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Kana's life as an actress has always been complicated, because she, who is currently 18 years old, was an actress since she was 3 years old (as a child actress) and at first she got all the attention and was very loved in those times, standing out a lot and capturing the attention of the public and adults. However, as Kana grew up, added to the fact that she developed an unbearable personality because the fame and attention made her feel superior to others, added to the pressure of the environment and other irresponsible adults, caused her acting career to wreck and she had less and less roles and of less and less relevance, something that would affect very hard on Kana's self-esteem and self-confidence.

However, fortunately, Kana found in the world of idols a new beginning, and since a little over a year ago she returned to be the center of attention as the lead singer of the new B-Komachi, an idol group that took the name of a previous one which was very famous and which disappeared after its biggest star, Ai, died suddenly. All this situation fills Kana with fears and questions, as she is now the new star of this idol group (or at least of the group that took the name of the previous one), will she share the same destiny of Ai?

Kana's doubts and concerns were further heightened when she recently found herself the victim of a controversy in which she was accused of being a lover or girlfriend of an older man, something that would look very bad in the idol world, not because she was the girlfriend or lover of an older man, but because she had a partner, being that idols are usually seen as the object of desire of their fans who, upon discovering that their favorite idol has a partner, they feel disappointed and let down, and it was this, in fact, what condemned Ai to death when one of her most toxic and obsessive fans discovered that Ai had a partner and the fact that she had two children, which led the subject to end Ai's life.

Meanwhile, Kana, who knows all this and that she thinks she can go through a similar situation thanks to this controversy because of the paparazzi, has led her to decide to quit the idol world. Besides, all the time she worked as an idol has been useful for her to regain her self-confidence and, moreover, to become the center of attention again and be able to get new job offers as an actress and, even if she also feels a little sorry for deciding to leave the group, she knows that it is the best and that it is time to turn the page to find new opportunities, especially because her greatest talent is acting and she saw singing rather as something secondary and eventual.

Finally that day Kana attended an offer for a role at an independent studio that recently started shooting a movie. The place where Kana went to, contrary to what she might think, seemed to be a dirty, smelly, dark and probably unsafe alley, so Kana wondered herself about whether it was not better to run away as it all seemed like a bad joke or a trap and even the fate that Ai suffered was going through Kana's mind and she was not willing to go through the same fate. However, before she could retreat, finally someone opens the door of the place and takes Kana by the hand, leading her inside the studio and thwarting her plans of retreat.

Once inside the filming set, Kana saw all the infrastructure they had to shoot the movie, something that contrasted a lot with the outside of the place, resulting for Kana to see two completely different worlds contrasting each other. Also, after entering the place, Kana received the clothes she will wear to play the role she was offered, a red evening dress with black gloves. For the moment everything seemed magnificent to Kana, even though she was still wondering when she would receive a script to act her role, since she did not receive the script before coming there nor has she received it yet, and all this is strange for Kana, since, why a role in a movie does not have a script to be able to study its dialogues? All this is strange for her.
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Kana's surprise was even greater when the director explained to Kana what her role would be. She would only have to appear there, in the background, without moving, like a mannequin, Kana's role being really a kind of filler character or even part of the background and scenery.

This seemed absurd and insulting to Kana, since someone with all the experience she has in the acting world cannot simply take such a minor and irrelevant role, even though she has improved her skills to be more manageable and gentle. Because of this Kana decided to give up the role, even though it was already too late for Kana to give up. Then the director takes Kana's chin with his hand and caresses it gently as he breathes on her neck and looks deeply into her eyes. Then Kana feels a cold sensation run down her back and, sooner than she could have foreseen, Kana ends up completely immobilized, like a kind of life-size poseable doll, making Kana a spectator from now on in whatever happens in her own body, something that pleases the director very much.
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Months later, after the director and crew have finished filming the movie, they finally have no more use for Kana. On the other hand, it would be very complicated for the director to have to release her as it is a low-budget B-movie and he would have to pay many hours of outstanding salary for Kana. Also, in addition, it would be a waste if they simply let Kana go instead of giving her a new use in her current state and form. Therefore, the director decided to send Kana to the sex doll factory of a contact of his to recycle Kana and give her a new destiny and purpose in life, the director knowing several people who would be delighted to have a sex doll of Kana, especially if it is Kana herself turned into a sex doll and who would surely put her to better use and a more interesting future than Kana could ever aspire to. As the director's employees pack Kana in a wooden box filled with straw to be shipped to the factory, they raise their own doubts about what she is doing, since Kana, whom they consider part of the prop, seems to be a very real person, even though perhaps (the employees think), they should save themselves from asking awkward questions and concentrate on simply doing their job.
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Days later, Kana arrived safe and sound and without a scratch at the doll factory. The first stage Kana went through is the verification of the raw material (herself) and received the acceptance and admiration of the factory employees as they found a potential sex doll ready for any situation and to be sold to any type of customer. Then Kana goes to the second stage and is put on a conveyor belt, being bathed in a delicate but resistant layer of flexible plastic while receiving all kinds of treatments by robotic arms that are responsible for turning her into a good sex doll with all the details included.
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Finally Kana comes out of the assembly line as a new and perfect sex doll, although she could also be used as a hyper-realistic mannequin (since you can still see the details of her eyes and she has no mannequin joints, but she is as poseable as a real one, although she has not been turned into that for those purposes but for other very different ones. The employees of the factory are happy to see the product practically finished and do not waste time to do stress tests on it to check the quality of their work.
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After the stress tests, something that greatly pleased the employees who performed this task, they take Kana to a kind of vacuum in which Kana begins to float mysteriously. No one would expect that technology has advanced so much by then, until one of the employees chooses Kana's outfit on his cell phone through an application, then around Kana starts to generate her new outfit, as if the fact that Kana is trapped and floating in that huge glass tube meant that she was inside a video game in which they can change, generate, regenerate and disintegrate her outfit just by clicking a few buttons.
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At the end of the whole dressing process, Kana is repacked in a box with a custom-made plastic mold, in which she fits perfectly. This box, unlike the previous wooden box, is full of color and life, for this will be the packaging in which Kana will finally be sold. In the meantime, another employee of the factory asks himself if it wouldn't be a good idea to consider Kana a defective product so that they could keep Kana longer, something that seemed absurd and impossible to the other employee and colleague of the previous one, who decided to hurry with packing Kana since Kana will be sent in an international shipment to a very distant place.
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Weeks later Kana finally arrives at her destination, which is actually inside Japan, after a few laps as cargo on a plane to throw her captors off the scent. It seems that the one who has bought Kana is none other than Aqua, who was suspicious about Kana's fate after her mysterious disappearance. However, the question now is: how will Kana be released from her new status as a sex doll.
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