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Can you guys comment some really good horror movies I can add to my list? 👇🏼

Would really appreciate it!

Also this month I promise I will be posting more fuller body stuff to show off the sheer size of my massive chest and even some more talking videos since you seem to like those a lot. 😁




That shirt stood no chance to your incredible rack. Love the boob spilling out.


Thanks! I’ve actually had this shirt for a long time now. Just recently (few months ago) under the arm hole started to rip due to the weight of my breasts and keeps getting bigger. I found a new way to wear it. 😂


i just realised that’s not your arm peeking out there


Idk if it's still on Netflix, but look out for ELI. It was an interesting pick to watch


Old: John Carpenter's The Thing New: The Wretched


Dude how are they so wide?!? 😱😱 They get wider with every pic lol


No it isn’t lol it’s a hole right under the arm sleeve that my boob keeps making bigger


Thanks , but I’ve seen it already! Cool semi predictable twist at the end though!


Woah, I swear your boobs double your width! That would actually be a really interesting thing to measure... distance from one side of your boob to the other side of your other boob, and compare it to the distance between your shoulders!

The Hazzman

Just realized your boob broke the shirt, amazing And yay too for more of your beautiful voice I dont know any movie to recommend, sorry


Doctor Sleep is a sequel to The Shining (about Danny grown up). I avoided it for a long time because for some reason I just assumed it wouldn't be good, but I was surprised it's way better than expected.


1974's Texas chainsaw massacre. 1990's Misery also, both classics 👍


That’s good to hear. I haven’t seen it exactly for that reason. May give it a watch!


I love all of Texas Chainsaw movies. I don’t have a favorite movie specifically , but the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween movies are ones I can watch again and again. I was going to watch Misery a while back because I believe it was on Netflix , but by the time I got around to watching it , it had been removed. Just looked and now it’s on Hulu , so will give it a watch because it’s right up there with movies I enjoy lol!

Ryan P

Creep I and ll!!!

Ryan P

Btw I simply just can’t believe your growth over the years. Keep up the good work with your content and can’t wait for more to come.


One of the best role of Kathy Bates in this movie, the more cult at least haha