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Notice to all current 20 Tier Supporters: This coming month, I'd like to do a large batch of art for the holidays. I'm going to be taking your ideas for pictures.

All current members in the Large-Sized Tier who haven't had a picture done for them yet will be included for this in December. 

If you pledged already for this tier, and would like a picture drawn for you and haven't had your turn before, please send me a private message on Patreon detailing your character request, or if you are on discord in the clubroom, send me a private message to me on discord, if you prefer. You can do this whenever you have the time. If you have references, simply send imgur links.

(If your discord name is different than your patreon account name, just let me know who you are!).

I won't be able to instantly include any new additions to the 20 tier for this batch of art, or I fear I may have too many for the month, so this is for those of you who are already a slot holder heading into December, as of this post. Any additional people who pledge AFTER this announcement will receive pictures when their turn arrives in the future, as usual. I do a triage system for these pictures, so people who have been in these slots for the longest will be given their pieces first, so things aren't immediate upon entry.

If you were already selected for a doodle BEFORE this event, you will be next in line when I ask for doodle ideas, so don't fret. If you have a doodle on the way already, your time spent in the tier is still being accounted for your next picture selection.

I am doing this as a bit of a holiday treat and to make sure that people get their chance at a request without being left out. This will probably mean a large amount of extra art coming out next month. Thank you all for being so generous.


Art Update:  Hey again, and welcome if you're new. I post new art at the beginning and end of each month, which means you can expect it coming this month during the end of November and continuing into December.  

I'll be posting the winners of the Character Poll as they are ready, so expect those on the way. You can expect to see another batch of art released each day closer to the end of the month. I really hope you enjoy it~ 

Poll Results: The results of the Previous Character Poll are in, and there will be two characters featured with the two top themes as a treat this time, again~ I just couldn't leave out either of the top picks. Thank you very much for voting. I'll be doing another poll in the future! You can expect to see the winning girls coming very soon.

Extra: Regarding an announcement from last time, I am participating in a pink pony collaboration, so there will be some happy ponks for sure. I've already begun on a new piece, and as soon as things are set in stone you will be seeing new stuff from me on that topic.


Thank you again for your support and comments.

I take your feedback very seriously, so if you are ever unsatisfied with something or want to contact me about content you'd like to see, please do so that I may improve your experience here.

I really appreciate you choosing me for your support.

As always, more is on the way soon~



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