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"Damn it! He won again! Every single time! All our plans have failed.
No matter how many coaches we bribe, or rival athletes we sponsor, he keeps on winning!
 What am I paying you all for!? I want new ideas! Jackson just qualified  for the Olympics next year and we need to stop him now"!

 Finley stopped to catch his breath. He was red-faced and angry, with  sweat beading up and dripping down his neck. He stared out at his staff,  each avoided eye contact and seemed to sink into their chairs.
Failed plans, that's all he’d had for months now; each one seemed promising and yet Jackson had beaten them all.
Finley felt the rage swell back up inside him.

"There he is, yet again, taking the top spot that rightfully belongs to me!
I should be qualifying for the Olympics, not him!
If it wasn't for what Jackson did to me, I'd be the one running there!”

 Finley put his hand on his side, steadying himself. He was getting  dizzy from all this yelling. He knew that he could never come close to  the Olympics. Not now, with all the weight he'd put on after getting  injured.
Someone like me would probably collapse if they tried to  run a marathon, he thought. There's no way I could get past the first  mile.

With that depressive thought, an idea popped into his head, and a smile crept across his face. He looked back at his employees.

 “Alright then, let's see what we can do, taking this in a different  direction. Marty, call Mabel Farms; see if they can send us 10 tons of  their thickest animal feed. The rest of you, it's time to bring Jackson,  into the organization.”



Mysteries of Me

I'm quite excited to see this one unfold