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Alexander's ambition is inexhaustible, a male ballet dancer in his 30's who is quite bitter that he has been rejected again from dance school. Even though Alexander is passionate about dance, he can't help but look forward to the theater, film and television to expand his possibilities, take advantage of his beauty and feed his ego, being that in recent years he has not had many possibilities to develop as a dancer, since most of the places in a ballet work are occupied by women which leaves little room for men, especially when it comes to important roles, being male ballet dancers often seen as something more accessory and complementary to the main dancers who are women.

Many years ago, when Alexander was a child, Alexander's parents were two of the most famous ballet dancers in their country and the most sought after in the industry, and the dance company they owned and participated in had become very well known and famous, being invited to be part of several projects and functions quite well paid, although many of these offers were rejected by their parents confident that they could live on their fame and their earnings in various very select works without needing to accept all possible works, they considered that this luck would last a lifetime, or at least that was what they believed. However, nobody expected the arrival of an epidemic, which is called "the posable disease", because the person who is infected with this disease loses mobility little by little until he/she becomes completely immobile and with a certain flexibility that allows the sick person to pose in any pose he/she wants, to disappear completely after a few days, as if they had ceased to exist without leaving any trace whatsoever. This epidemic caused the closing of public events (including ballet performances, and would eventually extend this crisis lasting so many years that, when performances finally opened, they never recovered as they never had the same number of audiences again, people were now more comfortable at home watching a movie on the internet or even previously recorded ballet performances (if they were a big fan of this art) and people for a long time have continued to fear leaving home, even if it is to buy food, now they prefer to do it online, because even though the crisis that caused the epidemic is considered overcome, people have discovered the convenience of not leaving home and look for everything on the internet.

All this caused the ballet to lose its audience and, when his parents stopped earning enough money pursuing their passion, they decided to divorce and leave their son abandoned with an aunt, so Alexander has not seen his parents since he was 8 years old, causing him great sorrow. This turned Alexander into a very individualistic, selfish and ambitious person to survive and he set out to be not only a great dancer, but the best dancer of all time to gain fame and recognition. However, Alexander knows that it will not be possible to achieve that from the position he is already in, but that he must transcend and capture everyone's attention no matter what he has to do. In addition, Alexander's aunt would help him in this, an older and rusty woman, a veteran in the world of ballet, who has also seen with good eyes the energy and conviction that Alexander has for being a ballet dancer even though ballet has led them to success, but has also led them to ruin in some ways. Moreover, she knows that Alexander really has the qualities of a great dancer and that he was rejected from the dance school only because of the recent family past, for years ago Arine, who is the daughter of Alexander's aunt and cousin, sullied the family name by her chaotic personality and by attacking the director of her ballet company with a disarmador without success, so that since then no school or ballet company admits people from the whole family anymore. On the other hand Alexander reminds the aunt of her daughter Arine (who mysteriously disappeared without a trace many years ago for reasons that perhaps only the family knows and was eventually presumed dead), but mentally healthier and more stable and ambitious, so the aunt as a form of redemption decides to help Alexander to be the best male ballet dancer of all.

This is how Alexander began his career to the top without scruples and without mercy against others, that although it was based on training and effort, Alexander did not hesitate to sabotage or overshadow the work of other dancers to progress, especially if they were women, There was an evident misogynist nuance in him, since he felt serious envy to women as they were the protagonists in ballet works most of the time and therefore monopolized most of the relevant roles, something that overshadowed the male dancers in the environment. For someone as sick of power and fame as Alexander and with so much resentment, the ballet dancers only had value for their beauty and not for their effort and practice (a perspective perhaps mistaken fruit of the blind hatred that Alexander had for his past), so in short he saw the female dancers as simple dolls that triumphed in the ballet for their appearance and not for their techniques or skills, and that if so, it would make no difference if one day someone decided to lock them all up in glass cases to be displayed motionless or spinning eternally without grace like a life-size music box, people would go to see them and spend their money anyway.

Within 5 years Alexander managed, in record time, to become such a famous dancer that he had earned so much money that he didn't have to work for the rest of his life. However, Alexander was still not satisfied, Alexander did not know when to stop, nor did he know how to recognize his limits, he wanted to be even more famous and idolized, to the point that he would not mind if his fans made a religion out of worshipping him.

No matter how hard Alexander tried to become more famous, no matter how many people he sabotaged, it seemed that Alexander's fame and power had stopped growing, making him wonder if perhaps he had been found out or why his career seemed to be on the verge of being cut short, just when Alexander considered that he was on the right track to becoming so famous, and also the richest, since that year his aunt passed away and he was the only heir to her fortune, but Alexander did not value all that and he wanted to be even more famous, to the point that his face would be omnipresent everywhere and on all kinds of products, or even, if possible, to be worshipped by a Greek god for his virility and masculine beauty. So Alexander thinks of ways to get the public's attention: perhaps a scandal? Alexander is so unscrupulous that he thinks there is no such thing as bad publicity as long as it brings more attention and audience.

It is on that good night in 2054 while it is snowing (while he is enjoying his solitude that day, as he hasn't made many friends lately) that Alexander assures himself and the universe that he would do anything to be the most famous person on the face of the earth no matter what. It is here that a mysterious winged silhouette appears in front of him, leaving a trail of feathers in the air and falling back and forth to the ground: could it be the spirit of Christmas, Alexander thinks to himself. This mysterious winged woman, who identifies herself as Saint Ina, patron saint of the mentally ill, has heard Alexander's Christmas wishes and proposes a deal where it seems that Alexander can only benefit: Saint Ina extends her hand and proposes to Alexander to fulfill his dream of being the most famous person on earth, however the way in which this wish would be executed and fulfilled, will depend on what is in Alexander's heart, Saint Ina warning that if he only has light and goodness in his heart, the result will be like an earthly paradise, whereas if Alexander has only darkness and hatred within him, perhaps the wish will be executed in a way he would not expect, and if he does not care how his dream would be executed as long as it becomes a reality, then Alexander should accept the deal by shaking Ina's hand.

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Alexander, who is a megalomaniac that believes he is the best person in the world and with the purest desires, doesn't understand the seriousness of Ina's warnings, if he is the best person in the world and the nicest, at least from his perspective, then they only expect good things for him, so Alexander takes Ina's hand and shakes it, accepting the deal. It is then when Santa Ina releases the sack of gifts from his left hand and snaps his fingers, and a kind of dark energy begins to emanate from Santa Ina and saturate the room in a suffocating way, enveloping said darkness to Alexander, plunging him into a deep sleep.

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Several weeks later Alexander awakens from his long slumber. He feels as if he has been asleep, motionless or in suspended animation for a long time so he feels somewhat physically awkward. However, that is not the strangest thing that awaits him on this adventure. As Alexander's eyesight begins to clear, after some large spotlights are pointed directly in his face, he sees how he is now cross-dressed in a very suggestive and sexy velvet Christmas suit, being surprised and frightened at the same time to be dressed like this, because it is not only humiliating for him because it is an affront to his virility and manhood, but also because he is being exhibited like this to the public, or that is what he realized when he noticed that he is on a stage in front of several people, who are not such a large audience, but among them there are many important people that he can recognize and who seem to have a morbid taste for seeing other famous and powerful people being embarrassed and humiliated, having among the public politicians, businessmen, judges and all kinds of oligarchs, all men. Thus Alexander, aggrieved by what he assumes is what Santa Ina is doing to humiliate him, cries out to the air about how she can be able to present him like that, with such humiliating clothes in front of the public.

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Santa Ina, who now appears as a voice coming from the spotlights that seems omnipresent thanks to the echo of the room, accepts that Alexander is right, then she snaps her fingers again and Alexander begins to float as he is surrounded by a thick red mist, while his clothes begin a process of metamorphosis in which the short skirt grows and becomes a large and fluffy pink skirt that is part of a ballerina dress with bare shoulders and crinoline at the knees, the black boots like Alexander's soul become white pantyhose denoting the purity and innocence of what will probably be turned into, and the red gloves slowly fade to a pink color, the furry trim on the gloves becoming a sort of transparent pink chiffon sleeves, a tiara now appearing on Alexander's head.

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Horrified that he is being dressed against his will in different dresses, as if he were Santa Ina's dress-up doll, and seeing him being turned into what he hated most, Alexander again nervously and hysterically reproaches Santa Ina for what is happening, claiming that it is horrible to present him like this in public, for what audience of powerful men in a country as socially retrograde as the one they live in would like to see a man cross-dressed as a ballet dancer? Only Santa Ina's maniacal laughter can be heard behind the spotlights, as if to her Alexander had made a joke, and she asserts to Alexander that she would be surprised at the strange tastes and fetishes of the powerful and the amount of money they can splurge to see their most perverted fantasies come true, even if to the public eye they keep a more hard-nosed or moralistic appearance. On the other hand, Santa Ina considers Alexander's complaint valid, not for what he considers his audience, but for his own comfort, and decides to help him a little to feel less embarrassed about the situation, so Ina snaps her fingers again.

Then Alexander feels his body begin to vibrate and spasm and tremble throughout all his muscles, and sees how huge bulges grow on his pectorals, how the curve of his hips accentuate and how he begins to feel a strange heat on his back, which turns out to be hair growing rapidly.  Alexander, frightened, tries to cry out to Santa Ina for mercy to stop, only to discover that his voice has changed from a deep voice to an annoying and shocking high-pitched voice. It is here that something inside Alexander breaks and he has realized that he has been turned into what he hates most and has sworn to destroy, a beautiful, cute and helpless female ballet dancer, as much as a doll as he thought in his most contemptuous postures, all this together with the absence of that thing he had in his crotch and now feeling the air circulating down there through his crinoline and threading his leotard through a small void between his legs where something used to be. Meanwhile, vectors of that dense dark mist begin to form behind him, or should I say, behind her.

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Alexander, who now Ina would call as Alex, seeing how she falls to her knees crying and scared, tries to comfort her by affirming that very soon she will get all that fame and attention she desires, and to make that faster, Santa Ina decides to help her a little more while Ina's reddish mist vectors start to entangle Alex's wrists of her arms, so her shins, her arms, her crotches, her hips, her neck and her head. Then Alex is suspended in the air by those vectors, which behave as if they were the strings of a puppet, and begin to make her dance like a beautiful ballet dancer. Alex believed that everything was over in his life and career after being exhibited in such a powerful way, and maybe he was right, until that select audience began to applaud Alex, fascinated by such humiliation full of drama, pain and shame, something that confuses and reddens Alex's face seeing how he is clamored and cheered by such important people, even that the flattery clouds her sight not letting her see that what they enjoy is her pain more than himself.

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Alex, totally vulnerable and confused by the flattery, begins to feel a great pleasure and ecstasy coursing through her veins, and her heart beats fast as she dances sublimely, in a situation where she no longer knows if she is dancing on her own initiative or if her body is just lying flaccid and motionless being moved at pleasure by those strands of red mist. Finally the show ends and she takes a bow while still hanging from the strands of mist. Alex would like to see more of her audience cheering for her but the bowing posture that the strings force her to maintain does not allow her to do so. Simultaneously, while she cannot see, several people start to raise signs with different sums of money written on them, as if it were an auction.

For before Alex knew it, for she is strongly disconnected from reality since she got carried away by the ovations and the attention of the public and her whole being is suffocated and drowned in a kind of guilty pleasure that she didn't know she could feel, meanwhile it seems that someone bought Alex at auction and she is being packed right now in a kind of big life-size velvet case with her silhouette on it.

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[End 1 - Good ending]

Several months pass without Alex noticing, as if she had already lost track of time, since do dolls have perception of time anyway? It doesn't seem so. On the other hand, while Alex has been absent from reality all that time, it seems that whoever bought Alex at the auction decided to recoup the investment in an unsuspected way. Using some cutting edge technology from the other side of the world, Alex was shrunk and his appearance was cloned into hundreds of millions of replicas that share his appearance in every inch, if sometimes in different clothing. Over time a new brand of dolls was opened with the name of Alex and these were very popular and sold all over the country, becoming over time Alex's face in an icon and as a doll and an emblematic toy of the whole country, besides the fact that the doll Alex was so similar to that famous male ballet dancer who has disappeared many months ago and no one knows what happened to him, giving some mysticism to that brand of dolls. Meanwhile Alex, the original, was packed together with the other dolls while waiting to be sold as another doll of his brand, despite being the original doll, and while passively contemplating without intervening in the environment (because a doll can not intervene in the environment, if not part of it) as girls and curious people approached the Alex dolls and among them to her, they looked with admiration to the dolls seeing her as an example to follow of aesthetics and beauty and ready to ask their parents to buy her an Alex doll for Christmas. The only thing Alex could feel at that moment is pleasure for having been turned into what she hated so much without knowing that she would like it so much deep down, while she feels fulfillment for having become a famous brand, even if it was as a doll brand, and she also felt for the first time the warmth and love of another human being receiving the attention of the girls, a warmth and love she had never received before, and now she was happy to receive, even if it was from the perspective of a doll. In the end all Alex needed was love and that which had turned him into an obsessive monster was her parents' abandonment and merciless discipline from a very young age to be a male ballet dancer, and now as a doll he can redeem all the damage she has done by making a girl happy.

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[Final 2 - Neutral ending]

Several years have passed in which Alex finds herself lost in that pleasant dream with hardly any awareness of the reality around her. Now that she is a doll time does not pass for her nor is she fully perceptive of its passing, and so now Alex has some sort of immortality (as long as she is not broken as the doll she is, of course) while normal humans grow up and pass away all the time out there. Already Alex has been owned by up to 3 generations since the original buyer who got Alex at auction and currently Alex sits on the shelf of the granddaughter of the original buyer (who is now an older woman) along with other toys and memorabilia. Alex didn't achieve her dream of being world famous but at least she has quiet and peace in her current form of existence, even though she wishes at least someone would play with her and spoil her a little to make her life less monotonous. Fortunately for Alex, the granddaughter of her current owner (who is the great-great-granddaughter of the original buyer) has just arrived at her grandmother's house and seems to see Alex with a desire to play.

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[Ending 3 - Bad Ending]

Alex didn't think about the more serious consequences of making that deal with Santa Ina, like, for example, not even being able to be able to think anymore while his mind and body are saturated with guilty pleasure and deep shame due to the continuous humiliation he feels right now.

In the end, whoever bought it at that auction considered that the best way to recover his investment, besides enjoying Alex's pain and suffering, was to put it on display in a shopping mall and charge a fee to enter the premises to see it. To attract the attention of friends and strangers to the subject of ballet, it is commented in the exhibition that Alexander suffered a plane crash in which he died and that to preserve his body and his memory in honor of his career as a famous ballet dancer, it was decided to embalm him and make him part of an exhibition but that, because of the accident, his body was severely damaged and it was only possible to reconstruct his body with female attributes after what happened. Since then Alex just spins on and on eternally as the morbid public of his country's capital sees how the virile and egocentric dancer Alexander has been turned into a beautiful, docile, immobile and delicate life-size wind-up doll, the remains of what he once was, without everyone knowing that Alexander, or well, as Alex, is still alive and conscious, and that she uncomfortably feels on herself all the morbid, leering and astonished looks of the people, trembling a little now and then involuntarily because of the discomfort she feels deep down, without achieving any success of being able to move and run away.

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