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 Hello everyone, it's time to show this week's map 

For this map we have a small hut somewhere lost, It seems that several generations passed through this small hut, who could inhabit this place? What stories will It have to tell?

A little story:

the story is narrated this time through the eyes of a small village, which during its days seemed to see smoke coming out of the forest during the sunsets, a small fire? or maybe some traveler who was camping in the forest?

the funny thing is that the smoke always came out at the same time and in the same place, every afternoon

Once, a boy of no more than 19 years of age decided to look for the cause of that strange smoke, so he decided to go into the forest to look for the smoke, which was his only guide to that place

he tells in one of his stories that every step he took the smell of sulfur was stronger

A little time passed before he reached the place where the smoke came out, and when he arrived, he saw a small hut, the funny thing is that it did not have a chimney from which smoke came out, instead, it was the 3 wax tombs of the hut those that produce that show

At that time, the amount of smoke that was in the place, began to increase until visibility was impossible, and even, the smoke is so dense, that tells that scared boy who lost consciousness because he could not breathe

when he woke up the next day, and, recovering his breath, to his surprise, that strange hut that was in that forest, had disappeared.



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