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Mysteries of Me

Two days in and he's already nearly 100 lbs heavier. He's definitely not the brightest bulb, seeing he just assumes it'll stop when he's the size he wants to be. It's seems while his body has been growing his personality still needs to. Seeing his gain doubled from yesterday, perhaps tomorrow when he's over 300 lbs, he'll start reflecting on himself?


This is getting really good. Can’t wait to see how big he’s going to be by the end of the story.

Kyle Stein

Hi, love the illustrations! I can’t read the text though. It’s blurry.

Willie J

If you go on the patreon site via browser, you’ll see the text clearly. It comes blurry on the app for some reason.


Your writing and illustrations are perhaps what I enjoy the most!


Looking forward to see this jerk get served his just desserts 🤩


Alex is a complete asshole. Cannot wait to see what the 'demon' has in store for him. What an asswipe!