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‘Mmmmph! (gulp) No, no more… mmmph!’
Jackson swallowed yet another mouthful. The animal feed was thick and  starchy. It tickled his throat on the way down and settled in his  stomach, bulging it out further. It lacked flavor, and the texture was  awful, yet something about it made him want more....
He tried to think of ways to escape but after each swallow his train of  thought was interrupted by Finley's hands packing more into his mouth.  And this had been repeated again and again for days...

‘Look at you,’ Finley smiled as he held up two handfuls of feed.  ‘Just under a week of training and I think you're finally getting the  rhythm down. I knew you could pick up this "exercise" technique quickly.  But at this rate you still won't finish in time…
So I think it's time to introduce you to the Glutton! Custom-made, and  guaranteed to get you into peak athletic condition. I know you two will  work well together.’
Finley gestured to a spot on the wall behind him.

Jackson strained his eyes in the dim light until he made out a  thick metal shape. It was a chair unlike any he had seen before. For  one, the seat could have held two, even three people. There were  restraints on the armrests, and by the floor two more on the legs. What  truly scared Jackson was the immense canisters suspended around the  chair; thick tubing leading from each to what looked like a scuba mask.

Spitting out the food in his mouth, Jackson desperately tried to form a sentence,
‘Ugg… stop! Let... me...’

But Finley was ready, and yet another handful of feed was packed into Jacksons mouth...
‘Now we cant have that! As your trainer, it is my duty to transform your  physique myself, to mold it into peak shape for competition... Speaking  simply wastes calories.’




Woof! Really love this <3 So glad you're taking some time to explore the beginners gains as well! Love it!


Can’t wait for the next part!!