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1. So we have been super busy healing , recovering , going back and forth to appointments , dealing with legal stuff , etc last 5 months due to this unfortunate accident. It’s been a lot honestly, but looks like my fiancé will be recovered almost all of the way. He has worked so hard and progress has been amazing given everything.🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 Which is great because the persons vehicle literally went through his side mainly and messed him up pretty bad so it’s amazing he’s healed so much and we are even still here.

2. I will go back to posting way more since all of the main appointments are pretty much done with and this back and forth weekly has been so exhausting and hard on us.

I will also be taking a lot of new content because I have almost got one of the spare rooms turned into a studio specifically for here.

Just got to hang up a few little decors and sort the rest of the clothes to hang up and should be good to go!

As always thanks so much for understanding during this unfortunate time and I hope you all are doing well and staying safe! 💟






More shirts with cleavage please:)!