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Okay so as you all know by now having huge boobs comes with some struggles and challenges.

Enemy #1 ? CLOTHES!!!

I have such a hard time finding tops that fit me. I mean I struggle pretty hard at times with that.

Enemy #2 ? SEATBELTS!!

Wearing a seatbelt saved me in the wreck , so best bet I always wear one these days.

However .... it’s a real struggle. Do I wear it properly? Nope I can’t ... even if I tried.

I wear a seatbelt , but I wear it comfortably.

The girls get irritated by the seatbelt and most of the time it just ends up in between , in the tit abyss or underneath my boob which is what I prefer. 😂😭


Seatbelt in between


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 13:59:40 Hard to imagine if the seat belt saved you in the wreck more than the size of your boobs? 😅Just glad you got put safely!
2023-11-14 14:25:40


Well there were a few different factors. I had our cat in my shirt because she was cold. I took her out of the carrier like 5 mins before we got hit. Sadly my chest suffocated her and broke her neck. 🥺😰 Because she was in my shirt it created more room for me to slide out of the seatbelt. My seatbelt got locked / jammed and I didn’t have anything to cut it with. (I now carry a self defense bracelet that has a seatbelt cutter and window breaker on it) Me not wearing a bra and having my boobs cover my whole stomach and thighs helped me where I didn’t get any internal bleeding. Instead my boobs took a pretty gnarly bruising and I have a very faint scar on one of them from my cats claws when it happened. So sad , but having huge boobs did save me from possible fatal injuries. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We are both doing so much better. We ended up getting more cats and even some farm animals. They help when we have our bad days and PTSD / anxiety from the trauma. I’m glad to be back posting regularly! He will always have his major injuries as the car literally went into him. I’ll always have the scars, but at least we are still here!


I didn't know about your cat, I dont you mentioned that at the time. Very sad but very lucky for you guys too.