of Andrew's deep, powerful laugh.

As it happened, I barely had time to get the kettle on and the frying-pan heating before Andrew joined me in the kitchen. He was wearing his own robe, but hanging open and framing his vast, naked gut. 

"Nice! Trying to give me a thrill, darling? You don't have to - being with you is thrill enough!"

Andrew looked slightly embarrassed. "I never get tired of seeing how much you like my belly, Tommy, but to be honest it's not that. It's....well, just look!" He tugged the edges of the huge garment together across his front - but they didn't meet in the middle. Instead, there was a good two or three inches of hairy flab still showing.

"Finally!" My eyes were glowing with lust, but Andrew was frowning.

"I never in all my born days thought I'd get so fat as to outgrow this thing," he said, tugging at it again. "It used to belong to my Uncle, back in Wales, and he was the fattest man for fifty miles in his day, even bigger than my old Da. Bit of a hero of mine, to be honest. It's no good, I'll have to -"

I poked him in the gut with a spatula. "If you dare say the words "go on a diet," I swear I'll - I'll tie you to the bed and funnel-feed you until you can't get up!" 

Andrew chuckled. "I was going to say "order a bigger one", but that funnel-feeding thing sounds like a bit of fun!" 

We laughed - such a beautiful sound! - and I kissed Andrew on the tip of his bulbous nose before returning to making his fry-up. It took longer than usual, because Andrew kept fondling my bottom, or pressing his vast gut into my back, distracting me. Eventually I chivvied him into the dining-room with threats that any more hanky-panky would ruin the food - and Andrew didn't want to miss out on breakfast, did he? The fat Welshman threw up his hands in mock horror and retreated. 

After breakfast - in which we took turns to feed bites of food to each other, giggling all the while, our legs and sides pressed one against the other's - we took a shower together, repeating the events of three weeks prior... and ending up back in bed, our passion rekindled. It was 11:15 am before we finally dressed.

"So it's day one of our work-holiday, Andrew. Is there anything you'd like to do with the rest of the day?"

"Well -" 

“Again? You're insatiable, just insatiable."

"Be fair, boyo, I've decades of missed nookie to catch up on, haven't I?" 

I just snorted and looked fondly at my big man. Andrew grinned back, then schooled his face into a more serious look.

"Actually, Tommy, I did have one idea. How do you fancy the beach? Bognor Regis isn't even an hour away." 

I liked it - but I had concerns. "That sounds fabulous, Andy - but are you sure you're up for it?"

"I think so. I need to start pushing myself to go out anyway, before you feed me to immobility and trap me in your bed!" He wiggled his eyebrows endearingly. "We could stroll along the Promenade with ice-creams, play the slot-machines on the pier, take a Pedalo out on the sea - no, maybe not, my bulk would flip the stupid thing right over - or just laze on the beach. You could display your lovely Tommy-tummy -" he gently prodded my bulging pot belly - and you could slather me in suntan cream, if there's enough cream in the world to cover me!" He stepped closer to me, and took my hand. "To be perfectly honest, my love, what I really want to do is show the world we're together, and let them see how happy you've made me. Can we?"

I placed my other hand on the nape of Andrew's neck, pulled his head down, and kissed him long and hard. "That, Mr Handsome Hippopotamus Davies, sounds like a perfect plan. One thing, though - we'd better see if we can get new swimming trunks in our sizes. Neither you or I will have anything that's not obscenely tight at this point!"

It took slightly more than an hour to get to Bognor and find a parking space right on the Front. Andrew and I headed straight for the Promenade, joining dozens - no, hundreds - of families and couples walking, riding, skating, or just sitting and gazing at the sea. I was dressed in sandals, cargo shorts, and a t-shirt - the largest I could find in my wardrobe, but it still stretched tightly across my middle. Andrew looked wonderful in lightweight trousers, flip-flops, a Panama hat, and an immense, 4XL Hawaiian shirt; unfortunately (fortunately?), it was still far too tight, so he simply left it open, letting his rotund, bare belly lead the way. Both of us sported sunglasses to ward off the glare of the sun. We attracted a lot of stares as we strolled towards the Pier, but whether it was the sight of two older men walking arm-in-arm or simply Andrew's superabundance of bare hairy flesh (and bosoms to shame any of the women present), I neither knew nor cared. At that moment, I considered myself to be the luckiest man in the world. We stopped at almost every kiosk en route, to buy multi-scoop ice-creams - or hot sugared doughnuts - or toffee-apples - or crepes - or any one of a number of fattening seaside treats. After that, we went to a cafe on the Pier for a pot of tea and several slices of rich chocolate cake. Each. Finally, we headed to a relatively quiet, shady stretch of the beach, hired deckchairs (from a vendor who swore that the reinforced chair he rented to Andrew could cope with any amount of weight - fortunately, he was right), and removed our shirts. There wasn't time to get trunks - and I was right, what we already had stood no chance of fitting - so we kept our trousers on, removed our footwear, and dug into the sand with our toes. 

"Ahh, this -"

"This is -"

- and we laughed long and loud.

After two hours, in which I managed to spread the contents of nearly three bottles of suntan cream over Andrew and myself, then went for a paddle while the older man snoozed in the sun, Andrew's stomach let us know in no uncertain terms that it was long past feeding time. We returned our deckchairs and took a slow, stately perambulation into town. Andrew's infallible food-detection sense led us to a nice little gastro-pub in the town centre, where we ordered a full selection of starters, two heaping portions of fish and chips, and two helpings each of steamed syrup pudding and custard (of which Andrew ate three portions). Andrew returned from the bar with a tray bearing six pints. As designated driver for this excursion, I knew full well only one was for me... or so I thought. Andrew’s eyes were glinting, and his smile broad. (He’s up to something).

"I've just been talking to Mick, there, behind the bar."

"Oh yes?" I replied casually.

"Yes. He's a bit jealous of my paunch, it seems - says he's been growing his beer-belly for twenty years, and here I come making him look like a starving supermodel!" Andrew drank deeply from his first pint. "He also says they've got a nice room to let upstairs with a lovely soft king-sized bed... and it's free tonight."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"I just thought - after last night, it almost feels like we're a newly-married couple. I've been wanting to shout it to the rooftops all day, how happy I am. And shouldn't newlyweds have a Honeymoon?"

"Why, Mr. Davies, you're a soppy old romantic!"

"That I am, as far as you're concerned, my lovely lad. So, what do you think?"

"I think there's only one problem facing us; how the hell am I going to carry all that -" and I prodded the food-filled sack of Welsh flab bulging before me "- over the threshold?"

The room was small, but spotlessly clean and tidy, and the bed as large and comfortable as promised. There were tea-making facilities, and a small bowl filled with packets of complimentary Custard Creams, which I knew full well would be gone as soon as I turned my back. I was right. 

The clock on the wall said 12:15 am as we entered - since we decided to stay the night, Mick the barman locked us in the bar at closing time and continued to serve us until midnight. I'd downed three pints, and felt pleasantly merry, my belly sloshing slightly. I'd lost count of the number of pints Andrew consumed, and the big man was red-faced and grinning foolishly. He had become rather tactile, too, pinching my bottom and slipping his hand down the front of my shorts all the way up the stairs. I felt rather like a teenager, and from the way he was acting, so did Andrew. 

I let Andrew have first crack at the bathroom - the Welshman had far more fluid to dispose of than I did. As I emerged after my turn, I discovered Andrew lying on the bed, buck-naked, in the same position he assumed the night before - but this time he looked confident, welcoming, and incredibly sexy. I disrobed as quickly as I could, sat on the bed before my big fat man, and ran the fingers of both hands sensuously up his belly, circling round once, and then moving up to tease his nipples. Andrew's head lolled back and he shuddered, moaning loudly.

"Great God Almighty, bach, don't you stop!" 

I then proceeded to nibble at his left nipple, causing gasps of pleasure from the Welshman. Before I could move on to the right, Andrew's large hands grasped my head and pulled me into a deep-throated kiss of incredible intensity and length. We broke the kiss with an almost audible "pop" and both gasped for breath. I recovered first, smiled wickedly and slowly kissed his way down the older man's flabby paunch, reaching his already-stiff member and teasing the end with my tongue before taking it further and further into my mouth. The restrained noises coming from Andrew - we were in a rented room, after all - and the speed at which he came to orgasm told me that, for all his rampant sexiness and enthusiasm, the fat man was almost certainly very inexperienced with such basic sexual practices. (Not too surprising, if his wife really was "in name only" and his only previous male sexual partner was the Odious Alastair…)

I emerged from the depths of Andrew's groin to see my man looking sated, spent, slightly discombobulated and - oddly enough - a little guilty. A raised eyebrow from me elicited the reason. 

"Tom, cariad, that was...that was just incredible. I never imagined anyone could do such a thing with his tongue, but... but I'm spent, love. I can hardly keep my eyes open and I can't... can't give back to you the same pleasure tonight, I fear. I'm so sorry."

"My beautiful darling man, you are simply adorable," I said, caressing his cheek. "Do you know the best part about being in a committed loving relationship? There's always tomorrow. We don't both always have to climax on the same night. Unless you insist on being pleasured every time to the exclusion of all else -"

"I would never!"

"- which, as you so eruditely put it, 'you would never', then you will never have to worry about upsetting me if I don't reproduce the Trevi Fountain each time we get it on."

"You do say some odd things, boyo," Andrew chuckled. 

"Besides," I continued, "who said I didn't get pleasure out of that? 'Tis better to give than to receive,' as someone once said."

"That's from the Bible, you heathen Englander. Honestly, didn't you learn anything at school?"

I grinned once again, and snuggled close to my portly darling. "I learnt that big, fat, Welsh Maths teachers are the sexiest creatures on God's Green Earth, so I think I retained the important stuff," I purred.

And with that, all verbal conversation ceased for the night as our mouths suddenly found better things to do.

Saturday dawned as bright as Friday before it, and after some early-morning horseplay - during which Andy did indeed make up for his perceived failure the night before - my lover and I dressed and vacated our room to pay for our stay. The pub didn't do breakfast, so we were directed to a cafe on the seafront which did fabulous pancakes and waffles, plus fried breakfasts which - although nowhere near my standard, as Andrew was quick to state - did "fill a hole" for both of us. We proceeded to wander into town for a look around, eventually finding a Big and Tall shop which sold trunk-shorts large enough for each of us, followed by another walk along the beach, hand in hand. Lunch was taken in a seafront fish restaurant that specialised in catches straight off the fishing boats, where I had tender hake in a herby crust and Andrew plumped for a huge piece of dogfish with creamy mash and green beans. The restaurant also boasted “the biggest desserts in Bognor”, so (of course) Andrew ordered the largest sundaes they offered, which came out in mixing bowl-sized glass dishes. I gave up half-way, full to bursting; Andrew devoured all of his, and naturally finished mine too, resulting in a smattering of applause from both staff and regular customers. Before we left, Andrew was presented with a 5XL t-shirt by the Manager, printed with the logo “Only the biggest will do”. Andrew was both pleased and slightly embarrassed; I just grinned, and visualised an even larger Andrew struggling to pull the t-shirt down over his vast belly… which would no doubt happen sooner rather than later!

The afternoon was once again spent lazing on the beach in deckchairs, this time wearing our new swimwear. I left Andrew smoking a cigar and reading the newspaper while I went for a cooling dip in the sea, and was delighted to have my tubby love towel me off when I returned. 

At 6pm we packed up and headed back to the car, both feeling relaxed and very happy. 

Andrew kept touching my leg, or my knee, or my hand, throughout the drive home - almost as if he was convincing himself that I was really there beside him.



Strawberry Milkshake

Quite nice! Hope that bartender gets someone in his life to help him get as big as Andy

Carl Quaif

I can imagine that his encounter with Andy might well have sparked a desire to grow a little more….😉


Oh those are some hunky chunks.


I an loving him also getting fat


Every time I read this I immediately was looking forward to the next part and illustration