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Her clothes will be a problem to draw... But anyway, what my patrons think about it?




I'm liking the look of it so far! I really like the effect you have drawn around her. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished. =)


Drawing her fur is problematic, because she has fur and she does not AT THE SAME TIME. Like Schrödinger's cat. I decided to add some fur to make it look more like original character.


Yikes, that seems like a lot of work. Personally, I don't mind if there is or isn't a 18+ version, I just like seeing the art in general. What ever you post is fine with me =D I sure it'll come out great either way anyways, can't wait to see it.


I think that's a good idea, gets people a bit more involved I guess. Might even get a couple more patrons by doing so.