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Deep within the lands of an ancient kingdom lies a cemetery worn down by the passage of time. This sacred place is a haven of peace for those who rest in its graves.

During the day, the cemetery appears calm and serene, but when night falls and the date approaches when the dead are venerated, something changes in the air. On these special nights, when the stars dimly illuminate the sky and a thick mist rises from the graves, the souls of the departed seem to come to life for a brief moment. The inhabitants of the nearby village flock to the cemetery to pay homage to their deceased loved ones. With candles in hand, they walk the paths between the tombstones, praying for those who are no longer with them. However, some say that during these visits, whispers can be heard in the wind and shadows can be seen moving among the tombstones, as if the spirits were remembering their past lives.

Brave adventurers often dare to explore the cemetery on these special nights, as it is said that there are hidden treasures among the graves.

Around the Cemetery 25x35

Around the Cemetery 25x35

Around the Cemetery 25x35 - PDF

Around the Cemetery 25x35

Around the Cemetery 25x35 - PDF

Around the Cemetery 25x35 - PSD

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