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Hey guys, just a quick note here to say that because my art book - titled Heavy Workload - will be releasing later this month, I’m now at the point of adding credits. Those of you in Titan Tier may know that one perk of that tier is to have your name in the credits of the book. To avoid releasing personal information that some folks may not wish to reveal in such a book, I’ve shortened real names down to Forename + Initial (so Luke Lawley would be Luke L, to use a made-up example). Any usernames that aren’t real names will of course stay as they are. 

If anyone in Titan Tier wishes not to be mentioned in the credits at all, please let me know via DM, and on the flip side if anyone is perfectly happy to have their full name in the credits, likewise let me know via DM. 



Looking forward to it! Please let us know when it is ready for purchase. I definitely want to get one.


I will do! At the moment it’s looking like maybe in a week or two’s time, but I will make an announcement here and on my social medias once it’s available. It will be a digital book on my Gumroad store, and alongside the 28 big men there is also a large section of unused sketches and ideas.


I can’t wait for it to come out!


Is this digital download only or is there going to be a physical copy?