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Hey there, there are a lot of new folks here this month, so thank you so much for all of your support. 

Toriel was so well received: it feels so great drawing a character I really enjoy, and seeing such approval for her. I expect to do even more of her coming up, there's potential for a collab goat mom piece if the cards align. 

It's art update time, so you can expect new art coming up as the next month begins. If you're new to things, the post slots will be updating over the next few days. I hope you enjoy it~

The previous poll is now over, and the winner will be posted. A new poll is starting with this new month, you'll be able to vote on the next one within a week or two from now.

Thank you so much, once again. I look forward to hearing from you!




the post slots always update haphazardly over, like, a month. Sorry to be critical but this method seems far more error prone than just posting art normally.


No need to be sorry! I hear you though. I'll attempt to time the updates more consistently, and rework the descriptions on art slots to be a little more informative in the future to avoid as much confusion.


Is there any way to have your posts send notifications when you actually update the art onto them? I understand you don't sent out notifications to avoid spam at month's start, but as a result I never know when you update your art slots and don't see the art until I remember to check your specific Patreon feed.


I have to agree, it's sort of a pain not knowing exactly when you update your stuff, and having to scroll down and repeatedly check those update slots is particularly irksome. Happy to support you anyway, but there has to be a better way.


Thank you for the feedback, guys. I'm going to try some new things based on what you've said, hopefully they end up feeling better for you.


Thanks, really appreciate the communication. Happy to support your wonderful art.