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Always worth the wait. Wonderful story telling!


Finally hearing it from Roy's perspective as it was predominantly Max's point if view. As an encourager I can relate to Roy's situation and appreciate the subtle changes in him too through this journey. Love that you gave him a beard. Suits him very nicely.

Cal Oakley

I really hope Max and Roy get back together and they both get fatter together. I really hope Max realizes he is really a gainer.

Carl Quaif

Wow. I love the clear differences between Roy's headvoice and Max's, as well as the insecurities. We look at other people and are convinced they've got their lives and their heads together, that we're the only ones filled with self-doubt and turmoil; but deep down inside, we're all very similar. Thank you for this entry, as for the first time I can truly relate to Roy as a person, not just as Max's crush/love-interest. Lovely...and a good cliffhanger, there!