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Hello wonderful people,

Now that The Baron is finished, I'm getting asks about the next story. So here's what's coming up on the schedule:

The next story will be called Dadbod, and is a kind of coming-of-age gainer story, and won't be as... doomed as The Baron was, haha. I'm in the process of drafting the whole thing right now. The format of the story is going to be similar to Jackson (but regular and scheduled), because that will give me more time to work on...

The Art Book. This thing I've harped on about for way too long now. I've made a good start on it, and my plan is to show the artwork and pages on here for you guys alongside Dadbod. In keeping with the set-up of this Patreon, Lifter Tier will get two-tone previews of the Art Book, and PowerLifter Tier will get full colour as well as sketches. My aim with the book is to show off big men in all kinds of roles and jobs (ie. Rugby Player, Businessman, Builder, Doctor etc) with a little write-up to accompany each illustration. I just want to show how handsome and sexy bigger men are across all walks of life, and celebrate that. I'm aiming to start posting previews of the Art Book soon - so this will all make sense then! (Also, it will be e-book format at first, then I may look at physical print versions if there's enough demand for that).

As always, there are a lot more commissions to come, more FATPOP, more of everything (and one day I'll make this inflation comic too).

Huge thank you to all of you for your continued support. You're the best community a fat-dad-bellied-artist could want :)

Love to you all,



Carl Quaif

We love you too, Lokitu. You never let us down! <3<3<3

Blake Helsif

Wow, this peeks my interests


Can't wait! 🥰


So are there going to be more Devil stories?


I have something planned for after Dadbod, for within the DWTD universe. Devil-adjacent, you might say. But it won't be for a while as the above plans are my current focus now.