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Okay guys new tier is up!

It’s a growth tier, literally just anything and everything about my amazing growth!

I get asked soooo many questions about my growth and get asked to just talk about my growth in general.

This tier allows me to be more focused on the growth aspect, comparisons focused on growth , videos and audio talking about my growth through out the years and just my feelings on having a large ever growing chest!

There will also be some nice surprises next month! Just launched this tier early.

Comparing the width of my chest to the width of a huge melon! 🍉🍉

Literally the biggest and widest watermelon I found.

Crazy right?!

Also if you’re on the VIP tier , whatever I post for this tier and any tiers below the VIP will always be included! 👍🏼




Wow, awesome! Been looking forward to this and you didn't disappoint!


Fantastic!! Love this content!! You probably dont need suggestions but I have to ask, could you also consider sporting equipment and doorways? Thanks!