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STORY TIME! (If you don’t want to read all of this , go down to the bottom for a summary of this story!)

Okay so recently someone asked me if there is something that makes me scared of having boobs as large of mine and if I’m scared the growth won’t ever stop.

Well I’m not scared the growth won’t stop , it’s quite the opposite. I’m very thrilled to still be growing.

Now as for the first question though...

Am I afraid of having boobs as large as mine?

Not really, but I’m terrified of one thing. It almost happened and I was literally going to cryyyyy. If there comes a point where I can no longer ride fair rides because the lever won’t go over my chest and lock into place , I will be devastated.

Okay ... so incase you don’t know this about me , I really enjoy going to fairs. I enjoy the rides , the food and the little games that are rip offs.

My favorite fair rides are the claw 😍 and the Himalaya ride.

My fiancé enjoys rollercoasters and I do not. 🥺

So , he convinced me to get on a rollercoaster with him because he didn’t want to ride alone. It comes time for us to get on. We get seated in the first seat , front row. Now it’s time for us to pull our safety lever down around us and lock it into place.

So he pulls his down no problem, but when I do it barely locks into place because of the large objects on me. My dumb self pushes it in tighter because I didn’t know if it was for sure locked due to how I had to really force it down.

TLDR ; We went to the fair , got on a rollercoaster and I pushed the safety lever down so tight I could barely breathe because of how wide and massive my chest is. I was wearing a turtleneck sweater and a sports bra that already didn’t fit right. My boobs were bulging out everywhere while on the ride.



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