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Anna Ouichi is an adventurer and young woman who, although she appears to be in her twenties, may be around 50 years old, this because the species of beings to which she belongs, the "souls" colloquially said, although also called tamashians or lunarians of the earth, are immortal and in appearance do not age beyond 20 to 30 years, although this can vary in different ways (although the most common is that they actually grow in age very quickly and remain stagnant in their physiological development from a certain point). On the other hand, even though Anna is more related to this species of gods from which her mother Anna Izumi comes from, she is actually a mix between that species and the species of humanoid dragons of the Ouichi family (after her father, Owatatsumi Ouichi, nicknamed "Owa"), which usually age much more slowly in a more organized and less chaotic way even though they are also immortal, which caused Anna's growth to be not so fast in appearance but rather slow (similar to that of a normal human) and simply stagnate from the age of 20. That is why from the perspective of her father (who has been living for hundreds of thousands of years), she is very young when from the perspective of a human she would already be close to entering old age.

Anna Ouichi was the fruit of an affair that resulted in a marriage that lasted only a few years between Anna Izumi and Owa. Anna Izumi, who had already spent several years living very freely after she fell out with her original husband, Shue (from whom she would grow apart and they would constantly come back together again and again over the years, something that tends to happen when you are immortal and have no care or interest in spending the rest of your life with one person, since life for them doesn't quite end). Owa, who is a Radammantian Ouichi who is the son (and grandson at the same time) of Sentaro Ouichi's cousin, being his father who helped him to betray Radammanto and facilitate the escape and diaspora of the Shiba on the moon, many eons later, and some years after the death of Radammanto and his son Ares, when the Ouichi came to rule directly in Radammanto, Owa came back into contact with his Ouichi family and moved to Radammanto to become a powerful and skilled warlord under his grandfather Wolnir (a Radammantian who married a member of the Ouichi family) and this resulted in Owa taking Anna Izumi to live in Radammanto.

However, when Anna Izumi tried to integrate into Radammanto's society, and even to help dismantle some criminal and corrupt groups associated with Radammanto's military government (since Anna Izumi is or was a very powerful and hyperactive goddess, she became bored with staying in Radammanto's society, so she was bored to stay alone at home taking care of little Anna Ouichi, but she was always looking for ways to help and also always wanted to gain the acceptance of the people of her new home), then she met with little acceptance and sometimes rejection from the Radammantians. Anna Izumi defended that she also had Radammantian blood, even if very distant (being a direct descendant of Sentaro Ouichi who married and had children with Erain (the second oldest known direct ancestor of Anna), something that the Radammantians considered something absurd and illegitimate because that was a long time ago and Anna's Radammantian blood would be then very diluted, besides being Anna also descendant of the family (the Shiba and specifically Erain) that caused a deep wound to the emperor Radammanto that would serve later as a weak point that his son Ares used to kill him and usurp the throne and, all this, would derive in plunging the Radammantian empire into decadence and misery, and that Anna had that cursed blood is not something that would motivate the Radammantians to accept Anna as someone part of their society. In addition, Anna Izumi, stood out for having her hair a strong, bright, neon blue, something extremely rare in Radammanto where people's hair is usually black, red, brown or more rarely blonde, and even though she had red eyes like most of the Radammantians, it was known that originally her eyes were blue and changed over time (Shiba family eyes change to red when they get angry or sad, or when they go into a form of chaotic behavior, and Anna was always angry, sad or chaotic since a few decades). Adding to this Owa, unhappy with Anna's hyperactivity, allowed her mother Hina (who is Owa's daughter and sister at the same time since Owa's father married his own daughter when she had already become older and after turning Owa's grandmother into a table, and Owa is the fruit of that relationship) to turn Anna into a "good wife", so Hina would condition and raise Anna to be a "good wife",  Hina would condition and leverage Anna's brain to practically turn her into a submissive wife for Owa and, when Owa was not at home to be attended by Anna Izumi, she would remain quietly in a corner of the house waiting for Owa to arrive, as if she were an ornament, However, after a few years this tired Anna Izumi who fled from there to seek new horizons, leaving Anna Ouichi (her daughter she had with Owa) abandoned to prevent Owa from leaving in search of her (she considered that perhaps Owa would not pursue her if she fled alone but would pursue her if she took their daughter with her).

This resulted in Anna Ouichi growing up in a society where people treated her in a strange and sometimes hostile way (for having Shiba blood and for having blue hair like her mother, and purple eyes, which could be more normal in Radammanto being the product of a strange gene of the Ouichi, but not enough), and this caused Anna Ouichi to react with rejection to the Radammantians and, as she grew up, to show a more and more rebellious attitude. Then when Owa, because he has no time to take care of his daughter and prevent her from doing crazy things or fighting with other Radammantians, especially because he is too busy leading the war against the Third Empire of the Seven Hills (humans from the steppes of northern Asia who transcended their borders on earth and who, by traveling and conquering other realities, became aware of the nutritional riches of dragon meat, while dragons are sacred in Radammanto, provoking this war between the two), thought and talked to her mother Hina about correcting her daughter Anna Ouichi as she had corrected her ex-partner (Anna Ouichi's mother of the same name), Anna Ouichi decided that it was time to leave Radammanto and travel between universes (colloquially called realities) looking for new airs.

This is how Anna Ouichi, after fleeing, over the years became a kind of vigilante helping oppressed people to obtain the end of repression and the punishment of repressors, especially in the distant realities of Radammanto and getting closer and closer to the realities/universes bordering the no man's land and the Capital Reality (where Anna Ouichi's mother comes from), being that these realities are the most anarchic and chaotic and that is why they are the places where there are more injustices. This is how Anna Ouichi (who for practical reasons we will refer to as just Anna from now on, and Anna Izumi as "Anna's mother") arrived in the reality of Phourania, a place with a deeply corrupt nobility that has no king after a civil war and is governed by a junta of nobles with no defined head of state. In this place, Phourania, women of all kinds (but mostly poor women) disappear without a trace and without any authority to appeal to for their search, being this situation something quite common in the realities of the borders between empires and domains due to the popularity of making dolls using people for that (turning people, no matter if they are men or women, into dolls). So for Anna this is another one of those routine missions where she executes the doll dealers and frees the captured people (if they haven't been turned into dolls yet, and sometimes she helps to turn the dolls into people again even though these people are always left with mental gaps and after-effects). To find information, Anna has infiltrated a party of nobility pretending to be a noble diplomat from a nearby reality.
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Anna would be confident that it would be a simple and quick mission and that she would only need to get information to give against the culprits, even that she would realize that the job would not be so simple this time when, bringing her glass of wine to her lips, she quickly perceived through her sense of smell (which she has trained and enhanced with her goddess powers to detect all kinds of poisons) that the cup contained some kind of poison or sedative and that, moreover, as a substance, it turned out to be quite anomalous (since the liquid it contained was thicker, more similar to blood and less like conventional wine). If someone poisoned her cup (something extremely rare since when Anna drank that cup, she did not perceive that smell before), it is as if someone very quickly changed the chemical composition of the cup, so quickly and so skillfully that Anna, who has blood and goddess powers, could not perceive it.
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That's when everything got complicated, because when Anna discovered that she had been discovered so that someone tried to adulterate her drink, then the rest of the guests at the party changed their attitude, since they have realized that Anna has realized the trap. All the party guests at that moment became hostile, as if they were assassins infiltrating from all sides hired to capture or kill Anna, and went on the attack against her, something that forced Anna to step out of her role as a diplomat of the nobility, appear her weapon and finish off anyone who crossed her path. However, there were so many enemies for Anna (as it seemed that all the guests of the party were after her, and there were many since they were everywhere in the palace where it was taking place) that she could not cope with so many enemies (and also each enemy was more powerful than the previous one), so she used her extrasensory abilities and felt an empty room with windows through which she could flee without having to face anyone on the way, having no time to lose for her.
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Anna went through that large door and, after that, destroyed part of the roof and pillars of the place to obstruct the door with rubble, avoiding being followed. Anna thought she could finally catch her breath, but what she found in that room of the palace was even more disconcerting. There was a blue-haired, red-eyed doll just like her, even though she also reminded her of her mother because of the red color of her eyes.
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As if that wasn't enough, Anna turning to the rest of the room, saw many more life-size dolls inside their boxes, boxes which were behind glass windows that made this situation not only more creepy, as if that place was a kind of gallery or museum of someone else's victims and, in addition, all those blue-haired dolls, who were wearing different and beautiful dresses, all had blue hair and looked extremely similar to Anna, causing her to shiver in the extreme. Even Anna thought to herself if the corrupt nobles prepared that to scare her because of how strangely convenient that situation was, being also that blue hair is not so common (or at least it wasn't in Radammanto which is the place where Anna was born and raised, causing that perspective in her) and, moreover, those dolls don't seem to be people turned into dolls or at least not at all, since when a person is turned into a doll to be sold by those traffickers they still usually retain their souls and their consciences (and even if their consciences were to erode over time, there will still be the soul), but those dolls are just bodies without souls or consciences plasticized and turned into dolls.
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Things got worse for Anna when she approached an empty box, it had a plaque with her name inscribed in golden letters, as if everything had been prepared and was ready for her to occupy that place. It is at this moment when Anna thinks it appropriate to flee the place before something more strange happens even though, being so distracted and worried about that situation, she could not notice a button hidden on the floor just behind her that was in front of that empty box, receiving a shot from a dart with a very dense and powerful elephant sedative, something calculated to be just enough to capture Anna, who fell unconscious in a dense sleep.
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Anna, upon awakening, found herself naked on a bed suffering from severe cold. She doesn't know who put her there, or how she got there, and even her powers are somehow neutralized and deactivated, making her feel quite vulnerable. Besides, in that room there were no windows or doors, only the bed and some old furniture. When Anna looked for some clothes among the furniture she only found something like a wedding dress, but there was nothing else inside. Then Anna put on the wedding dress, which unfortunately did not cover much of her skin, besides being ridiculous and revealing for her, even though when she tried to take it off she realized that the dress had stuck to her skin, preventing her from freeing herself from the torment of wearing it.
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Unfortunately for Anna, her stomach was growling and even though she was not forced to eat (being immortal and a descendant of gods, she could live without eating and absorbing energy from her surroundings), she was very used to eating a lot, so being locked up there without food was an additional torment to the one she was already suffering. Looking around the place more, the only thing she found were some chocolate candies that Anna gathered from all the places where they were and piled them up. Anna knows that it would be very absurd to ingest them since it could be supposed to be a trap, even though her sense of smell did not perceive that they had some kind of poison or sedative (even though her senses may be currently more dulled). As the days went by Anna could not help ingesting these sweets, which did not cause any immediate effect on her, and besides, Anna loves chocolate, so in the absence of other food and as a result of anxiety, Anna's only distraction was to eat these chocolate sweets all the time. As the weeks went by Anna was losing mobility and becoming more and more clumsy while her skin and hair started to become more and more shiny and look more and more fake, like plastic, to the point that when Anna bumps into something and some part of her body touches a piece of furniture, it sounds like plastic bumping into something else, her fingers are becoming more and more rigid and remain more and more immobile separated and being impossible for Anna to put her fingers together. Meanwhile, behind a false wall and without Anna being able to perceive it, there was Touya, a scientist obsessed with Anna's mother and her whole family, could it be Touya who is behind all this being the capture of Anna Ouichi and her "Transcendence" as a doll, just another experiment for him?
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Finally, days later, when Anna was given the finishing touches, she finally occupied, as a doll, that empty space in the box she had seen before. Anna did not know that in that region of the ABYSS, Anna dolls (dolls based on her mother's appearance) were very popular, so it would be a highly sought after, prized and sought after collector's item to find a living Anna doll that moves and follows instructions, since the others are currently ordinary dolls. What will fate hold now for Anna Ouichi in her new life as a doll?
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