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"I dunno how you fit through the doors anymore, let alone sit in chairs. Good job we had your sofas and beds reinforced, eh huge guy? You’re basically a walking mountain these days. I know it’s gotta feel stupidly heavy for ya, and it comes with a lot of sweating and huffing, but Jesus just look at you - strong as they come. Arms like nobody’s business. It’s enough to make me insanely proud, I hope you know that.

Just keep that in mind when you have your moments of feeling like you’ve gone too far, that you’re too big: You’re making me proud.

And to prove it to you, I’m gonna reward you when you hit that 700 pound milestone; I’m gonna take you away somewhere sunny, somewhere by the sea for a whole month where you’ll spend every day just eating and eating. I’ll take you to the kind of place where they just keep on bringing more food out every time I tell ‘em that you ain’t had enough yet. And you know what? If you’re really good, I’ll make it two months. Just think how much heavier we can get you, and how much prouder you can make me…"

NOTE: A lightly-animated version of this whole story (all six parts) exists for Titan Tier HERE.




I love how thick his thighs are. Always great to some thick thighs!

Strawberry Milkshake

Goals honestly. Looks amazing at that weight. Love that even this isn’t enough for him