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With the release of 'SPOILED 2: The Island' coming later this year, I've begun refamiliarising myself with sketching Arthur Sweet and Manni Dey. 

A bit like when I went back to Max and Roy, it can take me a little while to get back into the swing of drawing previous characters again. Arthur and Manni actually took a while to get right, with me constantly going back to the previous SPOILED artwork for reference. 

Here I've got them bare, obviously, but also in their "travel" outfits, which I'll say no more about just yet. I've given them both a bit of a re-style when it comes to their hair, trimmed off Manni's grizzly stubble-beard, and I've tried to keep them both generally around the same size they were by the end of the first SPOILED.

'SPOILED 2: The Island' takes place one month after the events of the first story, and I'll be posting a little catch-up refresher thing before the sequel goes out, to help get readers back up to speed, since this is a direct sequel.




Looking forward to it! I enjoy the world you created and the fun ideas. Bonus seeing more of the grumpy sexy Arthur 😁🥰


Definitely looking forward to sharing more of Grumpy Sexy Arthur’s adventures haha

Mike Dean

Those drawings are a good teaser for part 2! And I’d give a lot to look like Arthur 😁