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Two years ago, I was in a situation that threatened my ability to remain housed. My income was simply not sufficient. I wasn't sure what would happen to me.

The overwhelming support that came my way was truly awe-inspiring. Today, even though I scrape by some months on the bills, I am able to keep drawing and trying my hardest to improve my work.

I owe all of this to you.

There are still a number of people who have been supporting me here from the start. I know you by name at this point. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you.  

Every single person who has commissioned my work has been so patient and open minded. Allowing me freedom and providing me with such kind words and feedback. I couldn't believe it was possible for everyone to be this polite.

A large number of the people here even share my own interests, I've discovered. Some of these people I've even bonded with over chats in Discord, or talking about their commissions together.

Such an amazing sort of people. I'm surrounded by them. I never could have expected this.

This year has been a great one, and I am not going to stop here. I want to continue to create bigger and better things moving forward. I have people who still deserve art pieces who I want to make sure get something they are truly happy with.

I may have regrets about my choice not to pursue university in the past, being thrust into a living situation without time for monetary preparation, but you make it possible to keep myself going on low income. I hope to show you how much I appreciate that by continuing to draw for you. <3

Seriously, thank you so much. Merry Christmas, and here's to more lewd nonsense~
