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Now is your chance to ask me any question(s) you've ever had about (my) boobs or boobs in general.

Comments only!!

This is a boob related question and answer only. Another regular Q&A will come soon.

Oh and do not worry!

This is a nonjudgmental community.

You are safe to discuss your love of big tits with me as well as anything else we chat about in private messages kept confidential.

We all enjoy fat , gigantic tits here.

Comment your questions below.

Anything you have ever wondered or been curious about. (Boob related)

Don't be shy! 😊




How many questions can we ask?


The comment that sticks out to me is the one about being a D cup for ONLY 4 DAYS. Can you elaborate on that? How did you know you were moving up in size? and what was your reaction to literally going up a cup size in less than a week?


If you had it your way, how fast would you prefer to grow in like a month? Let’s say


I had to go bikini shopping and my current bikini was a D cup so I picked a D cup bikini out and didn't try it on because that was my size and what I had been for months. I tried it on before going over to my friends to tan and swim and had some underboob. So my mom gave me her maternity bra to go tan and swim in , which was an E cup because my friends mom was on the way to pick me up. This was around 11/ 12 years old lol


Probably like a cup size each month , which sometimes happens 😅😛


I've never purposely used my boobs to get something. I don't drink at all , so I'm sure if I were to go out to bars I would get free drinks , just being honest. I've never been pulled over either , so don't know if I would try it or not. 😂 I mean each time I'm out , I get a kick out of all of the looks I get. Yeah I show off my boobs. Usually wear a v-neck bodysuit when running errands and for a normal day. Nothing! You guys are always great and I am very appreciative and enjoy interacting. Thank you all for enjoying massive boobies and growth! 😅😁🙏🏼


I know I asked you this in a private message, but everyone should know too. Can you suck your own nipples?


Hello! This question was already asked on here and answered.👍🏼😊


Would you consider yourself ‘too big’...if you were still perky, but your chest meat hung down to your knees while-standing?


Would you collaborate with other women of similar size for different projects? Is your growth really just genetics? What is one of your favorite hobbies?


Possibly! Yes my growth is down to genetics. My moms side had big boobs E cup and up. I have the biggest boobs , with my great gma being the next biggest. Favorite hobbies currently would be binge watching shows with the fiancé and practicing pole!


I want to know about your boobs growing stories. ex) 12 years old: ...cup


So you basically passed your mom in boob size before you turned 12. Freaking unreal.


Well all I can really say is that they started growing at 9 years old and are still growing at 23 years old , so that's really cool! ☺️


Wow! Thank you for your reply. How big were your boobs when you’re a student?(elementary, middle, high school and college)


What can you break or smash with your boobs?


Omg I have so many questions that I can't think of any??!!


How often do you have to get measured for a bra?