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What's New?

1.) From now on, polls regarding general feedback will be open to all patrons to allow more voices to be heard. This is one of those polls, so please feel free to contact me using the link.

Fret not, polls that I use to directly create content or ask for a specific character or theme for new art will continue to be for voting tiers only. I will simply create those polls separately.

2.) I really had such a wonderful holiday season. My birthday would be such a dull time if it weren't for all the people I know online. The art people drew for the occasion had me grinning, I was really happy. <3

It was very busy for me overall, but now that we're a month into this year, I've been getting cracking again. Been hitting the tablet hard. The fruits of that labor are pooled up and ready to stream in.

3.) Art Updates! A bunch are coming over the next several days, into the next month. I have a large pool of content ready to start uploading to the feed now. 

If there's ANY problem you have, or if you haven't been happy with something lately, I want to hear from you!

Seriously, thank you so much for your continued support.

