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I attached it via dropbox since patreon sometimes has trouble with large images like this. The one uploaded to this post preview is downsized to about 177 megapixels. The full size image is the largest image I've attempted to load on here. 

This has been an ongoing project (the images for the mosaic were actually captured nearly a year ago) I finally had some time to work on this weekend. The biggest challenge is keeping my computer from crashing when working on it. 

Here's a link to the full size image... caution, it's quite large and may crash your device: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ryw1i14vqi47w64/Gigapixel%20Moon%20Final.jpg?dl=0




Will you be offering prints of this one?


Haha warning was not heeded. Tried to view from my Note 20 Ultra and it restated itself... several times. This is no joke!