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You know you have beyond gigantic knockers when …

They go sideways!

They just started doing this too.

I’ve unlocked a new level of hugeness I guess! 😂

Also please listen up! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

For some reason the Patreon app won’t let you watch videos. You have to go to patreon website / desktop site to be able to watch them.

Not sure if the app is messed up or if Vimeo is messed up as it’s been up and down last few days.

So to be able to watch the videos be sure to go to patreon website. Not the app.

If you can watch the videos on the app then disregard this message. I can’t and I’ve tried for 2 days now.

Thank you! 😁




Goooooood lord!

Nom de Plume

Ma’am, that’s like two seats worth!


It is! Thankfully it’s a custom vehicle so seats are very comfy and spacious! Almost like a leather couch! 😁