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"He used to lift in college, but since meeting his hubby, The Dad might have put on a few pounds, maybe gotten a bit of a dadbod, you know? Then he became a father, and might’ve picked up a couple more pounds along the way. His husband says he likes to hold onto The Dad’s lovehandles, so it all worked out pretty well in the end! Plus, his dad-jokes and grilling skills have gone through the roof. Don’t you know he’s grilled to meet you? You want another Burger On The More-ient Express? Well join the barbe-queue, kiddo. Wait, where are you going? Don’t you roll your eyes, young man!"

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution)




Such an ass-pirational dad! This here is dad/ body goals


With such a dad grilling I'm afraid I'll be in the queue quite frequently.

Carl Quaif

I’m in love...and I relate strongly to this handsome man! I’m already known for Dad Jokes (although, not being a father myself, does that make me a Faux Pa?), and with the right partner I’d happily work hard on looking just like him after a year or three.... Every new entry just makes me anticipate the book all the more, Lokitu! 💕

Roderick Thomas

This may be my favorite in the series, so far.