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Tell me something interesting about yourself!

I’ll go first! I have a dance pole aka stripper pole lol! You can see it in the back!

This photo is one that didn’t make the cut to post due to it being blurry , so I’m just going to use it for a chat in the comments! 👇🏼




I went on a cross country road trip across the US from Queens NY to South Carolina, Atlanta, Louisiana, Dallas (and the cadillac ranch), Denver (to Mile High Comics and two miles high), the Arches National park, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Vegas, LA, Big Sur, San Fran, Chicago, NJ and then back to Queens.


I'm really into cooking and learning new skills and techniques in the kitchen. This summer I'm learning how to barbecue and smoke. I guess I never want to be like my roommates after college who were helpless without a microwave or frozen pizzas.


I've gotten back into golfing since it was a safe activity during the pandemic, and I'm hooked again. I would love to go to the UK to try out some courses there.


That’s awesome! Hope you had a great experience! We’ve thought about doing a road trip / traveling the world when we get a bit older!


That’s good to know! I am really into cooking as well! It’s so fun coming up with new recipes/ ideas! I’m still keto 90% of the time and I really enjoy making keto versions of the “bad” food I’m craving , like sushi or beef tips and rice , etc. When I’m on keto I cook and make everything! Hope you have lots of fun learning that this summer! 😁


Have you been enjoying keto? I've heard mixed reviews about it. Yeah - I've been discouraged by grilling in the past, but I hope that I'll discover some good techniques and recipes that turn out great!


That’s awesome! I was never into golf , but my fiancé watches it so much I started watching it with him! That’s one sport I rather enjoy watching , especially the championships like Masters , Presidents Cup , etc. I hope you get to play at some wonderful and beautiful courses! Sounds like a plan! 🏌️‍♂️


It’s one of the best things in my opinion! I lost weight and have maintained it as well. Being on keto has taught me a lot about proper nutrition and so many ways to cook , eat and try new foods! The best thing about it besides weight loss , I’ve never had as much energy as I do now. When I was constantly eating bad ( insane amounts of Chinese food , Taco Bell , etc) I would always sleep and feel so bad. I don’t miss that feeling! When I go on trips I’ll eat somewhat bad because it’s not good to restrict yourself / body. I miss sweet potato fries the most! 😂


Try not to let anything discourage you! Sounds fun to learn and I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it! 😁


It was hard to go back to my regular day to day life after that trip. I have a lot of great memories.


hmm i don't have any interreting things to tell, but if you wanna know something else abou, because of covid i can't work for now, so i'm wathing manies movies and playing videos games...


I’m sure you have a least something interesting to tell! If you think of something I’m all ears! Very sorry you can’t work , but glad you’re having some free time to relax and enjoy , hopefully!


Hard to pick. Chicago was the best time. It was the first time I got high. Well I always tell this story about this other part of the trip. Driving to the Hoover Dam, it was hot as hell. My friend and I noticed a blonde with no top on in the passenger seat. So we were wowed. Then we get out at the Hoover Dam and the blonde and her boyfriend get out at the same location. I was like oh no... we are going get into a fight for checking out this Blonde in the car. Nope! We meet them, with their clothes on. And hung out with them for a while at the Dam.


Ahh thanks to you, it's nice, yes that the good things to be a nerd when you're not working, you always something to do :p lol


I'm sure it'll be fine - I'll be using a gas grill which is a little less fiddly than charcoal. Maybe I'll work up my confidence and get a charcoal grill later on. I think that's great. I probably wouldn't do keto myself, but I'm glad it's helping you feel your best!


I'm a student pilot


I have a pet tortoise lol


That’s cool! I’m assuming you’re going to make it a profession or something along those lines?

John Hopwood

I've been getting back into writing over the past year or so, got a few songs on Soundcloud + currently working on more (and music videos) and a few scripts for movie/show ideas I've been sitting on for a while, in between gaming, watching movies + shows, and work! Hoping to make a career out of any field in the entertainment industry, trying everything (acting, directing, writing, music, etc;) until something *hopefully* sticks lol


I am a licensed female boobie inspector...🕴🏾🕴🏻 when's the last time u got inspected manda...? better to be safe than sorry. 🤗


Hey , that’s awesome for you! Don’t give up and stay consistent and I’m sure you’ll get where you want to be! Just know if and when one door closes , another one (most the time unexpectedly) will open up for you! You got this! 😁

Shane Jackson

Beautiful women have told me I’m a very beautiful man.


I once stayed up till two in the morning doing research on Google to find out if really IS true that an alligator can outrun a racehorse.


My mother just died, and I'm coming to your site for comfort, and to ease the loneliness. Don't feel bad for me. Both pain and pleasure are necessary to balance my life.