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Hi Hi There.

Many centuries ago, in this region now lying in ruins, several tribes thrived, antagonistic to each other. Each claimed its territory and protected its resources ferociously, regardless of the consequences for the other tribes. This rivalry persisted for many years until an unknown beast, emerging from the depths of the dark forests, began to terrorize all the tribes equally. Its roars echoed in the nights, and its dark shadow loomed over the fields and pastures, devouring livestock, crops, and even the inhabitants themselves. No tribe was safe from its fury.

Despite their differences and enmities, the tribes were ultimately forced to join forces to confront the creature. They gathered their strongest warriors and most powerful shamans in a joint effort to defeat the beast and free their lands from its terror. The battle was devastating, claiming countless human lives. For days and nights, the tribes fought against the beast, facing its ferocity. Eventually, they managed to wound it enough to bring it down, and the beast lay lifeless on the ground.

In honor of their victory and as a symbol of their unity, the tribes built an altar in the center of a small lake, using the beast's longest bones as its base. This altar became a meeting place and trading post for the tribes, where they exchanged goods and celebrated their victory over the beast.

Today, it is unknown what happened to the tribes that gathered at this place, but the altar still stands as a reminder of the battle fought against this creature.

Fossil Altar 20x30 

Fossil Altar 20x30 

Fossil Altar 20x30 - PDF 

Fossil Altar 20x30 

Fossil Altar 20x30 - PDF 

Fossil Altar 20x30 - PSD  

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Michael Gasser

I believe the PSD link above is incorrect it downloads the same file as the jpgs