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Letā€™s do a Q&A!

Ask me a question or questions about my chest , here , our OnlyFans, life , etc.

( Please try to keep it limited to no more than 5 questions , so I can reply to everyone!)

Other than that , go ham with it! šŸ˜œ




Yeah Iā€™ve grown a lot since starting this and itā€™s pretty cool to me. Iā€™m fine with the rate Iā€™m growing now , kind of like a fun game to me. Like , ā€œHmm ... wonder how much bigger Iā€™ll be next month?ā€ I doubt Iā€™ll hold the title for the biggest boobs lol , Iā€™ve seen Normaā€™s size , so yeah lol. If the growth stopped I have no clue if I would try to induce it because it hasnā€™t stopped. So I guess we shall see when ever it does. I guess it kind of is in a way , but just because seeing how wide theyā€™ve gotten and how massive theyā€™ve gotten over the years turns me on lol.


Would you mind if you did grow to Norma's size?


If your boobs suddenly stoped growing, but you want more, would you use implants or stuff like that?


And is would be himiwako a size goal?


No! I want to stay all natural. If I wanted to get work done I could , but Iā€™ve always been against it! They make the huge fake boob implant / vest , but I donā€™t see a need for it due to my already massive size. If they stop growing , they just stop growing! Maybe I could try a natural way to start the growth up , but Iā€™m sure most of that stuff doesnā€™t actually work lol.


I donā€™t care if I get to her size, doesnā€™t look too big to handle at all. Norma on the other hand , unsure on that size. Bit much even for me! Now if I were to get as big as her hopefully I wouldnā€™t get ran off. I mean so many rumors about her too. That she left social media due to stalkers , got a breast reduction and even an out there rumor that she grew so large she is now confined to her house. In case you didnā€™t know , Iā€™m very aware of most of the overly size huge boob chicks. I know of them , rumors , comparisons , etc. Very well educated on them too lol. My opinion I believe she got fed up with how people were acting towards her , probably had a lot of stalker situations and worried about her safety, so she just stopped posting stuff. That or she finally got tired or had pain / was noticed too much in public and she got a reduction.


Last one! If you love growing so much, why donā€™t you try actively try to make them bigger like massages or stuff like that?


It's crazy that there are boobs bigger than yours. You make them look really good though, like at your incredible size you're definitely in the top 5 biggest. And they really fit your frame. I think if your current rate kept up, you'd be close to normas size in 2 years or so. Here's hoping they keep growing for a while.


What kind of horror movies do you like?


It sounds like I would be cheating if I tried that and plus what happens if I were to try something to make it happen faster and that something ends up doing me more harm than good? Massages donā€™t work fast , you have to stay very consistent with it. Same for pumping to induce lactation. Yeah it would (possibly) eventually but theyā€™re just swell up and thereā€™s a chance that swelling could go down. Lol itā€™s complicated when dealing with the whole BE natural remedies to growing thatā€™s why I havenā€™t bothered trying it since Iā€™m still growing and fine with my size and hope to keep growing a bit more at least! Itā€™s fun and a rush!


Thanks! Yeah I think what make mine really stick out is how short I am along with them being so massive and wide compared to my body!

John Hopwood

1. Top 5 movies/horror movies 2. What's an item on your bucket list (if you have one) that you want to get around to but haven't? 3. What's a country/city you've never seen that you'd like to travel to?


So what did you mean that Himiwako's size didn't look too big? Do you think you're close to her size now? You've obviously grown a ton in the last few weeks and there hasn't been too many full body pics to really get a good idea of their complete size!


1. I donā€™t have a favorite movie , but really enjoy horror movies. I can binge watch them all day , every day lol. Recently Iā€™ve found so many good gems on Amazon Prime. I have never seen any of them and some of them never even heard of. Been a ton of fun discovering them! I mainly just enjoy classics , torture and psychological within the horror genre. Occasionally a good comedy and romantic comedy. A very select few of sci-fi / science fiction type movies. Basically if someone says , ā€œWow I will never watch that movie again due to how traumatizing it is.ā€ I will automatically want to check it out. Especially when I see someone who says something like , ā€œI cut it off within 20 mins due to how triggering and weird it was.ā€ Well hey, looks like Iā€™ll be checking it out to see if it really is unbearable to watch. 2. We want to travel around the world. As in buy an old school bus or RV and turn it into a place to live while being on the road for months. Now if that happens Iā€™ll still be doing this , just in a lot of beautiful locations! Really we can do it anytime , but we want to wait at least another year when stuff gets all the way ā€œbetterā€ maybe. 3. Maldives and Greece would be the top 2. I want my honeymoon at either or. šŸ˜


It doesnā€™t look like itā€™s super out there. Maybe on the verge of it. I donā€™t know if I am or not. Iā€™ll be posting some more fullish body stuff. My body is just so small compared to them so some of the photos and videos look a bit odd, but itā€™s all mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

John Hopwood

1. I've found a lot of gems that way myself on Netflix and Prime too! 2. My brother's getting ready to do that himself! He's been working on a van he bought with one of his friends and they're doing a circle around the country for a couple months starting in July! 3. Those both sound like beautiful places for a honeymoon šŸ˜€


1. Nice! Any special recommendations? 2. Thatā€™s awesome! It just seems like a lot of fun and a different experience! 3. YES! So very beautiful!

John Hopwood

Totally forgot to respond for recommendations! If you're looking for some good horror movies Netflix has The Killing of A Sacred Deer, The Ritual, Hush, The Conjuring movies, Gerald's Game, The Babysitter movies, and The Haunting of Hill House if you like horror TV! For horror Prime has The Lighthouse, Midsommar, Spontaneous, The Descent, Hereditary, Climax, The Grudge, The Ring, You're Next, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Oculus, Straw Dogs, and I Saw The Devil (amazing Korean one) among others!


All good! Looks like Iā€™ve seen all of those except The Lighthouse which Iā€™ve read reviews on and seems like a messed up movie , so may give it a watch. šŸ˜‚ and havenā€™t seen Straw Dogs either. Thank you for the recommendations though!


You probably have one of the most incredible bodies on the planet, definitely the most incredible I've ever seen. So while you are definitely unique, I don't think you look "odd" at all. Odd doesnt cross my mind once when I see you

John Hopwood

Other general recommendations would be Promising Young Woman on Prime if you like dark comedy/psychological drama, Knives Out if you like mysteries that are also funny, and Hot Rod for comedy. Netflix has Love, Death and Robots for comedy/drama/sci-fi (some episodes have the best animation I've ever seen, looks borderline realistic), Crazy Stupid Love, About Time, and Friends With Benefits for rom coms, New Girl for a rom com show (way better than I ever would have expected it to be), Scott Pilgrim vs the World for comedy, and Black Mirror for sci fi!

John Hopwood

I figured as much šŸ˜‚, wanted to condense cause my list is ridiculously long lmao


I appreciate it lol. I meant as in my boobs have gotten so massive in a short amount of time as well as how small my body is compared to them that people may assume itā€™s photoshopped or whatever when itā€™s not and nothing in the background is ever warped or shows any indication itā€™s been touched up. And I dare someone to say I stuff too. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ lord help themšŸ˜ Youā€™ll see what I mean once I post some fuller body stuff and you see my chest compared to my small body. Been taking a ton of content for next month and I think itā€™ll be some of the best so far. Just my opinion though šŸ˜


Would you ever consider trying Domperidone?


Itā€™s illegal where I am and hasnā€™t been approved , but regardless no I donā€™t want to try anything like that. You never know what side effects you may have from something also!


1 - Are you into ENF? Like a fantasy where you're walking in public in a top that's WAY too small for your huge boobs, and then your boobs BURST out so they're completely exposed for everyone to see? 2 - Do you like the idea of other girls getting jealous that your boobs are SO much bigger than theirs? 2 - What's the biggest cock you would hypothetically want to fuck?


1. Not really! I donā€™t fantasize about it specifically. 2. Yes! 3. I donā€™t talk about or answer sexual questions on here!


I like the thought of your bursting out also, however not about causing you embarrassment. I like to think of you enjoying the power of ripping through clothing that's trying to hold you in. What do you think?