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Answering questions I get asked the MOST!

The top 3 questions I get asked are the ones in the above photo. It’s pretty constant. Let me go into more depth about it below though.

1. Kids / Pregnant?

We do NOT have any kids and I have NEVER been pregnant. 👇🏼

We both want one kid in the future , but feel we are still a bit too young right now. We want to travel and enjoy life to the fullest a bit more before becoming parents. I have said if I do become pregnant that I will post about the boob journey aspect on here , growth , bump photos , etc. 👍🏼

2. Back pain?

I never have any back pain. I don’t know why I don’t , but I’m very glad lol. My mom , gma and great gma never had back pain either. My great gma never wore a bra. She liked letting them just hang in her gowns lol. She was a JJ cup , so yes I’m by far the biggest in my family. The only way I possibly won’t be is if I have a daughter and genetics work that magic. Also all short , with me being the tallest. Them? 4’11 Me? 5’0 but wish I were 4’11 also! 😂

More about this specific question... 👇🏼

That is the number one question I get asked pretty much daily! I get that it’s a genuine question , but it gets asked to every busty lady and yes we do get tired of the stereotypical question. I mean I know that I do.

Although , I do assume there’s been a lot of back pain lately .... or just wanting to fit into cute tops you know due to all the reductions happening!

3. Surgery / Supplements?

Nope. Haven’t had anything done to my face or body. The only thing I’ve ever wanted done to my body was lip injections. I no longer want them after seeing how easy it can be to over do it. It is not the best look in my opinion and I would not want to walk around looking like that or possibly mess my face up. I know how to make my lips look bigger / more plump by using a makeup trick , so good enough for me. Also over the years I’ve learned to really appreciate and enjoy my body and beauty. It takes a lot of time , but you’ll get there if you’re struggling with body image issues. I know now that I don’t have to get anything done when I see a very done up and beautiful , but obviously fake body. Not talking about the people who work hard for years to achieve their body goals , just about plastic surgery.

However , I do NOT have anything against plastic surgery and I’m all for doing whatever you’d like to do with your body , face and self. It’s just not something I want to do to mine.


I don’t do anything specific for the growth. I have read about some stuff to enhance growth, but that would take a long time and is not even guaranteed to work. I would also hate to try something out and it have a negative effect and stop the natural growth. Not saying it would , but every body is different. So to all the guys asking what I do so their girlfriend or wives can do it? Answer below 👇🏼

It’s genetic for the most part , but yeah I’m sure I have that medical condition because there really isn’t any explanation for the rapid growth. I mean I’m fine with it though. 😁



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