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Hello all! What with the imminent release of 'SPOILED 2' (which will be titled 'SPOILED IN PARADISE'), I thought it would be a good idea to provide a recap on the events of the first story, to help everyone get back up to speed. The original 'SPOILED' was a gainer mystery / detective story with lots of forced feeding and serious weight gain, and its sequel will follow on from that.

Below I've provided a very short TLDR for those who just want the bare basics of the original story, and a more fleshed out Recap that covers most of the original story beats. Either are fine to prepare you for the sequel, though the Recap goes into more specifics. 

For those who would like to read the entire original 'SPOILED', you can find it HERE.


Detectives Arthur Sweet and Manni Dey attempt to rescue gainer Ben Townsend from a series of perilous situations in which he is force fed bigger and bigger by cruel masters of an organisation called The Rookery. The worst of these masters is a huge brute known as Mr Kingfisher. 

Along the way Detectives Sweet and Dey become romantically entangled. Dey bulks up bigger muscle. Sweet is forced fatter. 

They rescue Ben from Mr Kingfisher’s farm with the help of an insider called Law who tells of a Rookery stronghold known as The Island, where the detectives decide to go next, in order to take down the shadowy company. 


Ben Townsend is a fledgling gainer living in London. He’s made some modest gains by himself, but his life takes a huge turn after meeting a wealthy businessman known as Mr Wren. 

Mr Wren offers Ben a new life of luxury, fineries and a LOT of eating. He wants Ben to gain huge amounts of weight for him, and is willing to fund the entire thing. It’s the deal of a lifetime for any gainer. 

Of course Ben accepts. 

Pretty soon Ben is moved into a huge penthouse - his new home, with all the fattening food he could ever want, and even his own butler. Life is grand, and Ben spends his days relaxing, gorging, and growing, all with periodic (and often sexual) check-ins from Mr Wren. 

The first wrinkle, however, comes in the form of Terry, a hugely muscled and ballbellied handyman who comes to fix the penthouse lights, and on whom Ben instantly develops a serious crush. These feelings are reciprocated - something very much against Mr Wren’s house rules. 

The second wrinkle is even more serious: Ben begins to receive cryptic, anonymous text messages warning him that he is in danger and that all is not as it seems. 

Ben, very much enjoying his new life of luxury and fattening, not only ignores the anonymous warnings but continues to flirt with Terry the handyman, reaching the point of kissing and caressing. All under Mr Wren’s nose. 

Then one night Ben is driven to a secret location for something known as the Assessment. He is brought before a shadowy gathering of figures, stripped naked and forced to eat and eat until he can barely breathe. He is humiliated and made to feel like an object for the mysterious figures’ amusement. 

He realises Anon’s text messages were right all along: he is in real danger.


Parallel to Ben’s pampered gainerism venture, we follow a police detective named Arthur Sweet; grumpy, mustached and huge-bellied. Sweet is ruminating on the disappearance of Ben Townsend when he is interrupted by fellow detective Manni Dey, a younger, fit, recent transfer to London. They have been partnered together unexpectedly and unwelcomely. 

Sweet and Dey do not get along. However, they find common ground in investigating what became of Ben, who, from an outside perspective, appears to have quit his job and moved home suddenly and without warning. 

The investigation leads to other, similar stories of young men disappearing around the city, one of whom was connected to a politician called Lord Fenton. 

Detectives Sweet and Dey follow this trail, and it is decided that Manni Dey will go undercover, in order to get closer to Lord Fenton and hopefully discover what happened to Ben Townsend and the other missing lads. 

A series of fake “dates” follow, in which Dey allows himself to be bulked up bigger by the creepy Fenton (who, it turns out, has rather a penchant for younger men gaining muscle mass). 

Arthur acts as secret surveillance to the dates, but finds himself becoming jealous. He wishes detective Dey would notice him the way he’s pretending to notice Lord Fenton. 


Following the humiliating Assessment, things begin to escalate in Ben’s life: He discovers he is locked in the penthouse and unable to leave. Mr Wren, it seems, is a part of a much bigger organisation that treat gainers as playthings to be fattened without care or regard. 

Ben wants out. He’s had enough. But Mr Wren won’t let him leave. 

It is only when the butler accidentally leaves the penthouse door ajar one day that Ben seizes his opportunity. He sneaks out of the penthouse and down into the stairwell, meaning to make good his escape. He soon comes upon Terry, who plans to aid Ben’s liberation. However, the pair of them are caught by Mr Wren, dragged apart and whisked away separately by burly guards. 

Ben finds himself once more driven to a secret location - this time much further away; a facility of sorts. He is pulled by the wrists by unknown guards and taken to a room where Terry is trussed up naked and afraid. Apparently, Terry is to be punished for fraternising with Ben as well as attempting to free him from the penthouse. Once again the shadowy figures are present to witness Terry’s punishment. 

Ben is made to watch as Terry is forcibly inflated via a hose in his rear with compressed air. He howls in pain as his body begins to bloat up unnaturally big. Ben is horrified, watching the handyman’s beautiful body warp slowly and painfully into an inhuman ball shape, bigger and bigger. Terry becomes so spherical he can no longer move his head, nor limbs. He utters a final agonised plea before bursting right in front of Ben and the unknown watchers. 

Ben, traumatised, lets himself be pulled away and bundled into another car. He is taken far away from London and the penthouse and Mr Wren, off into the unknown.


Meanwhile, detectives Arthur Sweet and Manni Dey are experiencing troubling developments in their case. They are warned by a fellow officer to drop the investigation, and they have found their homes being watched. Something sinister is going on. 

As a result they decide to continue their investigation in private from a hotel room, but it only has one bed which they must share each night. They begin spooning while sleeping, never to speak of it during the day. 

During one final undercover “date” with Lord Fenton, Manni Dey manages to procure his notebook which is filled with secretive references to a ‘Mr Wren’, ‘Mr Falcon’, ‘Heron’ and ‘BT’ - Ben Townsend. 

The detectives deduce that Ben is being taken up north to Scotland, to a castle in the highlands, and so they follow suit, taking the sleeper train and leaving London and Lord Fenton behind. 

By this point they very much feel they are on their own now - it seems the police force may be compromised, perhaps by the same organisation that is taking the lads away.

During their long train journey north, Sweet and Dey grow closer, eventually leading to admissions of feelings and a tender kiss. 

By the time they reach Scotland, they’ve become more than just police partners. 


Ben arrives at a castle in the Scottish Highlands, where he is manhandled and dragged into a cold cell. It appears he is no longer the property of Mr Wren but of a new owner, Mr Falcon, master of the castle. Gone is Ben’s life of luxury, replaced by cruel forced feedings and threats of punishment and torture in the dungeons. 

Mr Falcon is a vicious, demanding overseer with a volatile temperament. He is quick to punish and seems to enjoy force feeding. However, he takes a shine to Ben, in time regarding him as his “special fatboy”. Ben realises he may be able to use Falcon’s softening feelings to his advantage. 

Ben is given a new, more comfortable room in the castle, where a personal chef delivers lunch. 

It soon transpires, however, that the castle chef is in league with Anon who secretly texted Ben warnings back at the penthouse. The chef and Anon form a very small resistance group dedicated to trying to get fatboys out of their imprisonment. And they have a plan for Ben.

It has recently been discovered that two police detectives have been following leads and are on their way to the castle. If Ben can get a signal to them, it may be his chance to escape and get word out to the wider world of what is going on. 

The chef explains that Mr Falcon and the other masters belong to an organisation known as The Rookery: a secret society of wealthy elites who enjoy nothing more than spiriting lads away and fattening them up or bulking their muscle or doing anything else they want for their own sick desires. They do not care for human rights, only treating people as disposable sex objects to use at their whims. And the worst part is The Rookery, founded by a man named Elias Crowe back in the Victorian era (whether by supernatural means or not, depending on who you ask), has grown to encompass so many members around the world that they have their fingers in every facet of society - the media, the justice system, even the police force. They are everywhere. There is even a rumour of a secret Rookery island out there somewhere. 

Ben has a real chance to escape the castle, get to the detectives (who are believed to be uncorrupted and good) and spread the word on The Rookery to the outside world. The castle chef shows Ben the signal he must make at the exact right time. 

They only have one shot. 


Arthur Sweet and Manni Dey, now a romantic couple as well as detective partners, finally arrive at the castle, where they are questioned at the gatehouse. Detective Dey’s usual smooth talking cannot disarm the guard, and Sweet’s more forthright approach only makes things worse. The gatehouse guard goes from suspicion to alarm, meaning to tackle the detectives with a taser. 

At that moment a signal is spotted from a high castle tower; the lights blink on and off to form S.O.S in morse code. The detectives were right - someone is in there and needs help. 

Sweet and Dey make a break for the castle entrance, with Manni booting the guard and snatching his taser. However, huge obese Arthur soon starts to lag behind, and what’s worse: Tons more guards have taken pursuit. They round on Arthur Sweet, tackling him to the ground while he implores Manni Dey to keep running ahead - one of them has to reach Ben and rescue him. Manni, cursing, is forced to leave Arthur behind and forge onward, promising himself he’ll come back for the big man after liberating Ben. 

This plan is soon scuppered, though, by the appearance of Mr Falcon, armed with a double barrelled shotgun, who intends to defend his castle and blast Manni to pieces. 

With Arthur overpowered behind him, and the crazed Mr Falcon ahead, Manni is forced to evade being shot full of holes, and he makes a mad dash into a ditch where he tumbles down and down and down…

Ben, erstwhile, has made the signal to the detectives and is filled with hope for the first time in a long time. Rescue might actually be possible! 

After signalling S.O.S in the castle tower, he makes to return to his room, only to be caught by guards, and have something injected into his neck. His world turns black as he loses consciousness. 


Things turn even graver when Ben awakes in a barn, his foot clasped in chains. It seems he’s been transferred to yet another location - a farm - and this time he is not alone. 

Chained up opposite Ben is Detective Arthur Sweet, and it soon comes to light they are both prisoners of the mighty Mr Kingfisher. 

Mr Kingfisher is a giant of a man who enjoys nothing more than turning innocent gainers into his “pigs”. This entails not only fattening them up to extreme proportions, but permanently glueing things like leather hoofs or pig masks to them. He swiftly punishes Arthur Sweet for backchat by forcing thick feed down the detective’s throat, and, accompanied by his lithe assistant Law, shows Ben around his farm. 

Kingfisher, though disarmingly handsome, is by far the cruelest Rookery master thus far, and all across his farm are examples of men he’s turned into human pigs, feeding on all fours, living in abject misery, including one he has forced into a mountain of fat over an entire lifetime. He intends to do the same to Ben. 


Detective Manni Dey, safe for the time being with his stolen taser, forces a castle guard into giving up the location of Detective Arthur Sweet and Ben Townsend, and hatches a plan to find and rescue them. 


Arthur is continually force fed by Mr Kingfisher, and the detective’s belly soon swells even bigger. Kingfisher decides Arthur needs to learn a more permanent lesson and plans to glue a pig mask to his face which would silence the older man, wedging his mouth open for future force feeds indefinitely. Mr Kingfisher and assistant Law make preparations for this, with Ben witnessing, when suddenly the farm lights go out.

Manni Dey, having now caught up to his partner’s whereabouts, uses this sudden blackout across the farm to taze each of Kingfisher’s staff and make his way to Arthur and Ben, freeing them. 

However, giant Mr Kingfisher isn’t giving up his pigs without a fight, and engages Manni in combat, easily besting the bulked-up detective. That is until Law knocks Kingfisher unconscious. 

Law, it turns out, is Anon, and was the one trying to help Ben escape each perilous situation along the way. Law has worked for The Rookery for many years and knows much of its inner workings.

Together, Ben, Arthur, Manni and Law incapacitate Mr Kingfisher and use his own cruel method against him - they glue one of his leather pig masks to his face permanently, meaning he can no longer speak or be identified when The Rookery eventually catch wind of what’s happening on the farm and send more people to investigate. 

Our heroes plan to liberate each of the men who have been turned into “pigs” and hope that they will go on to tell their stories to the outside world. 

Law tells Ben and the detectives of an island that serves as something of a Rookery nerve centre. Money and spare clothing from the farm is given to them to help get away. Arthur and Manni decide they want to investigate this mysterious island, and will rent a boat to do so. Ben requests they drop him off along the way.

And so Ben is saved, once more a free man, and Arthur Sweet and Manni Dey vow to continue on, in a bid to take down The Rookery. 



Oh I can’t wait for this story to come out! I am interested to know if we’ll get an update/illustration of Kingfisher in his pig mask blown up. 🤭


Oooh nice! Can’t wait for part 2! 😁 Hopefully Steadings makes a comeback in any way!👀


I’m hoping to get the sequel started fairly soon. Hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks 👍🏻