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For now it seems that Sara's life has calmed down a bit after that strange situation where Kenta, her only friend, hypnotized her to become a kind of cosplayer and poseable doll of Hachiroku in that convention. It hasn't been that long either, just a week, even if in that time Sara has preferred not to see Kenta again, not to mention the somewhat traumatic situation for her to leave home and draw so much attention in a convention, surrounded by crowds of people everywhere. However, Sara did not cut off all contact with Kenta for good, but continued to talk to him through the internet. With the passing of a few more days, Sara got over the embarrassment of that day and finally let Kenta come back to visit her at her house to play a bit with hypnosis and cosplay, as long as he didn't take her out there cosplaying hypnotized again, of course. That's how Kenta, after two weeks of what happened, came back to Sara's house, with a new cosplay that he ordered from the internet and that had just arrived at Kenta's house, this time, a cosplay of Noelle from Genshin Impact.
[Drawing 1]

Sara, who gets a bit nervous, wonders if it won't be too soon to do hypnosis and cosplay again, even if it's in the privacy of her house, to which Kenta tells her that she shouldn't worry, since they will do it only inside her house for now, what's the worst that could happen? Kenta affirms.

Sara then agrees and starts to put on Noelle's cosplay carefully, and at the end Kenta helps her to put on the wig carefully so as not to damage it. Although it is a very different hair color and hair from Sara's, the wig helps a lot, and the dress fits her very well. However on this occasion Kenta could not find the right contact lenses in time, so Sara will keep her usual red eyes, product of a strange medical condition.

[Drawing 2]

Still, even if Sara has regained her trust in Kenta again, she is very nervous and not sure yet if they should do the hypnosis, but then Kenta thunders his fingers and says the trigger "Sleep", leaving Sara in a deep trance, relaxed and out of reality completely while her huge red eyes stare into the infinite void, as the effects of the hypnosis Kenta did on Sara last time are deep, post-hypnotic and long lasting. However, despite the quality and still strong effect of the hypnosis and triggers on Sara, Kenta thinks that this time it is best to change some triggers and effects of the hypnosis, as this time he will hypnotize her to be a different character.

On this occasion Kenta again takes out his pocket watch and starts to swing it like a pendulum in front of her eyes from one side to the other, again and again, to further ingrain the brainwashing in Sara and to program new triggers that will help her to behave like the character on this occasion. Then Kenta predisposes that if Sara hears the thundering of his fingers and the word "Serve", she will submissively serve all Kenta's orders and wishes as if she were a real maid, of course, with the personality of Noelle, something Sara knows well since she plays a lot of Genshin Impact and could replicate the personality of any character in this game clearly, even if only with the help of hypnosis because of the strong shyness Sara has most of the time. Finally Kenta activates the "Serve" trigger on Sara and she changes her personality completely, now being a cute and servile Noelle ready to obey any order Kenta gives her, no matter how humiliating, weird or difficult it is.
[Drawing 3]

It is then when Kenta, who is a lazy and exploited person, thinks that he could take advantage of Sara for a while, besides that in this occasion Kenta programmed Sara so that she will not remember anything after the hypnotic session, even if she will be conscious partially in the background while her body obeys the orders, she will not remember anything once she returns to normal, so Kenta could abuse Sara as the cute and servile Noelle without fearing the consequences in this occasion.

Then Kenta takes Sara home and puts her to do all kinds of chores, from washing her clothes, to doing her homework or even putting her to draw and do some other crafts for Kenta which are usually part of his part-time job doing drawing commissions to have some extra income, as fortunately Sara draws very similar to Kenta as they both learned to draw together and imitating each other's style reciprocally. All this comes in handy for Kenta, who can be lazy most of the day for some days, at least for now.
[Drawing 4]

Even if Kenta has already abused a lot the hypnosis on Sara, he always believes that he can take more advantage of it, so he decides to send Sara out to do the shopping for the pantry as the fridge needs to be restocked, this time Kenta sends Sara with a different outfit, it is also a cosplay of Noelle but in a more casual way without the armor parts and more like a common maid. Later, already in the street, Sara in the back of her mind is reddened and very embarrassed, even though in the back of her mind Sara may enjoy a little bit this situation in a perverted way, but it is not something she would accept publicly. Meanwhile, Sara outside behaves in a cute way, like Noelle, while carrying several bags of food in the supermarket and greets all the people energetically, turning all the people in the place to see her because of her extravagant clothes and behavior, thinking that surely she must be a weird anime fan girl.
[Drawing 5]

In the following days, Kenta, not content with what he has already done so far taking advantage of Sara, thinks he can find more utilities for his new temporary slave, taking her with him to school to put her to do the chore of the board game, anime and manga club he belongs to. The way Kenta did this, is by installing a mobile application on Sara's cell phone and hypnotically program Sara so that at the after school time when the students usually go to their different school clubs, she would open the application which would show a spiral and activate a new trigger in her, "Change", then Sara would hypnotically head to the club where she would put on Noelle's cosplay and start working.

Sara would then spend the next few days of that week cleaning the entire club and arranging things, as well as acting cute, like Noelle, something that would greatly impress the other club members, who wondered themselves how Kenta had befriended such a cute girl and convinced her to serve the club voluntarily while acting and dressing like Noelle.... All the boys in the club were enchanted by Sara, except for one specific girl, Hana, who was the only girl member of the club before Sara arrived and grabbed everyone's attention. Then Hana starts planning her revenge against Hana. To her luck, Hana, who always stayed a while longer in the club when it usually closes, heard by accident Kenta giving instructions to Sara, especially the one about "Sleep", showing that Sara was really hypnotized, even though Hana didn't feel sorry for it, she just wanted an irrational revenge fed by her hunger for recognition and attention.
[Drawing 6]

Days later Hana finds Sara at the exit of the school, already somewhat late when everyone has left, that day there is no school club after school hours so Sara's programming, which depends on what day it is, neither forces Sara to go to the club nor reminds her to open that mysterious app on her cell phone that activates the indicated hypnotic trigger. In addition, on that day Sara stays at school to get better grades. However, this behavior is something that Hana noticed by constantly watching Sara, as Hana was looking for the best moment to execute her evil plan. Then Hana activates the trigger by saying the word "Sleep" and Hana falls asleep standing in a deep trance, something that Hana does not miss and hugs her from behind to take her new hypnotic toy home and see how she can take revenge on her, something that Hana was very anxious about.

Finally, Hana, who in her spying on Sara discovered the rest of the hypnotic triggers Kenta used on her, activated the "Serve" trigger and gave her the Noelle cosplay, which was kept in the school club and which Hana took that day as part of her evil plans. Then Sara, totally submerged in the deep hypnosis, follows the orders of Hana, who orders her to make dinner for her, thinking in what else she can use her new slave, at least that day, since the next day she must return Sara to the club so that nobody suspects, thinking Hana that it will be a sufficient revenge to enslave her all night forcing her to be her servile and sweet slave.
[Drawing 7]

The next day Hana takes Sara back to the school club very early, early enough so that nobody else sees that Hana is taking Sara there. It seems that her plan has been a success, and perhaps Hana can even take advantage of Sara from time to time in the future if she is careful enough so that Kenta and no one else finds out. However, even though everything has gone well, Hana's ambitious, vindictive and evil personality cannot help but take further advantage of the situation, so she orders Sara to unlock her cell phone to see her intimate conversations and have information with which to blackmail Sara in the future. However, in Sara's cell phone, Hana finds a mysterious application with a spiral-shaped icon.

Out of curiosity Hana opens that application and watches the spiral attentively, for longer and longer and longer, while listening to a hypnotic audio, which is supposed to be a hypnotic audio that was programmed to be played the next time Sara opens the application at the time she has been suggested to do so, since that audio must be played every so often to consolidate the brainwashing. However, to Hana's bad luck, it has been her who has listened to the hypnotic audio while attentively watching the spiral, thus discovering that she is also highly suggestible and susceptible to hypnosis, but not being able to do anything to avoid it, falling deeply into the same hypnosis as Sara. After the hypnotic audio ended, Hana looked for a cosplay in the club, and to her luck, the cosplay of Noelle that Sara was wearing was not the only cosplay there, there were also other cosplay of Genshin Impact that sometimes Hana would wear to get the attention of the other members of the club, and the hypnotic audio only talked about the cosplay kept in the club, not about Noelle's cosplay in specific, so Hana put on a nice Lisa cosplay, and started to act as Lisa since she is also a Genshin fan, and the audio didn't say which specific character she should play, but "the usual character", and Hana interpreted that as Lisa's character, since Lisa is the character that Hana usually plays with the most when she plays that game.

Then, immediately, Hana remained motionless in a pose waiting for orders, since in this case, the audio was incomplete by asking the listener to wait for new orders, and that's when Kenta should arrive at Sara's house (since that audio was planned to be listened at Sara's house by Sara herself) and maneuver with the hypnosis by programming new triggers. In addition, Sara has also heard what the hypnotic audio of the application said, since it was heard by the usual audio of the cell phone, without headphones, taking also a cute pose and remaining then both motionless in the club waiting for new commands

[Drawing 8]

[Good ending]
Finally, half an hour later, Kenta arrives at the club, he is usually the first to arrive as he is the club president. Then Kenta is in for a big surprise, finding Hana, who seems to be another easily suggestible girl, having fallen victim to Sara's cell phone app for rummaging through her cell phone. Kenta couldn't miss the opportunity, so, after changing Hana's cosplay to a stylized maid cosplay for Lisa, he gave her specific hypnotic triggers for her and from then on Hana and Sara would both be club helpers while under hypnosis, a fitting end for the evil Hana.
[Drawing 9]

[Bad ending]
It is then at that moment when the janitor arrives at the club hall to clean the place, he is a guy who is just his first day on the job, when he finds the big surprise that there are two life-size cosplay dolls waiting for him.  The janitor is not very smart so he does not perceive the difference between a sex doll or super realistic posable and a real person, plus he is not so interested in that job, so he steals them to sell them at very high cost to a store specializing in sex toys and then resign from that horrible job and be a couple of months living with the money he earned by selling the two girls as dolls…

Meanwhile, in the following days, Sara and Hana were waiting peacefully just posing cute and being cute, waiting to be bought, already specially packaged as sex dolls and being displayed on the counter of the store.
[Drawing 10]


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