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Made some delicious breasts tonight!

Okay ... you caught me , they're actually thighs , BUT ...

there are some delicious and juicy breasts in the picture and I'm not talking about the chicken , so there's that! πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

If I post anymore food on here in the future , don't worry my chest will be on display with it!

Tasteful huh? 😜



Capt. Bucky O'Hare

More of the food, more of the breats, a lot more of the outfit!!!


Someone beat me to it, rare late comment on my part, but wow that vein is just letting itself be known here! And be careful, they're pretty close to that pan, lol! You're gonna keep growing, so start getting used to the idea of cooking farther and farther from the pan!


Oh yes , always! No worries it's a crock pot and it was on "keep warm" setting , so wasn't hot! Trust me I can't stand when I burn my titties when cooking! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ


You say it like it's been becoming more of regular thing, accidentally burning them, lol. But with your height, they'd need to grow further out vs down, right?