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Sorry I haven’t posted for the past few days. My fiancé and I were in a very serious / fatal accident while we were vacationing in Ohio and honestly are lucky to be alive given the damage of the vehicle.

Someone hit us head on a few days ago and it was a very traumatic night I wouldn’t wish on anyone and will be a long recovery for him.

I am so very thankful for the fire department who got to the scene very quickly after it happened or else I would not have my fiancé in my life because the other vehicle caught fire almost immediately after and it was starting to spread to our vehicle.

My fiancé is currently having to undergo several surgeries and will be in the hospital for a while.

I was kept for observation because they couldn’t get my heart rate down. Had to get some stitches. My whole body is severely bruised up and I can barely walk.

My fiancé also saved my life due to how he always makes sure my seat is ALL the way back so I’m comfortable and incase anything were to happen like this.

Also my boobs saved my stomach from any internal bleeding / damage because if I didn’t have boobs my abdominal area would have taken the injuries.

So not only are they money makers , but they are life savers.

I have attached one photo out of the many just so you can see what I mean when I say we were given a second chance at life.

I can’t disclose any specific info or more photos due to our lawyer and lawsuits we have filed.

That being said I won’t be posting a ton like I have been , but just hang in there and should be back to posting normally in a few months.



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