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Hey everyone, now that SPOILED has concluded, it will soon be time for the next story to commence - the sequel to Max & Roy. So with that in mind, I thought I would make this little refresher post to recap over the original story and prep you for the sequel. Of course the original 16-parts can still be found by clicking the 'Max & Roy' tag, or clicking HERE

The original story is as follows:

Max Morgan is a slim, successful business CEO in his fifties. What he lacks, however, is someone to love. 

Cue Roy - a hugely beefy hunk in his thirties who starts work at MorganCorp and immediately becomes the talk of the company. From the moment Max lays eyes on Roy, he’s smitten. It’s an instant attraction. 

There’s just one a catch: Roy likes big-bellied men, and has already secured a date with one.

Max decides he’s going to do everything in his power to gain weight and win Roy’s heart before he’s off the market completely. Max stuffs himself stupid, going up suit sizes and turning his slim frame into flab.

It’s not enough. Max is gaining weight but things are getting serious with Roy and the guy he’s dating, Derek. 

Max doubles down. He eats more. He gets even fatter. He’s a man obsessed. And then a breakthrough! Well, actually two. Not only does word spread that Roy is single again, but in passing he gives Max’s bloated tummy a hearty pat.

This is all the encouragement Max needs. He’s on the right path. All he has to do is keep getting fatter, keep growing his belly bigger.

A hopeful sign comes in Roy’s offer of after-work coffee. Is it a date? Max can hardly believe it, but pretty soon the two of them are out in town, drinking and eating. Max has a magical time.

But for reasons he can’t understand, Roy becomes distant after that. Did Max do something wrong? He’s confused and upset by this development. 

Time passes, Max has continued to gain weight, mostly because he’s started enjoying it now. He’s doing his best to put the bad date or whatever it was behind him and leave Roy alone. 

Then Roy finds him in the elevator after hours, and makes to apologise for his behaviour. Max takes him up to the roof of MorganCorp where he tells Roy of his own past - Max is a divorcee.

Roy kisses him.

But it doesn’t stop there. They go back to Roy’s apartment and make love in the shower, then embrace all night long. Max’s dream has come true. 

The next morning Roy makes Max the biggest breakfast he’s ever seen. And the rest of the day is spent filling Max up and up. It’s hot as hell but just as uncomfortable!

And that’s settled. They’re dating now. A blossoming office romance takes place in not-so-secret. Roy likes doing things like leaving cake on Max’s desk. Max feels he can ease up on the overeating now. He’s big like Roy wants. Everyone’s happy. 

A trip to Hawaii for work turns into a more forceful feeding session; a first for Max but he can’t deny it’s pretty hot, and Roy sure is enjoying himself. 

Upon returning to the office Max begins receiving anonymous calls warning him to be careful. All the while Roy is still enjoying feeding Max and getting him to eat larger quantities. Max goes along with this because he’s besotted. 

But when Max tracks down the source of the anonymous calls he discovers it’s Derek, who warns Max that Roy likes to feed and feed and feed. He likes gainers. 

Until now Max had never heard of a gainer. He didn’t realise that that’s what was happening here, at least not in so many terms. 

The resulting confusion turns into an awkward chat with Roy, which in turn becomes an explosive argument. Does Roy only want him for his belly? Does he expect Max to just keep getting fatter and fatter? When will it be enough?

Max storms out. 

He and Roy split up.

A year passes, during which Roy falls into something of a depression. He quits his job at MorganCorp and the photography classes he was taking. Max won’t see him. He grows a beard. And it seems like the time has come for him to move away.

But then a text appears. It’s from Max. 

They agree to meet again, and when Roy shows up he sees that Max has gotten huge! He looks amazing. But there’s much to talk about. A stilted ex-lover’s chat ensues in which Max explains how he’s still enjoying gaining - but he has realised it means nothing without Roy - and ends with a hand-holding walk along the evening streets. Roy tells Max he loves him. 

And from there the true romance unfurls. Max and Roy are in love, both on the same page when it comes to gaining. Max wants this. He loves Roy feeding and growing him and can fully embrace that now, no longer confused or scared of the unknown. 

He tells Roy he wants them to live together. 

Max’s house is his old marital home so they decide to find a new house together. Somewhere that is just theirs. After a rather draining search, they find the one: A rustic home of glass and timber situated in the woods outside the city, overlooking its own lake. 

Max and Roy move in, and after a housewarming stuffing session Roy finds Max out on the lake…

… where gets down on one knee and asks Max to marry him. 

Max says yes.




I am soooo ready for this wonderful love story/ good feel series to continue. It has been a hot minute for these two beautiful men.


I kinda hope he’s gotten fatter and continues to get fatter


Eeeeeee! I love that there's going to be a sequel to this, and maybe someway Dadbod as well. :)


Loved that story! So excited to revisit it!


I can’t wait to start posting the sequel to this 👍🏻


...honestly Immobility would be cute IMO. Have him sit back enjoy his retirement or something lol