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Hey guys!

First off wanted to say hope you’re all doing well and staying safe out there.

Next I would like to take a quick second to apologize for not posting as much the past month.

The truth is I find myself going through bouts of depression due to losing my mom last year. I’m still grieving and just trying to take it day by day.

Anyways I know we all have our good days and bad days , so I’m not looking for any pity or sympathy.

I just wanted to explain why sometimes I’m not as active as other times. I’ve gotten a few messages about it , so wanted to let you know that all I’m doing is trying to cope and survive.

Thanks for understanding or not! 💟




Also opened up 2 new spots for the Snapchat tier so if you snag them , just message your username! Thanks!


Also if those spots sell out and you really want a spot on that tier for this month , message me and I will see about opening up a few extra spots!


I'm so sorry for your loss Manda :( You take as long as you need to grieve❤

Reality Waike

I'm sorry that you're going through this. Take as much time as you need


Thank you! It’s something that happens , but definitely painful. I know she’s looking over me though and is in a better place and not suffering anymore!


I'm sorry to hear your loss and what you're going through right now. I remember how it was when I lost my mother. Take as much time as you need. I was close to my mom when I was growing up, so I understand it does take time. As you mentioned above, we all have our good days and bad days, so it's also good to look forward to the good days that are ahead.

John Hopwood

My dad died two and a half years ago, it takes time, but it does eventually get easier. We're all here for you if you ever need anything. No need to apologize whatsoever :)

The Hazzman

No need to apologize for your feelings Manda, take the time you need