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Art Update:  Hey there! I post new art at the beginning and end of each month, but because it's Christmas, I want to do a bit of art posting around the holidays as well. You can expect posts coming this month during the end of December and continuing into January, in addition to some posting for Christmas. 

Character Poll: A new character Poll will be starting next month. We're due for another vote. You will be able to pick your favorite character/themes and I'll be drawing the winner~

20 Tier Bonus Pictures: I am working on a number of these pieces as mentioned in last month's News post. They will be posted as I finish them as bonus updates. If you unsure if you are owed a piece, please read the details in the November news post. I hope you enjoy the sketches!

Extra: I've finished some of the Pinkie pieces for the collaboration I'm working on. I'm going to ask if it's cool to share them with you at some point very soon. 

Thank You: At this time, three years ago, I had just begun doing art for a living. Every Christmas reminds me of that time, and how kindhearted you all are for helping me.

You seriously mean the world to me for everything you've done. All the comments, support and chats we've had, learning that so many of you share my interests, the memes and music discussions in discord:  I will forever treasure these moments. 

I'm not going to stop doing what I love, I have too much fun drawing thick girls. So thank you again for joining me on this ride~

I take your feedback very seriously, so if you are ever unsatisfied with something or want to contact me about content you'd like to see, please do so that I may improve your experience here.   

I really appreciate you choosing me for your support, I hope I can continue to please you with my work in the future.   

As always, more is on the way soon~
