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"Detective Arthur Sweet slumped over the table of the greasy spoon cafe, plowing into his bacon sandwich between thick slurps of coffee, letting his fat forefinger trace the spread of documents before him; a statement taken recently by one of the nightshift constables and swiftly dismissed. Sweet was considering ordering a second bacon sandwich, the better to satiate his rather expansive belly as it pressed into the formica tabletop, straining his old button-up. He brushed breadcrumbs from his moustache.

Another sandwich and more coffee were indeed in order. 

‘They told me I’d find you here.’ A voice came from the end of the table."




Oh Christ! Detective Sweet marry me lol 🥰🥰🥰. He is such a knockout already. Lokitu you got my number with these hot mustache bearing men you dream up.


I’m hoping there’ll be something for everyone with this story

A Person

Is this a Devil story?


It’s in that universe, though different from the previous stories, with some connective tissue.

Carl Quaif

Arthur is...wow. Simply gorgeous! There are times, Lokitu, that I think you've telepathically rifled through my deepest subconscious desires for material...and this is one of those. Yum yum! <3