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Hello everyone, this is the map of this week.

for this map I would like to do some "interiors" even though it is not really an interior as such, but I like the concept, a secret garden that someone has well taken care of, or just the ability of nature to not let their trees die

a little story:

long ago in a kingdom, a tree was planted celebrating the birth of a beautiful baby whom they called ahira,

it is believed that the tree and the princess were strongly connected, because when she fell ill, the tree lost its leaves and when her health recovered, it would bloom again.

as the beautiful princess grew, she inherited the throne, and when she became queen the tree for the first time in her life gave fruit.

the queen lived in power until her old age and when she died, the tree dried up, so it was decided to do the queen's tunba under the same tree that saw her born, once buried there the tree magically blossomed again, the place It was sheltered until eventually abandoned and lost until someone discovers it once more



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