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Hi Hi There.

At the epicenter of fantasy and danger, the "Lava Destruction" map plunges heroes into an apocalyptic environment where a volcano has erupted, unleashing chaos and destruction. The beginning of the path is located in a lush forest, but the fury of the lava advances quickly, transforming the undergrowth into a desolate and burning landscape.

The forest terrain offers hiding places and obstacles, but the relentless lava gives no respite. The heroes will face crucial decisions: will they abandon their belongings for a quicker escape, or will they carry them, risking the relentless pursuit of liquid fire?

As adventurers progress, they encounter additional challenges. Cracks in the smoldering earth release toxic fumes, hindering their progress. Additionally, magical creatures and monsters rampaging through the disaster threaten to add more danger to the already chaotic scene.

The climax of the map culminates in a majestic precipice on the edge of an abyss. Here, the heroes must make a final decision: plunge into the void and risk falling to find safety in the lands below, or attempt a desperate feat to stop the lava that pursues them.

The mission is clear: escape the volcano before the lava reaches them. Heroes must demonstrate cunning, speed, and bravery as they face the growing threat of burning magma. Will they leave their belongings behind and run to safety, or will they carry them, braving the fiery fury of the volcano? The choice could mean the difference between survival and destruction in this fiery challenge at the heart of chaos.

Lava Destruction 25x35 

Lava Destruction 25x35 

Lava Destruction 25x35 - PDF 

Lava Destruction 25x35 

Lava Destruction 25x35 - PDF 

Lava Destruction 25x35 - PSD 

Patrons will receive for each map: high quality images, gridless versions, special version forRoll20, map tokens, color variations, versions without props. PSD of the original map, PDFsfor printing the maps, behind the map images and much more.

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Chels B.

Hi, I don't really understand how to order your maps? Or is it just the pdf? I clicked on one and it said I don't have permission. Thanks!


hello, you only have to download the files that are within the Tier with which you are supporting, the others will be blocked since they can only be downloaded by those who support that tier