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‘Dicky, I’m pregnant!’

‘... Wait, what?’

Paula had literally just walked right into Midtown Maps while I was behind the counter, and this was the first thing she said. 

‘Oh my God. Oh my God! That’s amazing! Congratulations!’ I stepped around the counter and gave her a huge bear hug.

‘Ugh! I’ve missed you so much,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry I’ve been such a garbage friend lately. It’s just with work, and Lance - Oh did I tell you I got a promotion? I’m the manager of the fruit stand now, haha.’

‘Damn, you’re full of surprises today!’

She hugged me again. I felt a wealth of sincerity in it. I’d missed Paula too. And though I felt I could understand her reasons, I couldn’t deny I’d gone through a couple of tough times without her of late. 

‘Tell me everything,’ I said, leaning back on the counter in the otherwise empty store. The only customers we’d had that morning came in to inquire about the bear carving. I was gonna have to get making real soon. The list was piling up. 

‘Can I just say, you look really well, Rich.’ And she glanced down at my big belly.

‘You mean fat, haha.’

‘I mean well. Like, settled. Has... Has something happened?’

I’d seen so little of Paula recently, there’d been no time to mention Yoichi to her. 

‘Actually yeah,’ I said. ‘I, uh, I might be seeing someone. I don’t know for sure yet. But I wanna hear all about you! How long have you been pregnant? I wanna hear it all.’

I made coffees for the both of us out the back and we caught up while I manned the store. She wasn’t too far along, but enough that she felt she could start telling people. Lance, apparently, was excited but nervous. They both were. Man, it was just so good to see my best friend again. She looked happy. 

Then I told her all about how Yoichi had been the sender of the mystery muffin parcel, and gave her a rundown of things, leaving out the more... weight-gainy parts, including the beach liaison. I also told her about our encounter at the abandoned stadium a little while back. How it had been... cathartic, I guess you could say. 

‘Jeez, Rich, you’ve been on some adventures!

‘I guess I have, haha!’

We spent the better part of an hour, just talking crap like we always used to. She wanted to know all about Yoichi, which made me realize two things: One; there was still so much to learn about that beautiful ginormous man, and Two; I’d never really asked about Lance. I felt kinda bad about that. When she finally hugged me goodbye and left Midtown Maps, I resolved to do better, on both counts. 

Paula was pregnant. Wow. 

Things were really changing...

‘You know I can see you on the camera, chit-chatting with your little friend.’ Mrs Cassidy emerged from the back of the store, giving me a heart attack.

‘Oh! Uh, sorry Mrs C.’


Since that rainy night in the stadium, me and Yoichi had met a few times. I think he interpreted my - Outpouring? Meltdown? Whatever it was - as a sign that I needed to take things slow, and to be honest I think he was right. Mostly we had met for lunchtimes or post-work dinner, as he continued to expand my gastronomical horizons, taking me to all kinds of weird and wonderful eateries around Cresthaven that I’d somehow missed before (turns out CheeseLand was amazing; who knew?). He liked to encourage me to eat my fill, and then keep going, and going some more. It wasn’t uncommon for me to have difficulty standing afterwards, and I think he enjoyed helping me up as I huffed and puffed through my stuffed diaphragm. 

And the weight was coming on thick and fast. Since Yoichi had entered the picture I’d practically ballooned! My belly was turning into a blimp. He loved it, and so did I. One time he helped me try on bigger shirts and we both got so worked up we started making out and fooling around in the change-room, haha.

As a result, that made tonight kind of a special night, as we were celebrating me hitting the 350 pound mark. I’d agreed to meet him at his place across town - the first time I’d ever been there. Actually, it was the first time I’d ever gone to a guy’s house at all, and it was giving me butterflies in my big, fat, expanded stomach. 

A charcoal-colored tram headed south-west across town took me practically to Yoichi’s doorstep. His was a modest sized duplex real close to the seafront. I bet he had even better views than my humble little apartment! I don’t know why my nerves persisted after I knocked on the door, we’d spent enough time together by now. 

‘Hey you,’ he beamed upon answering the door. Even now, his handsomeness still took my breath away. 

‘Hey big guy,’ I said, going in for a huge hug and a long, sweet kiss. God, he felt so good to hold. 

‘Come on up.’ He led me through a short hall where I briefly took note of a little open cupboard with two photographs and a candle inside, and led me up a short flight of stairs (still enough for me to catch my breath some - which was becoming something of a regular occurrence over time). Something about him was... different.

‘You’re not wearing your hat!’ I exclaimed, probably with too much energy. Truth was I’d been wondering what was under there for ages. My main theory had been a bald spot, not that it would have mattered one bit to me.

‘Oh, haha. Yeah,’ he smiled, ruffling his perfectly jet black hair. ‘I’ve got like this tuft that always sticks right up on top, and I hate it, haha.’

I thought it looked cute as hell, actually. 

‘I’ve tried all these gels and everything,’ he continued. ‘It just always sticks up.’

‘What, you mean you’re not perfect?’ I joked. ‘Well, that’s it, I’m calling off the wedding.’

God, I hoped he saw the humor in that. 

But his beautiful belly-laugh told me all I needed to know, and sent shivers down my spine. He led me into an ample-sized kitchen that smelled of warm, carby baked goods. There was a view of the nearby harbour, all the yuppie rich folks’ boats moored nearby.

‘This is a great place you’ve got here,’ I remarked, taking it in. Everything looked so homely and lived-in. 

‘Oh, thanks… yeah. Hey, you want something to drink? Tea or coffee or soda?’

Tea sounded great, and I gave him a little squeeze from behind as he made it, letting my now very large belly press against the small of his back while I pressed my lips against the nape of his thick neck once or twice. 

‘That feels really nice,’ he said softly. 

‘Which part? The kisses or my belly smushing into your back?’

‘Both. It’s like a big solid dadbod pressing into me.’

I bristled for a microsecond, freezing. Of course Yoichi couldn’t have known that this was eerily similar to what Angel had told me while we rode his Suzuki that time, but it was hard to shake off the unwanted deja vu for a sec there. 

‘Uh, hey, where’s your milk?’ I asked, attempting casual. 

‘In the fridge door, bottom shelf,’ he replied, stirring the teabags. I don’t think he noticed my moment of pause, thankfully. 

‘Woah, look at all these,’ I said of his refrigerator, adorned as it was with a ton of anime stickers. 

‘Oh, yeah, haha,’ he replied. ‘I love stickers.’

Another adorable thing about Yoichi to add to the list. 

‘What’s this one? He’s like a little blue cat robot.’

‘Oh, that’s Doraemon. He’s one of my favorites!’

‘Where are his ears?’

‘I don’t know, haha!’

I laughed too, and took out the milk, noting how well-stocked the fridge was. 

‘So did you grow up in Japan, watching all these cartoons?’ I asked him.

He took the milk and gave me a smile which might’ve contained a trace of something I couldn’t quite read. ‘Uh, yeah, I grew up just outside Kyoto and came here when I was like ten. That’s why I’ve still kinda got my accent a little bit, heh.’

‘I love your accent, by the way! So are your folks back in Japan, or-‘

‘I thought maybe we could bake a cake together,’ he suddenly piped up. ‘What do you think? Would you be cool with that? I thought it could be a fun thing for us to do.’

‘Oh, sure, yeah!’ I replied, just going along with the hard pivot. That did indeed sound like a lot of fun, actually. ‘Can I lick the spoon?’

‘Absolutely,’ he laughed. ‘It’s gonna be hard not to just feed you the raw batter…’

‘Oh yeah?’ I drew closer to him as he finished making our teas, and placed my hands on his ridiculous biceps. They felt like bowling balls, but bigger.

‘It’s very fattening, you know,’ he smiled. 

‘Mmm, tell me more...’

We kissed again. 

‘There’s lots of... sugar and... butter...’

‘Yeah?’ I breathed. 

He slid a chunky hand beneath my shirt and began to caress my hairy, ginger belly.

‘You’ll get bigger... rounder... fatter...’

I held him against me, he felt like a tank, and kissed him with all the passion in my body, feeling his hands work all over my expanding form. I was addicted to this man - this hulking beautiful man. 

‘Okay,’ I whispered. ‘What do we need?’

We very nearly didn’t make the cake at all. It was hit or miss for a while there, whether we were gonna skip the baking and jump straight into bed. But I figured he’d planned this all out and I didn’t wanna come along and trample his plans like a big oaf. 

So we started on making a Japanese Sponge Cake. I helped as much as I could, but I never was much use in a kitchen (I knew I was gonna have to do something about that the longer I lived by myself), plus Yoichi was like this Master Baker, so it was destined to be kinda one-sided from the start. But he was sweet and kind and understanding every time I screwed it up. And there were many screw ups on my part. He put on some music and we danced around a little as he fed me the raw, delicious cake mix with his thick finger. I could have done this all day, every day, to be honest. It was like heaven, just being here with him, just being together. 

And he wants me even fatter! I still can't believe it...

‘Okay, we do actually need some batter left to cake the bake,’ he laughed. ‘I mean bake the cake, sorry. I get my words mixed up sometimes when I’m nervous.’

How in the heck this flawless human being could ever be nervous around a schmuck like me was one of life’s great mysteries. Despite everything he told me (on a regular basis), I still didn’t view myself as being anywhere near his league. Hell, we weren’t even in the same sport.

At one point I just stood back, covered in flour, and watched him work. His biceps tightened as he mixed the bowl so expertly, delicate, efficient and perfect. It was mesmerizing to behold. I felt a surge in my heart just witnessing him in his element. 

Of course, a while later, the cake turned out excellent. He produced it from the oven, warm, sweet-smelling and without a single fault. I couldn’t wait to taste it. 

‘We did it,’ he beamed emphatically. 

‘You did all the work,’ I said. ‘I was... present, haha.’

He gave my belly a tender pat, and kissed my round bearded cheek. 

‘How about we get this stuffed into you?’ he asked. 

But instead of feeding me there and then, he took the cake on its wide plate and left the kitchen, nodding for me to follow. We passed through the upper hall of his duplex and I took in the handsome home; all a good size, befitting such a mammoth man. Though one door remained closed. Yoichi led me to his bedroom; modestly sized for the master, I thought. A large framed poster for the movie ‘Akira’ dominated one wall; some badass-looking dude on a red bike.

‘That’s my favorite movie, haha,’ Yoichi told me, then patted the bed, meaning for me to sit there. I happily obliged. 

‘That smells amazing,’ I told him, getting comfy and propping myself up. He stood beside me, cake aloft. 

‘I hope you like it,’ he said. 

‘You made it. Of course I’ll like it.’

He gave such a sincere smile, and then carefully took a slice and brought it to my willing mouth.

Instantly the light, spongy, creamy textures and flavors filled my palate. It tasted incredible, as I knew it would. 

‘Mmmf, so good,’ I told him. Instinctively I wanted to start unbuttoning my shirt. 

Yoichi held the cake to my lips again, and I took it in eagerness, letting my big belly bulge free and unclothed. I curled my large hand around his enormous bicep as he fed me the first slice. 

My cheeks were filling up, ginger beard warping out into little spheres. Yoichi deftly heaved his bulk onto the bed, straddling my legs and not spilling a single crumb, and brought the next slice to my lips. The both of us were clearly aroused now. 

‘You like it?’ he breathed. 

‘I love it.’

‘You want more?’

‘Mmyes please...’

He placed the plate beside me and started feeding me the delicious cake with one hand, caressing my expanding gut with the other. 

‘You’re so beautiful,’ he said, ensuring every morsel in his hand was safely deposited into my ballooning cheeks. 

‘Thassyou,’ I replied, in ecstasy. 

‘The bigger your belly gets, the more handsome you get.’

‘You really thinkso?’

‘Don’t you?’ He suddenly flushed a little. ‘I don’t mean - I mean, even if you stayed this size, you’d still be so handsome. I didn’t mean to...’

I laughed with an ungainly mouthful of cake. ‘Dontchoo worry, you hugessexy man. I knew ezzactly whayou meant. Anni wannit too. So badly.’

He gently pushed more cake into my mouth, wiping crumbs from my beard and feeding them back to me while I moaned in pleasure. 

‘I just think your belly is so amazing, I’d love for it to get a whole lot bigger,’ he said. 

‘Anni wanyou to bethewun to dothat t’me,’ I told him. There was some vulnerability there, I knew. I was opening up this deeply personal side of me, but my time with Yoichi so far had only shown me what a wonderful, respectful, beautiful man he was. I could see myself growing enormous for him, if I was being honest. 

‘Open up for me again, handsome,’ he said. ‘More.’

I gladly devoured, feeling full but enjoyably so. I couldn’t help playing with my hard-on while more and more cake came my way. This was rapturous. 

‘Iwanna grownormous foryoo,’ I admitted. 

He leaned down and kissed my grossly swollen reddened cheeks, then my fat neck and burgeoning double-chin. 

‘I would love that,’ he breathed into my ear, sending tremors through me. 

Still eating, I did my best to start lifting his shirt, which he finished off, exposing that gargantuan body of his. I’d honestly never seen a man so big in my life. I couldn’t believe he wanted to be with me, let alone feed me fatter! 

After I’d swallowed down about two thirds of the Japanese Sponge Cake, we started making out, hard. I stripped the rest of my clothes off, belly packed full and solid and warm, and he got completely naked. His penis stuck straight up, somewhat skewering the bottom of his perfectly firm ball-gut. 

After a little awkward fumbling through the bedside drawers and some nervous laughter from the both of us, he was sheathed safely and entering me while I lay back, just propped up enough to resume eating the final third of the sponge. 

As I bit down on the sumptuous slice, Yoichi began a gentle rhythm inside me. The combination of sensations was... It was overwhelming, sweetly painful, incredible. I’d never felt anything like this in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I’d had sex before but this was... This was on another scale. I never wanted it to end! 

‘Is this... okay...?’ he panted, gaining momentum. 

‘Don’t stop,’ I heaved back. ‘Please... more...’

He took the remaining piece of cake and pushed it between my cheeks with just the right amount of force. 

My penis erupted instantly, all up my massively distended red-haired ball-belly. I hadn’t even touched it.

‘Ohhhh... God...’

Soon after, I felt him follow suit inside of me; a sensation I’d never experienced before. It was more of the pleasure/pain, amplified. It felt so hot.

At last I slumped back, coated in sweat with an extremely tight and engorged stomach. It felt fit to burst. 

Yoichi let out a shuddering sigh with a trace of mirth to it, and laid his bulk down beside me. 

‘I’ll... clean up... in a minute...,’ he huffed. ‘Are you okay?’ And he cupped my face in his meaty hand.

‘More than... okay...,’ I panted. ‘That was... amazing...’

He reached over and kissed me for a very, very long time. 

There was a skylight in Youchi’s bedroom, directly above the bed. After we cleaned off, we just laid there looking up through the glass, watching the stars pinprick through the night’s veil one by one. You could hear the ocean from here. Neither one of us spoke for some time, and you know what? It felt so comfortable. Paula always told me that was the sign of a good fit; when you could both be in total silence together without a care in the world. I wanted Yoichi to ‘fit’ me, more than anything.

‘Hey, your phone just lit up,’ he said, noting its glow in the darkness next to us on the dresser. 

I took a quick look. I’d left it on silent all day. 

‘It’s a missed call from my Dad,’ I said, replacing the phone. 

‘Do you need to call him back?’

‘I can do it tomorrow, he’s probably gone to bed now.’

Truth was, I’d spoken to my parents very little since moving to Cresthaven. They rarely called, I rarely reciprocated, and I was okay with that.

‘What about your folks? Do you get to talk to them much?’ I asked. 

Yoichi said nothing in response. I heard him take a couple long, deep breaths, though. I started to feel I’d knocked at a door I shouldn’t have. Maybe they didn’t get along so hot. We’d have that in common, at least. 

Eventually he said, ‘You, uh, maybe you saw the photographs downstairs...’

I had. The little cupboard with the pictures and the candle and... 


I suddenly felt like an ass.

‘So, that’s like a little Shinto shrine,’ he continued. 

I got it. I’d been an idiot for not getting it sooner. 

‘Ohhhh, I’m so sorry,’ I said, not knowing the right words to say. 

‘It was, um, six years ago,’ he said quietly. 

I’d just bumbled straight into this like a thoughtless moron. 

‘So around the time that the old stadium was hit by the stor... Oh...’

Yoichi sighed. 

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘They - We were hit by that storm. We were in the car, and the wind just...’ He made a hand motion, like something sailing, ‘... The car got flipped over - we weren’t the only ones - It said in the papers we flipped like seven times... and I don’t remember much after that. When I woke up, I was in a hospital and...’

I waited for a moment but he left the words there. 

‘I understand,’ I told him, wondering if it was okay to take his hand. 

‘Coming to America was their dream. Mom and Dad worked their asses off to start up the Sun Bakery from nothing. I helped as much as I could but then... when they were gone...’

I looked over to him, saw the stars reflected in his eyes. 

‘It was all up to you,’ I guessed. 

He nodded. 

I decided I would take his hand. I gently squeezed and he seemed okay with that. 

‘That’s why I - I wanted to show you…,’ he started. 

‘Ohhhh God,’ I replied, my heart sinking further, crumpling in on itself. ‘The stadium. You were gonna tell me the whole story?’

Again he nodded. 

God, I felt like a prized ass!

‘And instead I went on a rant about my insecurities and made it all about me,’ I said, wanting to curl up and die. ‘Oh God, I’m so sorry, Yoichi. Damn, I am so sorry!’

‘It’s okay, you didn’t know. And you opened up your heart to me in a different way.’

‘No, but I was a jackass. I should’ve let you speak. I didn’t realize-‘

‘It’s okay, honestly.’

‘God, I am so sorry.’

I turned on the bed and he did the same and we held one another under the constellations. 

He’d shown me a deep wound in his soul. And though I had my own in Bobby, this wasn’t the time. This was Yoichi’s moment. I wasn’t going to trample on that again.

‘They would be so proud of you,’ I told him softly. 

‘Thank you,’ he sniffed. 

I looked back up to the night, adorned in twinkling jewels. ‘In fact, I know they are.’



Carl Quaif

Beautiful, just beautiful....and also highly erotic, particularly the cake-feeding scene. I get the feeling this may be a real turning point for Richard; rather than feeling unworthy and untrusting of love, he's now discovered that someone he loves is just as vulnerable, just as damaged in his own way, as Richard himself is - and I think I detect a trace of protectiveness towards Yoichi in those last sentences. This could become a true partnership between them. Lovely writing! And thank you, Lokitu, for giving us more of Yoichi's story. xx


I want some of the cake! 😍


Vulnerability was a big factor to this chapter. And it was time for us to get to know Yoichi too. Thank you for your lovely words :)


I have been stuffed with the feels. And I am fit to burst. 🥰

Mike Dean

What a beautiful story!


I would like to see more drawings of Yoichi please. I like the way this story is developing.


I'm planning on including some more development sketches for him in the next Dadbod Sketches post


Can it be November now? I can't wait for more of this story...I wouldnt mind some cake either.