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Jackson came to in a daze, heart pounding, sweat beading on his face. The feeding tube was still in his mouth pumping calories down his throat, but something was... off. 

He couldn't feel, well, anything. Nothing at all. It was like he was floating aimlessly in space. He blinked his eyes, staring out into the room. “How long have I been asleep?” he thought.

Jackson's eyes slowly focused on the opposite wall. He was in an airport hanger, or so he thought. It was much larger than the previous room anyway; tall with a type of hanging computer screen. Struggling against the bulging folds in his neck he turned his head to examine his right hand.

It was still chained, nothing new there, but he felt a burning sensation at the tip of his index finger. Just the tip at first, but over the next few minutes the tingling enveloped his whole hand. Elated at getting feeling back, Jackson closed his palm, touching his bloated fingers together. 

It hit him all at once, all the hundreds of pounds pumped into him, all the weeks of endless eating.

Jackson’s breathing quickened and his eyes darted rapidly around the room as the sheer weight overloaded his senses. Never had he felt this way before. He took a few rapid breaths. Each exhale sending his rolls of fat jiggling down his front. 

He started to feel pain in his legs as if they were being bent backwards. Searching for the cause, Jackson found his field of vision blocked. His enormous belly had completely filled his lap and spilled over his sides. If he could actually look down he would have seen that his thighs had swelled up and were being pushed apart by his growing gut. He was almost doing permanent splits.

As Jackson struggled to wrap his mind around his overwhelming weight, he heard the speaker call him by name.

‘Athlete Jackson! Welcome to your new training facility. We hope you enjoy your stay. Your next race is only 2 months away so we need to double your daily intake!’

“Race? What do you mean? Look at me! I can't even…” Jackson’s train of thought was interrupted by a sweet flavor flooding his mouth. “Wait, no!” he thought. “No more... I need to think of a way out of here…”

His mind dulled, his head went limp and he submitted to the feeding. 






That's a fat boy!!!

Willie J

Truly enormous. Well done with this artwork


Also that is the only way to make a fat man do the splits! You have done a fantastic job!