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Let’s play a game! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

IF you are into watching wrestling , name your favorite wrestler and I will comment if they are mine as well!

I’ve been watching wrestling since I was 3 … however I stopped watching it a little while back just due to a lot of them quitting and or retiring.

Comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️




Just letting you know I still can’t go to dms for some reason, not sure what’s up with Patreon 🥺 But if possible could you send me a dm? I’d just like to buy your content


I still get an Error message on dms 😅 Have you checked if that also happens with your other followers? That’d be bad if it’s a general thing


Everyone has been messaging me just fine! You’re the only one who has brought it to my attention. I respond back, they respond back, etc. Not sure what’s going on! Maybe try on the site and or app and see. Or maybe try deleting the app , redownloading it. If that doesn’t work , try logging out and back in. Let me know!