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"He tried to look to the doctor, or even to the guard, for help, for answers, anything! But Lucas’s head was firmly pinioned in place. All he could do was keep eating. It was quite literally impossible to do anything else.

‘Thaaaat’s it, lad, hoh hoh,’ the doctor chuckled and gave Lucas’s average midriff a pat. ‘That’s it. You eat your fill now.’"

Here's a little snippet from 'SPOILED 2' in which the hapless Lucas is strapped in for "treatment" by our doctor here.

TITAN Tier can read an expanded version of this scene HERE

How far will things go? Find out soon!

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution)




There's just something about doctors in fetish porn that excites me. A lot.


As hot as the protagonists and masters are (and boy are they) I got to pause and give some love to the guards. Lokitu you give the guards such bad ass hunky builds! I mean this guard is just stacked with cake and thick thighs! Keep pumping out these guards! Muscle and fat such a sexy combo!!!