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0. In Search of Answers


It has been a long time since the death of Markuz Morozov and the immaterial transcendence of Ina Izumi and also before the eyes of Karenina Morozova has seen the lives of hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who have been victims of Ina's tricks or, sometimes, simply victims of the circumstances that happen in a world like the one we live in today. The fuchsia liquid has long been normalized and its existence is known, even though, of course, it is not much talked about in the media, being as taboo as some drugs, but not for that reason less legal and less used, sometimes with the consent of the victim or, at other times (which Karenina would bet would be the majority), on the basis of misunderstandings, accidents and loopholes of all kinds that nowadays mean that basically trading in humans (turned into dolls or some kind of object of course) is entirely possible without fear of legal repercussions. Everyone knows this is wrong, but as long as no one falls into such an accident, no one cares, plunging everyone into a deep decadence that has lasted for decades, while Ina smiles from her empty abyss watching the world continue to sink into disinterest and pleasure simultaneously, something Karenina disagrees with, even if she guiltily begins to like some of the situations she has to see in her dreams through Ina's eyes (which can see and witness in an omnipresent and immaterial way any situation in her "reality" (as it is called to her universe or each universe in a strange technical language that Ina learned from her grandmother Laia when they met once) and even Ina's powers already encompass and manipulate other alternate realities and close to the reality where she originally comes from. Thus, in accordance with all these concerns, doubts and disagreements, Karenina, while having dinner on the balcony of a luxurious private restaurant in Japan, Karenina has a conversation with Ina, her mother, something that can be usual even if not so long since Karenina lately is somewhat depressed by the situation of the world around her and does not usually talk much with Ina or with anyone. 

Even if Ina and Karenina's relationship is in relatively good shape, especially since Ina has committed herself to not possess Karenina's body spiritually in order to have a way to physically present herself in her world (something she used to do in the past, since a major limitation in her ethereal form since the hadron collider accident happened, is that she cannot physically intervene in her own reality), and even if Ina is always available to talk to Karenina while simultaneously, especially since Ina is able to physically intervene in her own reality, since the hadron collider accident happened, is that she cannot physically intervene in her own reality), and even if Ina is always available to talk to Karenina while simultaneously, especially since Ina can be present in several realities and in her own (even if in her own only in ethereal form), but in return she can simultaneously visualize any person and any place in her reality (of her world) and even converse mentally or through dreams with several people at the same time, even so, Karenina is not very much in the mood to talk to Ina all the time, Besides it is tiring to be in constant communication for so long with the same person (so that Karenina has no privacy in front of her mother), although this time it is not so, since Karenina has a few questions that only Ina can answer, because Ina is indisputably the only being who could be considered a god (or in this case goddess).

In this way, Ina is glimpsed as a mirage or as an illusion in front of Karenina's eyes sitting on a chair sharing the table in that private balcony that Karenina reserved only for the two of them (even though for that restaurant the second person never showed up to the meeting since only Karenina can see Ina at that moment as if she had physically shown up since it is an illusion that Ina has provoked in Karenina's eyes.

Ina: Huhh! It's been so long since we've done this! Maybe... since 2032? What year is this? It's been so long!

Karenina: Huhh.... Yeah... I guess so, we're in the year, err. Huhh, I haven't looked at the calendar much lately....

Then Karenina sees the calendar on her cell phone and, impressed, screams when she sees the current date on the calendar.

Karenina: A-aahh!? 2054!? W-what is this? Why has time gone by so fast?!

Ina: Huhhh!~ It sure happened fast

Karenina: Yes, even though you are still behaving in the same childish way you always have... But all in all, I have several questions to ask you... However, another question has come to my mind now that I see how much time has passed... I have spent most of my time traveling around watching how in the last years the world falls more and more into decay, reading and taking care of the dolls you bring me -including yourself-, or well, your original body/recipient.... I've spent so much time doing that that I haven't noticed the passage of time or bothered to look at a calendar, thirty years having passed since we last saw each other and you told me about Grandma Nozomi and Great Grandma Laia.... Speaking of them, both great-grandmother Laia -who seemed to be an immortal who had lost her immortality- and grandmother Nozomi started to age at 30, and having her hair completely gray since 35, but if it is currently 2054, and in 2032 I was 28 years old, that means I have.. 50 years old?...I try to think how I spend so much time without realizing it but I don't understand...And yet, I see my hair and...it's still deep black, like yours...I understand that you can't get old...But I feel the same every day for the last thirty years.......Am I.... I'm not getting old!? What's going on? Are you behind this?!?

Ina: Huhhh... I see... Maybe... I would be lying to you if I told you that I know everything about our species.

Karenina: Wait... species!? What the hell are you talking about, old lady?

Ina: That's right.... We're not human, at least not completely, not normal humans. Well, Laia had ended up as a normal human until she recovered her powers partially through that grimoire and that strange ritual with Nozomi, but it turns out that your great-grandmother Laia had never lied, she was completely immortal in the past, an immortality that a human cannot access. On the other hand, your grandmother Nozomi was more human than any other species, being the daughter of a weakened and humanized Laia, and of your great-grandfather Akira who was completely human, until she was turned into a doll, becoming immortal in one way or another, I suppose, at a very high price of course.

Karenina: Aha...? But that shouldn't make me immortal... should it, since even if you are immortal, we were all born when none of the above were immortal at the time and your husbands were ordinary humans, right?!

Ina: Yes, well, in theory it should be like that... If my father Alexei was a normal human and Nozomi was at that time, me and your father should be normal humans except for my accident with the hadron collider, and since you are the daughter of both and we are siblings, you should be a normal human...... Sure, if we forget genetics a bit.

Karenina: G-genetic!? What the hell are you talking about!?

Ina: Yes, you see... I saw your great-grandmother Laia once again -during the adventure in Las Vegas while I was driving your car in the middle of the desert- and even though it might seem like a mirage, she actually seemed somewhat convincing and she told me about a few more things... Even though Laia was practically human, having her powers inactive since she came to our reality, that doesn't mean that those powers were not in her genes because they come from the fact that she is not human but from a species with those powers, so those powers were still there, but inactive. What Laia did with the grimoire and the absorption of Nozomi's youth was only something temporary that gave her an incomplete immortality (that would force her to absorb the youth of other people every so often), but that did not reactivate her powers nor gave her back her immortality fully, it only rejuvenated her a little and served the rest of the magic of the grimoire as a catalyst to recover some of the powers but not all of them and not the immortality either, instead I had defeated in another reality a powerful godman named Hermes who, it seems, happens to be some relative of us and her somewhat distant, and instead he had enough power to use it as a catalyst for Laia to fully reactivate the powers of her species and her immortality, and I had taken those powers from Hermes when I defeated him by surprise, something that Laia asked me and I gave it to her since I didn't know how to use those powers.. In exchange for her commitment to take care of our home, this reality -if it is true what she said about being a goddess of a kind of another reality-, or in other words, another universe, and that's what happened... That means that Nozomi, me and you are also partially of that non-human species with godlike powers... In my case that means that the hadron collider did not give me powers to me a simple human... But it awakened in me the powers that I inherited by genetics from your grandmother Laia and all her ancestors, and perhaps, you...

Karenina: I what...?!? Don't tell me that...!?

Ina: Yes, you are immortal too, probably all the times I spiritually possessed you -so to speak- served as a catalyst to activate your immortality, although not enough to activate your powers...

Karenina: What? Noo!!! I don't want to! I didn't decide this! I don't want to be immortal in such a decadent and boring world! I didn't decide to suffer this!

Ina: B-but... that means we can be together forever!!!

Karenina: Ahhh!?  Why? No! Am I not now worthy of such a basic human right as to die with dignity? Tell me how to reverse this! I want answers!

Ina: Well, I don't think that can be reversed so easily, according to what your great-grandmother Laia said, b-but I'm sure you'll get over it and get used to being immortal! Anyway, what were the other doubts you have?

Karenina: Grrrrrrrrr, maybe I wouldn't be so eager to embrace death, if I didn't live in a world as decadent and poisoned with death as this one! You have created this world! You have molded it from every second to your image and likeness for the last 32 years!!! Why!!? You have molded it so for me!!? So that this whole world becomes my dollhouse!!? Why!!?

Ina: Do you really think that I have been the cause of all this?

Karenina: Yes! This all happened because of your fuchsia liquid, didn't it? Your great invention to transcend humanity from its indolent, uncivilized, animalistic humanity to being perfect little dolls while machines do the dirty work! Isn't that what you suggested? Ha! Of course you surely didn't foresee that eventually there would be powerful people who would consolidate their power by making dolls out of others who get in their way!

Ina: Hey, we were all idealistic and stupid in our twenties! Besides, those elites will end up turning on each other's wrists sooner or later as they try to eliminate themselves, isn't it great? 

Ina nods her head while smiling broadly.

Karenina: What...? And you're happy about all this happening because of you?

Ina: Oh, come on, are you seriously going to blame someone who can't physically intervene most of the time other than speaking to the minds of weak people and narrating what is going on for an invisible and non-existent audience? It was the people who made the final decision to put the fuchsia liquid to that use, not me.

Karenina: G-gwbw!!!! And you won't do anything to stop them!!!?

Ina: well, the fuchsia liquid would have been more dangerous for people had it remained secret and under the power of that sect that pulled the strings, at least all the misunderstanding that your father caused and accidentally me believing that he was dreaming when I pushed him to do all those things served so that the fuchsia liquid was something of public existence and not a single power or government could take advantage of it as a weapon.... Outside of that I can do nothing, I have no physical way to intervene in this world, although maybe very soon, when my reincarnation is more mentally mature.

Karenina: But we all know that dad was driven by anger and that he would have used the fuchsia liquid to build his own earthly paradise for himself, even if it would have plunged everyone else into hell...

Ina: Yes, and your father is now dead, he decided to take that path, that's how it happens when someone abuses power and probably that's how it will happen to whoever takes advantage of the fuchsia liquid...

Karenina: Wait... you said reincarnation before?

Ina: Or yes, people of our species if they die physically or their physical body is inactive too long, they tend to reincarnate into random people in the same reality or world even if our souls are still wandering around simultaneously unable to die, so while I'm here, with you, somehow, my reincarnation has already been born a few decades ago, but I don't think she's ready to know more...

Karenina: This is ..... too much for me, I need to touch some grass... Just, don't you have any more information about what species we really are? If I'm not a normal human, at least I have the right to know what I am....

Ina: Well, many years ago, in 2032, the last time I possessed your body, Laia gave me a book of stories, she said that those stories are not very concise but that those stories show the past of our species through shadows and myths, other than that I know very little, maybe it can serve you as a start to investigate something more if you really want to know the truth... I left that book on your bookshelf on the back right side. It is a big red book, you will surely find it easily.

Karenina: Well... I guess... thanks for telling me all this, it's better than living a lie, from now on I'll look for my own means to find out something using the book as a clue.

This is how Karenina, who had turned to Ina to satisfy her doubts, now finds herself with more doubts, more complicated doubts, and the only thing she has as a reference to satisfy those doubts is a book of stories that her mother's old lady left decades ago in her bookcase, it will definitely be a complicated beginning for her investigation, or so Karenina thinks.

However, when Karenina returned home and found the book, which was indeed a big red book with a purple crescent moon in the middle, she could not help but be fascinated and impressed when she began to leaf through the book and see all the topics that were in that book, so coarse and precise, even that also in these books were related very fantastic facts that Karenina did not know if she should take literally or seriously. In addition, something curious about the book is that it is handwritten, with a handwriting that seems to be the handwriting of her great-grandmother Laia as the book is signed by her on the title page, and when Karenina analyzes Laia's handwriting in the book she realizes that this handwriting seems familiar to her as it is a style of handwriting very similar to Ina's or her own, which makes her wonder if that book was really written by great-grandmother Laia or if all those stories in that book are really Ina's delirium or if Ina is trying to play a joke on her. Be that as it may, that book is the closest she will ever come to getting answers.

I. Genesis

This book tells in a summarized way, at the beginning, as a kind of genesis, the story of "Mother" a merciless goddess with silver hair and red eyes who was born in an empty, cold and lifeless space, which she herself would call "existence", and who, bored with her creations, decided to restart that "existence" over and over again seeing how her creations were varying more and more differently the more she restarted those "existences". One day, while Mother had just restarted that "existence" once again, as a result of randomness, an intelligent, skillful and powerful species would be born, which at some point would become one of her favorite species: dragons. That "existence", which was a great empty abyss through which sometimes one could travel, similar to the concept we have of outer space but with different physical rules, was populated by "realities" that were spheres or clusters of energy sometimes close to each other or sometimes very far from each other, and those "realities" were what for us would be a more delimited expression in a larger space of a universe, being these "realities" for our logic many possible alternate universes that populate the "existence" and each of these "realities" has its own physical rules, and our universe being an example of one of these "realities", so each of these "realities" in its interior could contain galaxies, stars and planets with different species.

This is how "Mother", the goddess creator and re-initiator of existence, decided not to restart existence this time and let it develop a few more eons watching how the dragon species evolved, progressed and adapted to new circumstances. However, to "Mother's" surprise, after a while the dragons had evolved so much that they felt that they were beginning to outgrow their existence as this species reproduced very quickly, aggressively and had many children, and just as they had grown in numbers, they had also grown in ambitions. The dragons, so powerful, numerous, skilled and proud, considered that they should be considered gods collectively and that anything else that wanted to be worshipped as a god should be defeated and humiliated by their species, and they began to damage the fabric of existence trying to escape from that great space that the goddess "Mother" had created, with unexpected effects both for the dragons and all the species of "existence" (as they began to mal-function the environment producing errors that at times were advantageous to others and at other times were lethal) and for the goddess "Mother" herself (since existence was a metaphysical projection of her own soul and tearing the fabric of existence implied physical damage to her).  Thus the goddess "Mother" considered it was time to restart "existence" again before the dragons did any more damage, until an angry mob of dragons fighting for her survival, commanded by a leader, Kharia, managed to break into her immaterial void that was shaped like the inside of a palace and managed to trap her, caging her and controlling her powers and thus preventing "Mother" from restarting "existence", provoking several eons of conflict between dragons and the rest of the species until the dragons exterminated all the other species and took total control of a decadent "existence", something that could not continue like this for long.

Kharia, who was increasingly concerned about the state of the fabric of the "existence", because the errors in the fabric of this began to turn the existence into a wasteland impossible to inhabit in several regions, simultaneously to that every day there is more conflict between the same dragons because as there are no more enemies to beat and the space is becoming less and less, They began to compete with each other for space and for power, turning the dragons into increasingly violent and conflictive beings and therefore the remains of "existence" in an environment increasingly ungovernable by Kharia and the elite of dragons that took power in existence. Kharia knew well at this point that existence was heading towards self-destruction and that having put "Mother" in captivity was perhaps not the best idea, and thinking of some solution is how Mamoru, Oryou's partner, who was previously a servant of "Mother" who had been sent to spy and then to exterminate Kharia and who betrayed "Mother" because of his love for Kharia, put forward the following solution to Kharia: Mother's captivity was impossible to sustain for long since "Mother" could eventually restart existence when she finds a way to harm herself and, so to speak, "commit suicide" since, existence being a projection and extension of "Mother's" soul, if she succeeds in lethally harming herself, "existence" will end along with the very life of "Mother" and the life of both entities (which are one) will restart, Mother being reborn at the same time that "existence" is restarted. Then it would be best to find a refuge for the two of them alone before this happens (as a result of the anomalies resulting from the tearing of "existence", there are some safe zones unknown to most beings that may allow beings finding refuge in those places to not be wiped out at the next restart of "existence" while inside those zones. This would allow "Mother" to restart "existence" and repair the errors in its fabric while allowing them to survive and come to some further agreement with "Mother" by weakening the seals of their cage so that "Mother" can find a way to restart "existence" (and herself) more quickly.

This is how Kharia, Mamoru and a select group of dragons from different families close to Kharia decided to abandon the rest of their kind while they fought among themselves and stop taking care of the good condition of the seals that kept "Mother" captive to go to one of these shelters in the hidden part of the torn fabric of "existence". Before they left, however, they had one loose end to resolve: Thuria. Thuria, one of the most violent and ruthless dragons in existence, instigator of several internal conflicts between dragons as long as they favor her and one of the biggest promoters of keeping "Mother's" captivity permanently while searching for a way to definitively prevent "existence" from restarting, is one of the obstacles to a restart of existence (as she alone could manage to maintain the seals that keep "Mother" captive) and also therefore an obstacle to a successful escape of Kharia and her people from such an unfortunate situation.

This is how Kharia invites Thuria to that place (without knowing the reason why she would be summoned to that place as strange as a crack in the fabric of existence, a place that maintained the appearance of the interior of an ancient and ruinous temple) and once Thuria enters the place she is quickly and surprisingly chained and neutralized by Kharia and the other dragons, dragons that had already taken a humanoid appearance (because until now all the dragons related in the story were of full dragon appearance, not humanoid appearance) and thus began the summary trial of Thuria for her actions. 

Thuria, surprised and offended by all that is happening, wonders why Kharia and the others have taken on a humanoid appearance, being that humanoids are considered a compendium of different species that are usually much weaker, to which Kharia replies that they consider that after the next restart of existence, existence will be molecularly constituted to advantage the humanoid species over the dragons as punishment for their rebelliousness. This is how Thuria learns that Kharia and the other elite dragons had betrayed the cause of the dragons and were planning to allow "Mother" to restart "Existence."

Thuria, extremely indignant about the whole situation, blames Kharia in front of the other dragons gathered there for treason, although it is too late because it is Thuria who is, so to speak, in the dock. 

Invaders and invaded, history repeats itself over and over again, just as the dragons once invaded and defeated "Mother" and the rest of the species, now that there is no enemy, they are divided, They fly flags and engage in fratricidal wars in the name of power and glory, having lost their dignity and their reputation as beings full of wisdom to become machines thirsty for the blood of their brothers, Thuria has exploited and taken advantage of all these weaknesses of the dragons as a dominant species and have shown how low their nature as a species can get, so she will have to symbolically bear all the weight of guilt for the corruption of the dragons at the same time that the dragons, as a species, will have to suffer the wrath of the goddess "Mother" and be massively eliminated as punishment for all the destruction they have caused, and will have to fear from now on the name of the goddess "Mother" as if it were the name of a demon that will dedicate its existence to the destruction and persecution of their species from now on. Therefore, the last decision of the ancient order of dragons will be to condemn Thuria for it. Thuria is then sealed by all the dragons, her dragon body being disintegrated except for a few bones in the process, being sealed apparently permanently in that ancient and ruinous temple, which is how that crack in the fabric of "existence" is projected and inside where the restart of "existence" can be survived, while outside a great roar begins to be heard: "Mother" has broken her chains and the restart of existence has begun.

II. The New ABYSS and Ouichi’s Bloodline

It is thus that after this Kharia, now a humanoid dragon of short stature with long black hair and reddish magenta eyes, becomes the matriarch of the dragons in the new rebooted "existence" and founds her new family, the Ouichi, a family that in the future would be divided into three sides: 

    • The side that preferred to maintain neutrality with "Mother" and the balance of "existence" headed by Kharia herself and that would become the main branch of the Ouichi (although this fact is little known in "existence" and its inhabitants) and that would be composed of half of Kharia's children and their descendants.

    • The side that has not learned from the mistakes of the past led by Nagisa Ouichi and Shouko Ouichi plus the rest of the other half of Kharia's children and their descendants, who believe that dragons should be the dominant species of "existence" and who would ally themselves with Radammanto, a legendary warlord who would found an empire that worships dragons and has allied with many of them (being the current species of dragons descendants of the dragons that could escape the reboot), being Kynareth Ouichi, daughter of Nagisa and Shouko, engaged to Emperor Radammanto to give way to a new dynasty, having as children Ares, Enyalios and Ikari.

    • Another side that would unite their blood and spirit with that humanoid species, (which are now known as Shiba even though at that time they were only called "light species"), created by "Mother" to be the new guardians of existence, a species that is also a user of the luminous energy (now called sacra) that is used by "Mother" and that would be extremely lethal to the users of what from now on would be called "dark energy", the natural energy of the dragons, as opposed to the energy emanated by "Mother". This side would be made up of three nephews of Nagisa and Shouko (and therefore grandchildren of Kharia and cousins of Kynareth): Sentaro Ouichi, Ino Ouichi (who is male despite what you might think from the name) and Shinobu Ouichi, all three having been high commanders of Radammanto's army in the past. 

Regarding the first side, they would live the rest of the time after the conflicts counted as only spectators of the events of the existence while they would concentrate on collecting and documenting all the relevant knowledge and events of the existence as if they were chroniclers of the existence, using the most important power of the Ouichi, a power that allows them to remember any event or situation of the current (and even previous) existence as long as they have lived in that time, memories of any living being in any place of existence even if they themselves were not there, being many times in some occasions this power a great burden for the descendants of Kharia, and it would be this power called in the future in a colloquial way as "Hypermemory".

Regarding the second side, it was about to disappear after Ares and Enyalios betrayed a dying emperor Radammanto to seize power (taking advantage of the fact that Radammanto had been wounded by Erain, who will be detailed later, in a battle where she apparently died, her health being gradually affected over eons by this wound until she was vulnerable). Right after Radammanto's death, Kynareth managed to kill Enyalios but not Ares, so Kynareth was sealed and trapped in an energy bubble that would serve as a perpetual prison for her for a while. All this chaos and hostility led Ikari to flee from Radammanto and find refuge in a far away reality, which at that time would not even have a name but would be called in the future "Disnomiya", then "Kolyma" and at the end as "Liazas". Ikari would have a human partner of unknown name and will have as descendants a long lineage that would develop mainly in what the future would be Japan, using his surname as a name, and who by the nineteenth century would be predominantly human, until reaching Enix Ikari who would be the father of Shue and Laia Ikari. Kynareth would inherit that power of "Hypermemory" from Shouko (who would have inherited it from Kharia), but it would be Kynareth who would inherit that power to Ikari, who would bequeath it far in the future to Laia when Laia learns of the family past, Ikari jumping all his human offspring to Laia. This power is normally inherited matriarchally (from mothers to daughters).

Regarding the third side, everything would begin when a young Sentaro Ouichi witnessed the great persecution that Radammanto would unleash against the luminous species and the surviving descendants of Akihiro (Akihiro was the first patriarch of the luminous species killed in treason by Radammanto, who also murdered his daughter the luminous warrior Aoi), here Sentaro Ouichi, along with his cousin Ino Ouichi and his uncle Wolnir the Radammantian (Ino's father) saw the great power of which the warrior Shiba was the bearer by invoking the power of the goddess "Mother" and wiping out a considerable part of Radammanto's army. Shiba (a woman with silver hair and cyan blue eyes) who would inspire the name of the luminous lineage today) was the daughter of Aoi, a powerful and famous luminous warrior who apparently committed suicide in the process destroying in a large explosion a large portion of Radammanto's army by invoking the goddess "Mother" to inflict such damage at the cost of her body not being able to withstand so much energy, allowing the survivors of her reality to flee. Among the survivors are Kyrio, Shiba's husband, who had to flee in the opposite direction to the others so he would lose track of the rest of the diaspora, while the bulk of the population would flee far into "existence" (which at that time was beginning to be colloquially called ABYSS), among the rest of the population were the two children of Shiba and Kyrio, who were named Erain of Shiba (a yellow-haired woman with cyan blue eyes) and Kyrei of Shiba (a silver-haired man with yellow eyes). 

III. The Diaspora, Shiba’s Bloodline and Lunarian Kingdom

The children of Shiba were treated as gods by the diaspora coming from the reality of Erato (where they were originally from before it was destroyed by the army of Radammanto in the battle between them and Shiba), who currently lived on a piece of land remaining from the destruction of Erato (something that would look like an asteroid) to which they would adapt some propellers to be able to flee. At some point, after a battle in which Erain's brother Kyrei died, Sentaro Ouichi arrived at this asteroid-like thing as he had been given the task of finding the remains of the diaspora and thus wiping out Shiba's descendants, a task which he was not sure he would complete (as he was already doubting the legitimacy of such a fierce pursuit at the time), on the other hand, what he found in that asteroid, besides a very weakened population, was a strange and exotic yellow-haired warrior princess with deep and hypnotic cyan eyes), who would be neither more nor less than Shiba's daughter and protector of the diaspora, falling madly in love with her and swearing to protect her from now on. It is in this context in which Ino Ouichi, who was surprised since he was young by the enormous power of the luminous species now represented by Erain, and best friend of Sentaro Ouichi (besides his cousin), decided to join the betrayal against Radammanto, betrayal to which they would drag in one way or another Shinobu Ouichi (another cousin of both) when she is defeated by them. During this battle and the successive battles in which the diaspora would win some wars against numerous armies of the Radammantian Empire, they would capture many prisoners (and Shinobu Ouichi would in fact be captured as a prisoner initially) who they would carry with them for eons constituting a second class of society (and eventually diminished to being mere objects, called "furniture"), something that will be touched upon later.

Over time Erain had had children with Sentaro Ouichi thus uniting her soul with his without knowing the consequences of this, either positive or negative. Then at some later time she had to confront Radammanto, provoking Radammanto the wound that would weaken him in time, using her sacred energy and the powers given by the goddess "Mother", although it would not be enough to defeat him at that moment and she would apparently be defeated and killed by Radammanto. However, when Sentaro Ouichi had sex with Erain, he did it in a ritualistic way so that the soul of the descendants of both would always preserve a fraction of the soul of their progenitors, so this would allow all the ancestors from Erain and Sentaro Ouichi onwards to reincarnate or come back to life in some way using their descendants as catalysts, this form of immortality being an immortality derived from the type of immortality that the Ouichi have and which has now been provided to the luminous species and, specifically, to its main representatives, the Shiba lineage, and this trickery being the seal of victory of Sentaro Ouichi's treachery against Radammanto and his long-term plans. Eventually the descendants of the diaspora and the lineage founded by Erain de Shiba and Sentaro Ouichi would arrive at the same reality that Ikari (who would come to be a distant niece of Sentaro Ouichi) arrived at by chance and, seeing a planet Earth with a rather hostile and volcanic environment, they settled on the moon, thus giving way in the future to the Shiba Kingdom (which would be known colloquially by the inhabitants of Earth as the "Lunarian Kingdom"), which would be ruled by the Shiba.

The Shiba Kingdom was ruled for aeons by the Shiba lineage until Lazar Belfen stages a coup against King Kiku Shiba, a half-breed of the survivors of the Radammantian ethnic group of slaves (before they were all turned into furniture) and the Shiba ethnic group, and who was feudal lord of Nubium (one of the 4 fiefdoms that formed the Shiba Kingdom). On the other side, Kiku Shiba (who would be sealed somehow by Lazar), descendant of Shiba, Eraine and Sentaro Ouichi, had five children: The first three children he would have with Mei Echizen and they would be the first children of the Shiba dynasty born outside the family partially, since the Shiba dynasty had maintained an ironclad incest between cousins and siblings to preserve the quality of the reincarnations of their past ancestors if necessary and also not to mix with other families weaker in power, however in exchange for this advantage the Shiba dynasty would develop many serious hereditary diseases (mainly predisposition to schizophrenia, psychosis and nymphomania), so Kiku at first thought it necessary that, to ensure the proper governance of the Shiba Kingdom, he would have to ensure the physical and mental health of their descendants, so a little mixing with a family outside the Shiba dynasty will not be harmful if not something positive. Thus Kiku married Mei (who was the first born daughter of the feudal lord of Echizen and sister of the one who would be the successor of the feudal lord in the future, Azure). Echizen is the fief most loyal to the Shiba fief within the kingdom and who ethnically corresponded to the bulk of the common population of the original Erato diaspora). These sons would be Sentaro (a silver-haired man with blue-yellow heterochromia), Rin (a woman with dark red hair and eyes similar to her mother) and Shiki (a woman with dark red eyes and black hair), these three sons of Kiku would flee after Kiku's death during the coup d'état to different directions in the land.

The last two children he would have with another wife, Gizel Shiba, his cousin, after Mei's death from a mysterious illness (plus Mei was not immortal herself), who would be Ina Shiba and Lina Shiba (two silver-haired, blue-eyed girls). The two of them were not destined to rule, but while their half-siblings had to flee after Lazar's coup, the sisters found themselves besieged in the central area of the Shiba fief while they were in the Shiba palace, so Ina Shiba (who to avoid misunderstandings and not to confuse her with Ina Izumi, will be named as "Ina the Lunarian") had to start ruling that remaining part of the Shiba fief after Gizel, her mother, sacrificed herself to contain the invasion of the palace that Lazar tried to undertake while the rest of the Shiba lineage that remained undefeated and sealed built an energy barrier so dense that it would be impossible for anyone to cross, so that for the next sixty millennia no one could leave and enter there.

On the other side, Sentaro Shiba (hereafter referred to as Sentaro for practical reasons), Rin Shiba and Shiki Shiba, who even though they were practically young, even in human terms, still had a deep knowledge of the political situation of the moon, disgusted with the political situation of the Shiba Kingdom, after fleeing for survival because, if they had stayed, they would have been sealed by Lazar, and when they were overcome by the situation and fled, they decided to lead lives totally distant from their past on the moon when they fled from it. On the one hand Rin and Shiki would leave reality to explore and wander around the ABYSS, and on the other hand Sentaro would decide to settle on Earth, and more specifically, in the region of what would later become Hokkaido. It is there where he would meet a human population that he would find extremely interesting, which today we could consider as a kind of proto-ainues, of which he was especially attracted by a young man with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes who answered to the name of Izumo Izumi, and a girl of his age who was Izumo's sister, with light brown hair and intense brown eyes who answered to the name of Kure Izumi.

IV. Lunarian Diaspora and Tamashii

After Sentaro settles in a late Paleolithic village 60,000 years before our era (specifically 60,110 years before the present time of Laia's reality, which I calculate to be 2120 AD), he sees how Izumo, a young and energetic village leader, who had to take over the village when he was barely 15 years old after the untimely death of his father (who was the previous village leader) who was treacherously murdered by a rival village. Sentaro did not think it was possible for there to be such complex social conflicts in the humans of the earth since he had always been taught on the moon that the earth was still practically unpopulated and uncivilized and therefore it was dangerous to go there, on the other hand Sentaro thought that it would be a waste of potential to let that young Izumo deal with the problems that a young leader of a late paleolithic village might face, so he decides that maybe that would be a good place to settle down and help Izumo and the proto-Ainu of the paleolithic to progress. For Sentaro, who was always very close to his father Kiku, who educated Sentaro by teaching him the excesses that his lineage had committed for eons on the moon and how the system on the moon was highly corrupted and that the dogma of marrying between cousins and siblings to bring about purity in the possible reincarnations of their ancestors had brought the moon to ruin, Sentaro then with all that cultural background and all that wisdom inherited by generations for hundreds of thousands of years, believes that his time has come to do something better than all his ancestors and that place can be a good start. 

In the following months, after the first days in which Sentaro was only observing how people behaved and learning their language, he would begin to socialize more with them, especially with Izumo and Kure, while he taught them the Lunarian language and also taught them and some other people several skills that would lead them to evolve rapidly as a village, skills that went from how to extract and treat in a more correct way the minerals (until they managed to jump to the iron age and mint swords), on the other side he taught them how to trade successfully with other surrounding populations and he also taught them some mathematics and philosophy in order to improve the administration and social environment of the village, village which Izumo would call Tamashii (魂) after Sentaro asked him what would be the name of the village since the village didn't have a name yet. This is how Tamashii quickly became the center of the island's economy, but this did not prevent conflicts from coming quickly, as the other villages, uncivilized, wanted some of Tamashii's prosperity and their leaders considered that it was only possible to achieve it by taking away their prosperity by force, so Sentaro had to teach Izumo and his closest close ones about the art of war to defend the village. Over time the village grew so much, in such a planned way that the silhouette of the city on a map would be seen as a large circle to the east of Hokkaido. With the passing of a few centuries, Sentaro and Izumo decided to separate Tamashii from Hokkaido by moving the tectonic plates with Sentaro's powers to let the rest of the native populations develop at their own pace without intervention from them, as Tamashii continued to progress and as they grew in population already Tamashii began to receive the Lunarian diaspora dissatisfied with Lazar's coup and with the circumstances in general on the moon (since even if they had a high technological level, the moon had a very feudal society), the moon had a very backward feudal society in social aspects), also being that demographic development fruit of the gradual and successful mixture between the proto-ainu population with the exiled lunarians (mixture that was also cultural and linguistic). Some millennia later, between 2010 and 2030 of our era, Sentaro and Izumo decided that it was even more pertinent to isolate Tamashii from the rest of the earth and even from the Reality they were in (even if after moving the island through the movement of plate tectonics it was now in the middle of the Pacific Ocean) since the technological and social advancement of Tamashii was so much that it was better not to intervene in the affairs of the rest of the earth (and even in the affairs of the moon).

Prior to the separation of Tamashii from Hokkaido Island and after the separation of the island of Tamashii

IV. Life is a gift like a matryoshka of absurdity

And this is how the book finishes explaining the historical context in which the present is given and moves on to the individual stories of those who seem to be the protagonists of the most recent history, particularly 6 characters that capture your attention, two pairs of twin brothers: Shue and Laia on one side (distant descendants of Kharia and Radammanto through Ikari), and on the other side of Arthur and Emma, descendants of Sentaro Shiba rather close than distant in some way, through their mother Ai Shiba who has been wandering the earth watching it evolve for the last 60 thousand years. Besides of course, also drawing his attention to the story of Arine, who is arguably Arthur and Emma's sister, and the story of Anna who is a cousin of the three of them. It seems that their story becomes somewhat confusing and convoluted as Karenina skims through the book, to a point where there are several blank pages and, not only that, but the last few pages written seem less and less understandable to read, as if Laia's mental health was constantly disintegrating in the last few chapters she wrote until the last page looked more like something that someone with schizophrenia would write. This makes Karenina think that perhaps, if the story is still being written today, maybe she can go to the reality where her great-grandmother Laia belongs to discover the most recent truth, especially since Karenina has been very intrigued to see what happens next with the protagonists of the story after reading all that historical context... Perhaps, all this is, in some way, Laia's diary? However Karenina has no idea how to get out of her own reality. 

It is then that Karenina recalls the days where her body served as a vehicle for Ina to physically present herself in reality and of that trip to Las Vegas... At the end of the day it seems that the gold necklace with Ina's green gem may have to do with Karenina's possession of her body with Ina since most of the time when Karenina was being possessed by Ina, they both had that necklace on. However, Karenina did not wear that necklace on some of the last occasions she possessed Karenina, especially when Ina showed Karenina her recent family past 32 years ago. So what is the necklace really for? That leaves Karenina thinking for several hours... And, if the necklace really serves for Ina to use part of her powers in reality even if she is possessing Karenina's apparently human body? Well, Ina was able to turn two girls in Las Vegas into a card even if she was using Karenina's physical body and at that moment she was wearing the necklace. And if Karenina currently already has some of her Ouichi genes activated, and it is true that she is not really a human, or not quite, but descended from those dragons through her great-grandmother Laia... Then maybe if Karenina puts on the necklace, she can access some of those powers to be able to go out of existence. Even if her hypothesis doesn't turn out to be true, no matter what, she doesn't lose anything by trying, so Karenina goes to her room, takes that necklace out of the drawer and puts it on and, as expected, nothing happens (at least not immediately). Karenina even watches the time on her cell phone, waiting minute after minute for something to happen, without it actually happening.

Disappointed Karenina then goes to the window of her room in her house in Aomori (as Karenina built a house on the old land of her ancestors, the same land where the old house of her great-grandparents is also located) and leans against it, looking out towards the horizon, where she can see the beach in the distance. While Karenina is thinking about what she could do to get out of reality, her mind starts to wander a little due to all the stress that this situation is causing her, and seeing the coast in the distance she starts thinking how comfortable it would be for her to be on the beach, feeling that pleasant breeze of the sea on that cloudy day while feeling her feet on the sand... But Karenina suddenly realizes that she is actually there, actually on the beach. This surprises Karenina enormously: did she just have a lapse where she went to the beach unconsciously and doesn't remember what happened on the way from her house to the beach? Then Karenina looks at her cell phone and, surprisingly, the time is still close to the time it was the last time she saw the time at home, just a difference of five minutes. There's no way she could get to the beach in five minutes (even by car), and yet she did feel that five-minute gap between seeing the time when she put on the necklace and thinking about what to do while she was at home. Has she teleported? Karenina thinks. At that moment Karenina wishes she was in her bed lying down and covered with her blanket where she would feel safer in such a disconcerting and atypical situation and, before she could think of anything else, suddenly Karenina finds herself covered by her blanket in her bed, as if she had teleported there again.

So Karenina, after confirming that the necklace does serve as a catalyst to activate the powers of her dragon ancestors (at least partially), proceeds the next few days to investigate how to use her newfound powers by reading Laia's diary for some information. 

After several weeks of Karenina's research on the use of the powers, she believes she is ready to do what she has also been planning in those days. Even though Karenina can't help but be nervous about what will be out there, in that big ABYSS, her hunger for truth, for answers, can only be satiated by seeing that everything that was in Laia's diary really exists. For Karenina life has been very disconcerting lately, seeing the decay of her reality, and then discovering that she does not grow old and finally finding her roots again. Be that as it may Karenina tries to be optimistic and jokes a bit with black humor about the situation recalling what a character (Aleksei Romanovich Zvolinsky, who was an anthropologist committed to discovering that Troy exists and that what the Iliad says is true and not a tale while society laughs at him) from one of her favorite novels said: "Life is a gift like a matryoshka of absurdity. You open one doll after another, but find only suffering. Still, as long as there's a hole to dig, I suppose I'll keep digging" and, that being the case, Karenina sees no choice but to keep going.

So Karenina gets ready, inspired by that anthropologist's novel she read earlier, dressing up for the occasion as an explorer ready to do anthropology among universes, takes her backpack and finally disappears without a trace from her house, but not before hiring a curious girl in her thirties with orange hair and red eyes that Ina recommended to take care of her dolls and the house in her absence.

1. Shanna's Story

This is how Karenina appears in what seems to be the central portal terminal closest to her reality, just as Laia's diary said there was nearby, even though Laia's diary said that the portal terminal was very new and that it was not yet in operation and that she only saw it in passing while fleeing in the ship that accidentally took her to Karenina's reality, Karenina sees how the portals are in full operation while she sees beings of a huge diversity of species entering and leaving the portals, but not before paying a price by entering some coins (or, those who are subscribed to the service of the portals, sliding a credential in front of a scanner) in a machine that, when paying the price, lets them pass through as if they were the pedestrian access doors of a subway station. Now Karenina wonders how she will be able to get one of those credentials or if the machine will accept the coins of her world, although at least there is an information office where they can solve their doubts. At first it was extremely complicated to communicate with the person who attended her in that office, since that person did not speak English, as Karenina imagined, although later she discovered that the clerk speaks Japanese (a language she also speaks) so they were able to understand each other somehow. Finally Karenina exchanged a few gold coins in her backpack (as Karenina asserted that gold is probably universally accepted in all realities, so she brought a considerable amount of gold) for a credential with some credit to use in those machines. Finally the clerk told her which of all the portals lead to where she seems to want to go, the Capital Reality, which is the informal name of Liazas (since the capital reality is called the same as the domain of realities to her at least currently). Finally Karenina went towards that portal, but not before receiving a warning from that clerk: they are at that moment in the extremes of Liazas' domain, where kidnapping of outsiders is the order of the day to traffic them as dolls, so Karenina must be careful and trust no one. Knowing this makes Karenina even more nervous, even though she finally continues on her way to the Capital Reality. 

Karenina's experience after passing through the pedestrian access and crossing the portal is, to say the least, curious. She felt as if her existence merged with liquid mercury for a moment, and suddenly she was already in Capital Reality, in a huge hub of portals, with signs in every possible language of the world. Fortunately for Karenina, the Capital Reality headquarters is another version of another universe of planet earth, one similar to the planet earth in her reality, even though being in that hub of portals is still novel. On the other hand, the amount of people entering and leaving the portals was an immeasurable amount, something like seeing a subway station of a big city congested in rush hour but in a more exaggerated and massive way, because at the end of the day, probably in that station of portals there were people going in and out of the reality of all kinds of realities as congested as the Capital Reality could suppose, a place with people from all over the world using those portals daily and probably arriving quickly from a distant place on earth to that station through other portals. There were so many people that Karenina had to keep walking out of the place with the other people coming out of the portals without being able to stop because, if she stopped, she would be pushed by the others.

However, all this novelty was not what most caught Karenina's attention, but when she arrived at the main hall of the station, she saw the kind of symbolism that was in that place. In the main room of the station there seemed to be a large painting of the man who seems to be the one who invented the system of portals, Shue Ikari. Karenina's first reaction when noticing that was to recognize that probably that Shue was the same Shue that appeared in the books, besides that in the distance she could notice that the person portrayed in that picture was a man with red eyes and black hair, and being that according to Laia's diary, Shue was her twin brother, and Laia had red eyes and black hair, this could be a great indication to consider that it was the same person. Once Karenina arrived at the place she saw something more curious, a girl with blue hair and red eyes somewhat similar to the man in the picture, standing on a stool and showing a somewhat eccentric personality, because with one arm she was hugging the picture while holding herself while with the other hand she was cleaning the picture with a cloth and at the same time kissing the face of the subject of the picture.

Karenina could not resist the curiosity to approach and bother that woman for showing such a strange and disrespectful attitude to the picture of who could probably be her great-granduncle, so she asked her why she was doing that and who she was supposed to be, since she could not ignore the resemblance of the woman with that subject (the difference being that they are of different sex and blue hair, but the face seemed subtly similar, so Karenina thought that perhaps it could be another relative of hers). That woman turns curiously to see Karenina while she raises an eyebrow and introduces herself as Shanna. Karenina wonders who this woman named Shanna is since she is not named in Laia's diary, so Shanna asks her if she is a relative of Shue's or something and if she could take him with her, since surely, if Shue is the one who created the portal system and, besides, as Laia's diary says, he has also been and is the current leader of Capital Reality and Liazas, then Karenina thinks that Shue is the person who can tell her the most about how things work there and more about his past and about the immortality that comes with his blood. This greatly offends and attacks Shanna's ego as she thinks she can answer all of Karenina's doubts and when Shanna expresses her disagreement and tells her that she can solve her doubts, Karenina replies that she would rather Shue, the subject of the painting, do it and asks Karenina out of curiosity how Shanna is so sure that she will know more than Shue even with all that Shue is and has been in her life. This only makes Shanna more indignant so Shanna, annoyed, replies that she is Shue, in person, somehow.

Karenina, confused and dissatisfied, demands Shanna to prove that she is Shue in some way as she refuses to believe it while crossing her arms and turning her back to Shanna while moving her foot intermittently.  Then, Shanna, without losing the elegance and mischievousness that characterizes her, stands in front of Karenina and touches her forehead with her index finger while it releases an electric flash from its tip. At that moment Karenina sees in the speed of an instant all the life of Shue and Shanna (and even Anna's too) pass through her eyes, being this too much for her, so a nauseated and headache Karenina falls to her knees and begins to hyperventilate confused and then, wondering how this happened while she is totally confused, faints and falls to the side. Shanna, seeing that perhaps she went too far in revealing so much truth to Karenina in such a violent way, carries Karenina on her back and takes her to her cottage, while Karenina's brain tries to process all the information she has received in flashback form: After Karenina saw Anna's whole life in a summarized form, how she was born, grew up and was brainwashed captive most of her life (which takes more than ten thousand years), she was found by Shue to then Shue teach Anna how to live as a normal person. Shue and Anna became so close that their mutual appreciation turned into love, they married and had many children while their souls slowly functioned, which expanded Shue's powers (for even though he was born as an apparent human, having the genetics of the Ouichi dragons from his ancestors, his relationship with Anna served as a catalyst for his love for her, his relationship with Anna served as a catalyst for the awakening of his powers as Ouichi and to obtain new powers learned from Anna (who was practically a demigoddess descendant of gods, the Shiba) and all this power served them both to build a great nation that they would name as Hiirokuni. 

However, as Anna's mental health deteriorated due to the same powers and her Shiba genetics (her family genes being plagued by diseases such as schizophrenia, psychosis and nymphomania), as Anna and Shue's souls were so connected, these effects began to affect Shue as well, these effects began to affect Shue as well, so they saw his life and that of his environment seriously deteriorated when they began to have sexual adventures where both were turned into dolls and were lost in the immensity of the ABYSS, these episodes of rampancy and sexual adventures were not punctual or few but they became frequent and, although Shue returned to be a man after those adventures, little by little began to emerge, little by little Shanna's personality began to emerge inside her, being this accelerated when Anna separated from Shue for a few years (although this was temporary) because she felt abandoned by Shue when he concentrated on his life as the leader of Liazas, so when she met another man, Owa Ouichi, one of Kharia's descendants from the neutral side of the Ouichi, then Shue had to use his powers to split his being and be in two places at the same time, in one place being Shue and leading Liazas, and in the other pretending to be Anna to raise the youngest of his daughters so that she would not feel the absence of her mother, further undermining Shue's personality and splitting her in two over time. 

As the decades passed, after Anna returned to Shue since Owa's treatment of her was so abusive towards her (to the point of hypnotizing her to be a good housewife and behave like a piece of furniture when Owa was not at home), when they tried to stabilize their lives, that's when Odamori returned, someone who in the past was a human, an average Japanese salaryman that Shue had hired and then used to entertain Anna as a sex slave that Anna later fell in love with (in Shue's prolonged absence) and that Shue killed which caused Anna to revive him and as Odamori was killed and revived by Anna over and over again, as he was contaminated by the power of both, he was acquiring powers until he became a dangerous enemy with a great hatred towards Anna, Shue and their families because he considered that his life had been ruined by the lascivious and unjust whim of some selfish gods. Over time and as Odamori had been defeated again and again, each defeat made him stronger and he came back with more and more complex and ambitious plans, until he created his best plan. After Sae (a daughter Anna accidentally had with Odamori and refused to kill at Shue's request but left her being cared for by a maid as if the maid was her mother to keep her away from the family and the conflict, but being inevitable that she would find out what had been done to her father and collaborate in bringing him back) was able to gain the trust of Lina Shiba (the current ruler of the entire moon) and gain influence on the moon, enough for Odamori to set himself up as its leader while turning Lina into a doll, then Odamori could capture Anna and Shue (who would definitely be turned into Shanna) and start then his reign over Capital Reality and Liazas (besieging the earth constantly since then and turning as many inhabitants as he could en masse into dolls, forcing the survivors to live subway in a war that would last 10 years but he would not completely win) while the protectors of Capital Reality and the earth, Shue and Anna, would disappear for a long period of 10 years. In that time from Anna's genes a line of dolls would be created in her image and likeness, but with a fraction of Anna's soul, fractioning Anna's soul more and more as the original Anna was increasingly weakened to the point of not having enough energy to move (as all that energy was divided into hundreds of thousands or perhaps dolls) and being treated as a life-size doll by Odamori in his palace on the moon, who would force her to have another child with him (And the children of Anna's species grow up in very few years, so he would already look like a young adult in a few years) and Anna being condemned to be the toy of her child with Odamori (who is called Scara) and being Odamori's toy every time he wanted to play with her, condemned to live like that for all eternity, while Anna simultaneously feels the pleasure that all Anna dolls feel depending on how they are being treated.

On the other side, Shue, who will now be Shanna from now on (though she won't get that name until much later) is perpetually turned into an Anna doll like the others, and having mutated her hair from black to blue for good, she was sold and returned several times, as she is a doll that constantly breaks down, especially after her first owner, whom Shanna (who didn't remember her former life as Shue) fell deeply in love with, constantly relegated her by obtaining other intelligent dolls (that is, a type of doll made from a person who blindly follows her owner's instructions and has been pre-programmed to serve her owner by doing what he says or standing still as her owner asked, this being the type of doll Shanna was turned into and what most of the Anna dolls are). After Shanna had been relegated and ignored by her first owner by being kept in her box for long periods, the next time she would be activated she would choose to constantly attempt suicide, so she would be returned by her owner and every time the doll is sold, even though the doll would be reset every time it is returned to the factory, she would keep trying to commit suicide because of the great emptiness she feels every time her owners don't pay attention to her (something impossible because Shanna is not even a common doll or a common living being, but additionally she is immortal because of her Ouichi genetics, but these situations being extremely unpleasant for her owners). So Shanna was being stored in a special doll gallery in some Anna doll store for a long time now (ten years having already passed since Odamori caught them), being framed in a picture behind a glass, having between the frame and the glass just enough space for her to fit and when the glass was pressed, standing still in the pose the store would have chosen for her, as if she was some kind of butterfly trapped in the collection of a sick collector. At some point after those initial 10 years, she would be taken out of the frame and repackaged as a doll to be sold to a customer in a reality far away, in the reality that is Radammanto's capital.

Argo Ouichi, an ancient humanoid dragon with purple eyes who lived in the Imperial Capital of Radammanto (an empire that after the death of its leader and then of Ares would be under the command of Kynareth Ouichi, wife of the late emperor, and then the Radammantian Empire would live in more peaceful times), being currently part of the neutral side, is a fan of the culture of the capital reality and everything that has to do with those enigmatic and famous dolls that look like brainwashed people, programmed and sold as dolls, because seeing that doll so interesting, which stands out among the other Anna dolls (since it is not identical to the basic design, without knowing Argo that the basic design is in itself the appearance of the original Anna, and that the doll he bought is different because it is Shue turned into Shanna and a doll to get rid of him). After living with the doll for a while and even impregnating the doll (Shanna) since it seemed that this is the only thing that would keep her entertained while Argo was busy (as the doll used to get depressed and look for him insistently in the middle of an anxiety crisis when Argo was absent), eventually Argo would discover that the doll could not be a common doll because of its abnormally human and maternal behavior, especially after having the baby, so Argo, making use of his Ouichi ability, would find out that the doll could not be a common doll due to its abnormal human and maternal behavior, especially after having the baby, so Argo would use his Ouichi ability to make the doll look like Shanna, making use of her Ouichi ability (hypermemory) to discover the doll's past by touching her forehead (for even if the doll's memory has been erased, the history and memories of all the inhabitants of the ABYSS are written in the very fabric of the ABYSS in the background, which would allow recovering the lost memory or that of people already long dead through the Ouichi's Hypermemory ability), Argo discovering that the doll, Shanna, is or was really Shue.

Eventually, while Argo and Kharia (the matriarch Ouichi who had been notified of the finding by Argo) were thinking about what to do in that situation, Arine, Shue's second wife, who had also been turned into a doll without offering resistance despite being so powerful as a goddess (since Arine is so passive that she does not know or show interest in defending herself when she is attacked, plus being so skilled in her powers and in understanding how the fabric of existence works that she can heal herself or remedy any subsequent situation), however Arine was able to wake up and regain her memory thanks to another mysterious god and time traveler (something that is not detailed in the flashback) helping her mind to reactivate and come out of the doll brainwashing. Then Arine, despite having his Shiba powers neutralized, was able to manipulate the fabric of existence with his mind (similar to someone on a computer without administrator rights finding a way to open the terminal and gain access) in order to regain some of his powers, his freedom and flee from there to find Shue (who he has a sick, fanatical obsession with as a wife, even more so than Anna).

When Arine arrived to the place and tried to return Shue to normality it was useless, only Shanna was left, something that made Arine's heart very bitter, so Arine dug intensely in Shanna's soul and found a very tiny remnant of Shue and extracted it (that something was something equivalent to be the last remaining of her fighting spirit), and Arine found a very tiny remnant of Shue and extracted it (that something was something equivalent to be the last remaining of her fighting spirit), since the souls of such complex beings often harbor within their very souls different beings corresponding to important facets of their life, within a space in their very soul that looks like a small universe or reality), and Arine left the place with Shue's fighting spirit (who would serve in the future, along with the Ouichi's powers of hypermemory and the Shiba's powers of reincarnation, to be able to bring Shue back to life). However, in the meantime, Shanna, who was the original Shue, would stay there with Argo and Kharia, now feeling again a huge emptiness, as if something was broken inside her, as if something very important about her had been taken away and with a serious identity conflict after recovering the memories partially after what Argo did and by having contact with Arine, but as if she felt that those memories were not hers and as if she felt that at the same time she was being denied the right to be herself by having the remnant of her fighting spirit ripped away, something that brought her a lot of confusion at the time. It is from here where Shanna would propose to reach the resolution of this whole situation without accepting to be displaced but without ceasing to be herself, who she is now, Shanna, becoming Arine for now in an antagonistic figure for Shanna, not as much as Odamori, but provoking inconformity her unilateral way of acting due to her fanaticism to Shue.

Sometime in the following weeks, a certain Arthur, who was on a ship for a long time navigating the ABYSS in search of Laia, as Laia was lost in another reality and without powers for a long time while all the trouble with Odamori was going on (probably the reality where Laia was lost in the reality where Ina and Karenina were born), and when Arthur had managed to find Laia, Shanna took advantage of the fact that they passed by the imperial capital of Radammanto to board his ship and, when they arrived back to the Capital Reality, she left the ship and jumped to the moon taking advantage of the fact that she was not in the Capital Reality, Shanna took advantage of the fact that they passed through the imperial capital of Radammanto to board their ship and, when they arrived back to the Capital Reality, she left the ship and jumped to the moon taking advantage of the fact that she would not be detected by Odamori because the moon was in chaos due to a civil war because of the non-conformity of the population since the moon began to receive attacks from Earth in a way that they had never received before. Once Shanna arrived on the moon and met Scara, Odamori's son, it was easy for Shanna to dissuade Scara to escape the three of them (Shanna, Anna who was under Scara's control, and Scara himself), since Scara had no real father-son relationship with Odamori, as he was always busy, and instead Scara, who had always seen Anna as a doll, wondered about what it was like to be under Scara's control, and Scara, who had always seen Anna as a doll, wondered about what Anna would really feel or what the real Anna would be like (since with Anna not being able to move or interact with the outside of herself, being stifled in pleasure being connected to all the dolls, Scara had to use Anna as a puppet using her control over her to make her behave or move like a person at times).

Several days after escaping, Shanna dissuaded Scara from returning to the moon taking advantage of the growing chaos to try to defeat Odamori, her father, as that was the only way to free Anna from her current state. Scara was quickly defeated by Odamori (even though he didn't die), which Shanna expected while carrying Anna on her back (as long as they were together and after interacting their souls again, as if they were half of each other), the final battle was between Odamori and Shanna using Anna's full powers, which she achieved after a fierce battle in which Anna woke up because of the rage she feels towards Odamori (and because Odamori was weakened by the battle) and both were able to defeat Odamori together, Shanna was able to justify her existence without feeling displaced by the existence of a new Shue, whom Shanna would let take care of the affairs of Liazas and the Capital Reality while she dedicated the rest of her immortal life to take care of Anna, his wives (who remained dolls because of Anna initially, though perpetuated by Odamori and lost along the ABYSS, and then recovered by Shanna and put into a scale model of a village as dolls) and finding new ways to have fun with them. Since then, even though Shanna still retains several problems derived from having been a doll, it is now she who prefers to be the one who plays with the other dolls and keeps everything under control, to prevent something like what happened with Odamori from happening again.

That's when Karenina wakes up from the flashback, full of sweat and nerves, as if she had been in a deep sleep for several hours. When Karenina woke up in Shanna's house lying on her bed, there was Shanna, playing with Anna and the rest of her dolls (who were Shue's other 9 wives), and Karenina from now on could not react in any other way but with astonishment and surprise every time she sees Shanna and remembers everything she has been through. When Karenina asked Shanna about whether she is okay with what happened, Shanna replied "People can split... Some people can split so much that they stop being themselves. That's something you'll understand when you meet Laia."

This is how Karenina, seeing that Shanna was happy with her current way of existing, felt great admiration.

2. Domesticated

However, after having seen Shanna's whole life, now there is something else that awakens her curiosity, because while Karenina and Shanna talk, she sees how Shanna plays with great interest with a model that she has built there, next to the window and that occupies a large part of the room. Karenina asks Shanna what that big model is, to which Shanna replies that it is her greatest entertainment at the moment and invites her to come closer. When Karenina approaches she sees many dolls inside the model behaving strangely, very effusive, almost as if they were NPCs, while Anna is outside the model and is held by Shanna while she caresses her hair and back with her index finger, while Anna trembles with pleasure even though in general terms she cannot move. 

The fact that Anna is still a doll but now being cared for by Shanna seems a very curious fact to Karenina, so Karenina wonders if it would not be better to free Anna and let her behave as a person, although the answer that Shanna would give Karenina would be more interesting.

Anna, once Odamori was defeated and killed again, no longer has a reason to fight, so she voluntarily prefers to be a doll... Besides, all the time she spent being a doll left Anna with irreversible sequels (10 constant years, in addition to all the times she had already been turned into a doll before). So Anna is a doll most of the time.

Sometimes she is a doll for Scara, the son Anna had with Odamori and who can stay close to her as a way of thanking her for her help, even though on the occasions when Anna is Scara's doll, she can't help but feel some stress and anxiety when she remembers the 10 years she was being sheltered with her son. 

An example of why Anna feels anxiety when she is Scara's toy is the way he likes to subdue Anna, such as the fact that he drains all of Anna's energy so that the way she is paralyzed is by not having enough energy to move or even breathe, leaving her body quite tense and warm (even though she doesn't need to breathe to stay alive being a goddess, but it's still a bit traumatizing and uncomfortable for Anna) and, while Scara has Anna subdued in that state, he keeps subjecting Anna to all kinds of sexual games while she is a little ball of anxiety that is constantly consumed in terror of being under Scara's power.

On the other hand, when Anna is Shanna's doll, she feels a lot of peace and security inside, so she would prefer to spend as much time as possible with Shanna, even though she doesn't quite like playing inside the model.

Finally, the third person Anna spends time with is a collector friend of Shanna's, with whom she usually does some business and with whom Anna has managed to establish a friendship and, by talking to him, she has been able to recover her language skills little by little (since Anna was mute for a long time after what happened with Odamori). This collector also plays a lot with Anna, changing her pose many times to take pictures of her in different angles while she is naked. 

After a few days of investigation together with the collector, Shanna discovers a more important reason that explains Anna's behavior. The main reason why Anna is still a doll, something recently discovered, is because Arine took away Anna's sense of self-preservation that helped her to react violently to any manipulation to her person, turning Anna into someone docile, as a punishment to Anna.

However this doesn't have Anna totally happy, or well, one would think that Anna really has no choice or alternative but to let herself be loved or tortured since she is a weak and helpless little doll anyway, isn't she? However Shanna would explain to her how the soul works in the case of the species Anna belongs to and that they also apply to be Shanna's characteristics after merging her soul with Anna and being under the influence of Anna's radiation before by being with her for so long (since the species Anna belongs to are so powerful that they emit a kind of invisible radiation that gradually mutates the humans around them until they gradually start acquiring powers similar to theirs).

Each soul has a kind of reduced inner reality/universe, and each inner world of each soul of its kind, is set according to the emotional or mental state of the person and according to what the person likes or dislikes. Also, simultaneously, within those inner worlds of each person, coexist different personalities corresponding to particular traits of those persons (not to their emotions, but to their most outstanding mental traits), as it happened with Shanna, whose only part within her that had not been homogenized and had survived was her "fighting spirit", in Anna's case, while the other parts in her inner world had become dolls and behaved like dolls all the time, there is one part that was able to resist being not only part of Anna (but also of Aina simultaneously, Anna's orange-haired twin sister) and also being very powerful on her own: Avici.

Avici, who was named by Aina a long time ago (as normally a part has no name of its own, but this one has been living so long inside Anna and Aina's soul randomly that it has formed an identity of its own), angered by the situation and being confined inside Anna's sweetened, pink and cloying inner world, a world of dolls, kept drinking wine inside Anna and hitting Anna and the other parts (who were unresponsive as they were helpless dolls), it was Avici and only Avici who knew who had turned off Anna's sense of self-preservation since she can see through Anna's eyes, so, as part of the experiments Shanna and the collector did on Anna, included Shanna going inside Anna's soul to see what clouds Anna's heart at that moment, finding Avici and chatting with her, Shanna learning here thanks to Avici that the one responsible for this situation is Arine. However Shanna knew that there is no point in reactivating Anna's sense of self-preservation, so she decided, in exchange for Avici's information and help, to allow Avici to come out of Anna's interior from time to time so that she could un-borrow and not feel limited in there.

3. Arine's Punishment

According to what Shanna tells Karenina, Arine originates when Arthur fell into depression after all the social effects of being manipulated by Emma by being the accomplice of all the misdeeds that Emma did, then at that time Arthur ended up being separated from Nimue. On the other hand, even though Arthur was also Laia's partner and nominally he did not stop being her husband, she also began to be polygamous and to have other partners (mainly Sam, with whom she founded the kingdom of Hesperiya) while she ventured through the ABYSS founding civilizations. 

Also Arthur used to be looked down upon by his children for his complicity in the atrocities that Emma sponsored when she was president of Hiirokuni and he was her right hand man (mainly the whole underworld of trafficking of ex-persons turned into dolls and the popularization and subsequent normalization of that in society against what Hiirokuni's laws stated), so Arthur became depressed and clung to the only emotional relationship he still had (with Shue, his best friend) and started dressing like a woman, growing his hair and behaving like one to look more attractive to Shue and be able to join Shue's harem (who by then already had 9 wives), being initially rejected by Shue even though, finally the original Arthur "committed suicide" so to speak, in his original identity, going through some operations that would change the molecular composition of his body using his mother Ai's and his own genes to turn Arthur's body into a biologically functional female body, developing a new identity and behavior and rejecting being Arthur and his past (even though she was initially the recipient of Arthur's memories, which caused her a lot of mental and psychological conflict), then Shue finally agreed to marry Arine and allow her to be just another wife in his harem seeing that he has gone to the extreme of "killing himself and being born again as Arine" and not being Arthur anymore, and also being that, should he reject her, Arine would have no one else in the world having been rejected by his family and surroundings completely since his complicity with Emma, and now being unknown to his former social relations having done something so extreme. 

However, when Laia returned to Hiirokuni and upon seeing what happened to Arthur, similar to what Arine would do with Shue and Shanna in the future, as Laia fell into depression upon learning of Arthur's apparent death to make way for Arine's birth, she felt something inside Arine calling her somehow as Laia had some strange but alarming dreams with an Arine who behaved like Arthur. Then Laia realized that she could not give up and let Arthur disappear in her memories and finally abducted Arine while she was sleeping to enter her soul and extract from Arine the memories of Arthur (which had merged to create a male part/personality inhabiting inside Arine) and, with merging those memories/part with her love for Arthur, and sectioning a small part of Arine's soul and a small part of her own (Laia's) soul, fused all that together to bring a sort of Arthur or replacement of the original back to life so that Laia and Arthur could go on together (and being that Arthur's memories had now been extirpated from Arine's soul and mind, Arine herself benefited collaterally by no longer having those psychological conflicts as she remembered virtually nothing of Arthur's life), with Arthur and Arine now existing at the same time and being informally considered as siblings, even though Arthur would get along very badly with Arine and would avoid her all the time, feeling ashamed and considering Arine responsible for him being about to die, considering the Arthur created by Laia the real Arthur at this point, and above all because Arthur the only way for Arthur to have a body of his own was to make a clone of Arine's body without consciousness or soul to deposit there the soul of Arthur created by Laia, so Arthur now has an appearance physically identical to that of Arine (although somewhat shorter in height, as if he were his younger brother), causing Arthur to have a very androgynous appearance with which he has to deal and that is why he is more angry with Arine, although Arine behaves in a docile way and tries to be a good and docile big sister for Arthur even though she usually meets his rejection.

Arine's life would have been calmer even though Arine would now compete with Anna for Shue's attention (something that brought them to several confrontations many times, in which Anna abused Arine as Arine was extremely passive), even though Arine took more relevance when some external threats to the stability of existence, the twin sisters Alice (the main one was called Alice and the other one was called Yami Alice, even though they called her only Yami), tried to make existence (the ABYSS) their toy box by taking advantage of how corrupted the fabric of existence was already at that point, without "Mother" showing any interest in stopping them since after having been defeated by Sentaro Shiba decades ago when she tried to restart existence again, she then considered that the humanoids should take responsibility for guarding the good of the ABYSS themselves without interference from her. However, when the inhabitants of the ABYSS put up effective resistance to the intentions of the Alice twins, they decided to destroy the ABYSS (being that they were equivalent in powers to Mother, but having been born outside of "Existence" in that empty white space where "Existence" floated like a marble emanating energy). However, Arine, who had an abnormally superior knowledge to anyone after Sentaro Shiba and "Mother" about how the fabric of existence worked (in that sense while Anna was the original heir to Sentaro's might by being next in line in the Shiba lineage as the bearer of the reincarnations of the entire lineage, and even though Anna knew a lot about the fabric of "Existence" and its functioning, Anna was not as smart and cunning as Sentaro and she used to solve the problems by means of violence, while Arine even though in powers and energy she was much weaker than Anna and not being the successor of the reincarnations of the Shiba lineage, instead Arine would be the heir of the wit, cunning and intellect of her great-grandfather Sentaro Shiba (receiving that as an inheritance from her past life as Arthur actually) and being able to understand the functioning of the "Existence", the gradual tearing of its fabric and also being able to sense the limitations of the Alice twins as beings that could be considered goddesses of the same species of "Mother", so just when they were about to destroy the "Existence", when Arine noticed that there was something in the "Existence", when Arine noticed that there was something wrong, Arine used her knowledge about the weaving of the ABYSS and got out of the "existence" in time (having clarified that the ABYSS and "existence" are the same, ABYSS being the colloquial name given to their home by its inhabitants, while "existence" is a more technical name used by "Mother", Kharia and other people well versed in the subject. 

When Arine left the "Existence" and having little time to act, she decided to sacrifice her simple and happy life to merge herself with the "Existence" (and therefore with "Mother") and flee along the infinite white void suffering the persecution of the Alice twins, thus saving "Existence" for a while (without its inhabitants noticing that something happened out there) until finally the Alice sisters were defeated in a mixture of Sentaro's actions using part of "Mother's" powers with the collaboration of Anna and Shue. However, the separation of Arine and "existence" would not seem to be something possible even when the threat had been neutralized since, if Arine disconnected from "existence", she would die, so "Mother" would have to tolerate the existence of a second goddess merged with "existence" as this was derived from her inaction.

However this was resolved a few years ago, in the early 22nd century (in temporal terms of Earth and Capital Reality) when Anna began to hear voices and noises from cracks and damage in the fabric of "existence", who shares an intimate connection with "existence" despite not being as clever or astute being the successor descendant of Sentaro and thus the ongoing reincarnation of Shiba in a linear fashion, or despite not being fused her being with "existence" itself.

Then through dreams a goddess who was born from the tears in the fabric of "existence", Flammouria, warned Anna that she had to find a way to fix the enormous damage to the fabric of existence that it suffers due to its long duration (this being the reason why "Mother" restarted "Existence" every so often and this being aborted when she was defeated by Sentaro), and if she did not find a way to repair it, an enormous gray mass in the form of condensed ashes that expanded rapidly throughout the ABYSS from the tears in the existential tissue would end up absorbing and consuming everything, this being a form of self-defense of the ABYSS/Existence as a living organism, as if it were its immunological reaction. 

Something curious about the behavior of this expanding gray ash/mass, is that besides eliminating all grass and plants, it turned men into faceless generic mannequins and women into life-size dolls, Anna being partially immune to this by considering her the fabric of existence already a hollow doll, dumb and common (all this being just before Odamori's last attack, but if already being long after all the physical and mental degeneration of Anna who generally already behaved and evaded reality by behaving like a doll most of the time). So Anna's solution was that, if that mass and danger existed by not restarting "existence", then Anna kidnapped Arine (who was one with existence), took her to one of the bordering temples in one of the crevices of existence (like the temple where Kharia and her people hid when "Mother" restarted "Existence") and extracted in a concentrated form in a marble-sized sphere all the inhabited realities of existence, Existence being corrupted inside Arine, while Anna fit her staff, a very powerful weapon, into a white mass that was another extension of "Mother" and therefore of Arine, mortally wounding Existence and forcing it to reboot itself, "Mother", Shue and Sentaro showing up to prevent something so radical but being too late to prevent anything about it. 

This caused the "existence" to restart, but made it possible for Arine to lose his connection and fusion with the "existence", and Arine could resume his quiet life after that, and also this solved the corruption and tearing of the fabric of the "existence" without the need to destroy all the life of the previous "existence", being embedded in the new "existence" the marble that was actually all the populated realities of the previous "existence" allowing the already existing civilizations to now expand into a new space, like a blank canvas. However, at a very high cost as this would bring a new era of conflicts in the new ABYSS, and would also render inoperative the whole portal system designed by Shue, having to spend several years for the whole ABYSS to be communicated again for this, and provoking Anna's irresponsible and unilateral acting much chaos in the ABYSS from now on. This is how Shue allowed Arine to decide what punishment would be given to Anna for her unilateral acting, and Arine without telling what Anna's punishment would be to anyone, decided to disconnect Anna from her sense of self-preservation, an instinct that caused Anna to react bestially to any attack or aggression or anything she considered a danger, and thus Anna could be subdued like a doll and degraded to a common doll most of the time (usually Anna used to get out of those situations thanks to her self-preservation instinct, something she would now start to lack), turning Anna into someone very docile (to the point that if someone or something hits her, she will not respond, just as Arine is docile and passive by nature).

However, Arine did not foresee the plans of Odamori who accidentally took advantage of Anna's new and recent passivity in order to overpower her and Shue, with Arine then being Odamori's accidental accomplice, and while this is not something that the new Shue would find out about, Shanna would eventually find out, Shanna learning that Arine is the one who made Anna so passive and docile and not really Odamori. When Shanna started annoyingly harassing and groping Arine while reproaching her for what she did and what she caused, Arine argued that she had no way of knowing about Odamori's plans, so Shanna had some pity on Arine for that and why if it hadn't been for that, maybe Shanna herself wouldn't exist, Shanna currently being happy to exist since she can spend all her free time playing with her dolls (who are her ex-wives..).

On the other hand, Shanna knows that there must be some temporary punishment for Arine anyway, so she decided to take advantage of the fact that Arine's nature is exaggeratedly passive (just as Anna's nature is after what Arine did to her). Karenina asks Shanna where Arine is, so Shanna reaches into the pocket of her dress from which some ribbons come out and pulls on them, Arine coming out of Shanna's pocket. Now Arine is treated like a puppet and Shanna bothers and harasses Arine in her free time and plays with her like a puppet making her dance over and over again for hours. Karenina pokes and caresses Arine's back with her fingernail, realizing that Arine blushes and makes a gesture that denotes a lot of shame for what is happening to her, so Karenina wonders if Arine is still fully conscious and able to move, to which Shanna answers yes, even though as Arine is very passive, she accepts her punishment and does not try to flee or resist, so she has to suffer consciously with the shame of her situation and Shanna's harassment.

Karenina has now met Anna and Arine, both Shue's wives and Shanna's dolls, who happen to be very similar to two of Karenina's dolls, something she comments to Shanna, to which Shanna would reply that some people have different versions or equivalents of themselves in each reality, depending on each person, and this only happening with some people in particular, being still unknown why there are people who may have more equivalent versions of themselves in other realities while other people do not have those equivalents in other realities, but this being something currently being investigated.

Be that as it may, if Shue has 10 couples and Anna and Arine are only two, then what can Shanna say about Shue's other wives? To which Shanna proceeds to show Karenina her scale model of a village where the other 8 are turned into dolls posing in different ways.

4. Just a Doll

When Shanna has her hands out of the scale model, all the dolls inside start to behave according to the role they have been programmed with in the model (besides that they are people turned into dolls and brainwashed, and particularly they are all Shue's wives), and the role assigned to them will depend on the context with which the scale model has been made. Just as conversely, when Shanna sticks her hands into the scale model (to grab some of the dolls for example), all the dolls/NPCs go into suspended animation until Shanna takes her hands out of there. However, Karenina, who is more perceptive and detail-oriented than Shanna, noticed something strange in the scale model: one of the dolls does not move or do anything, but behaves like an ordinary doll. So Karenina asks Shanna about that doll that doesn't move, a doll dressed in a maid cosplay, something that surprises Shanna.

When Shanna picks up that doll, she perceives that it is a common doll and that it is not the same as the other dolls/NPC since that doll does not have a soul, it is a common plastic doll. When Shanna notices this and tells Karenina about it, she gets worried wondering if that doll stopped having a soul, while Shanna looks unconcerned, as she thinks that someone probably replaced Misa (the doll that should be there) with a common doll (as most of Shue's wives that have been turned into dolls, their bodies without soul or consciousness were cloned and turned into dolls to open a line of dolls of each other, all this when Odamori set his plans in motion), so Shanna tries to sense where Misa's soul is located (since part of their powers at that point allow them to locate anywhere in the ABYSS and in most cases any soul they are already familiar with their scent, as Shanna and most of her relatives are both Ouichi and Shiba power users). However Shanna is unable to sense the location of Misa's soul, which shows that Misa is possibly hiding the scent and signals her soul emits for some reason, so she has to use Arine's powers to do a more thorough search (which even if she is no longer connected to the ABYSS, are still very sophisticated abilities to understand and manipulate the ABYSS fabric), something that Shanna can do just by having physical contact with Arine. After a few seconds, Shanna manages to find Misa's trace, so she takes Karenina by the hand and teleports to where the signal is felt.

Finally they arrive at the house of that otaku guy with whom Anna sometimes lives. That guy is a big fan of Anna and all the merchandising that is produced of her (since the Anna doll line already existed by Shue since before the events of Odamori, but exploded even more in popularity after the events of Odamori and its exploitation of that market), however he also collects some other lines of dolls like the rest of the wives of Shue, which are also famous even though perhaps a little less than the Anna dolls. At that moment the otaku is not at home, but Shanna sees up to the top of a bookcase some collectible dolls without having been taken out of the packaging and, among those, Misa, the real Misa who is still a doll and who is there for some reason. Karenina then assumes that the otaku was the one who kidnapped Misa and replaced her with a common doll, a hypothesis that Shanna rejects because that boy is not so skillful and daring. On the other hand, Misa has a gesture that shows that she is terrified and tension in her eyes, so it seems that this situation, or at least when she was caught, was very distressing for her. Be that as it may, Shanna has no choice but to touch Misa's head with her finger to see in her memories what really happened, something that Karenina does as well, while imitating what Shanna does to learn how to use those abilities. This is how they both access the flashbacks inside Misa's head.

Misa, who was turned into a doll through a new process with a new machine by Odamori and was lost among a pile of dolls just like them in a pile of dolls sold at a discount price. That nine process usually blanks the mind and perhaps erases it, and in suspended animation to the victim there would be less problems, but Misa's soul has been developing over the years and has had a mutation: Misa's mind cannot be completely blanked nor can it be erased like other people's minds, this being the only special ability she has. Therefore, as time went by, Misa regained consciousness while she was sold and treated as a figurine throughout those 10 years, having to witness Misa as she was traded as a figurine, many times suffering very painful situations that, as if it had not been enough, finally undermined the little mental stability she has left. 

Once Odamori was defeated and when Misa was found, she had to go through a process of mental rehabilitation (and was left with many psychological sequels) while remaining half the time a doll inside the scale model that Shanna plays in, and Misa reached such a high level of dissociation that she did not realize that she was most of the time a figurine in the model and instead believed that she was actually living real situations. Then one day, Shanna loaned Misa, and in general her scale model and her other dolls/NPCs to be displayed in a store that was looking to improve sales of their dolls. Misa due to her ability to stay conscious no matter what, awoke from the trance that the scale model forced her to be in to keep her body under control and began to wander around the model, noticing that everything seemed to be a ghost town. 

Misa, who is also somewhat amnesic at that moment and does not remember the other dolls (which are Shue's other wives) worries that the other women in that scale model, which all have different dresses and despite being so realistic, do not move, as if they were mannequins, but in reality they are all dolls (and she herself should be equally immobile, it is not understood why she manages to move and become conscious again except for her ability) in an advertising model of a city in a shopping mall at night. and closed, model promoting the dolls it shows to buy one (since each doll corresponds to a line of dolls just like them), however Misa does not know this and at some point while walking, she reaches the limit of the model and falls from it onto a badly arranged pillow that was on the floor. So she continues walking through the mall.

 At some point Misa arrives at the doll hallway (which is adjacent to the model area) which turns out to be distressing and terrifying for her to realize that there are dolls dressed just like and physically just like all those motionless women she saw earlier in the scale model/ghost town, and all the dolls are so detailed and realistic that real shrunken girl women. At the end of the hallway (in a dead end hallway) Misa sees something very suspicious and scary, a place where dolls are shown dressed like her and even they are also physically the same as Misa, they have the same hair color, hairstyle and the same maid uniform. Misa, then, terrified, looks everywhere looking for where to run away, when suddenly she sees her reflection on the floor tiles and sees that she herself is dressed just like the dolls (something she had not noticed), so Misa runs scared.

Misa, who was still mentally sensitive, and was not fully aware that she was being treated like a doll lately, found herself with hundreds of dolls just like her, learning the truth in a traumatic way. Terrified with the idea of being a common doll and one among hundreds, she tries to run away as far as possible, until she stumbles and falls hitting a box that is as a support among a pile of boxes of Misa dolls organized as a pyramid, some boxes that were in the middle of the hallway that she had not seen before, and then a box falls from above knocking Misa out and leaving her mentally dumb, simultaneous to the traumatizing situation) and due to the impact the common doll inside the box flies out of the box to a less visible place. 

The next day the employees see the victim and believe that Misa is the doll that accidentally fell out of the box (and think that maybe the box fell because it was misplaced the day before) and they place/pack Misa inside the box in the protective plastic molding with a silhouette just the size of Misa, and put her in the box and placed on a shelf among hundreds of dolls just like her. As Misa was dumbed down by the blow to the head, she does not move and behaves like a doll while her mind is blank, but because of the psychological trauma of seeing that she was just another doll in a pile of dolls just like her when she saw them in the store, her soul went into a state of psychosis and for fear of being found or being caught in some way, her soul hides its own presence by attenuating its smell and energy. Misa spent months like this until the otaku bought her and has kept her there as a collector's item without taking her out of the packaging for another few months.

After Karenina and Shanna saw Misa's memory, Shanna wonders what would have become of Misa if Karenina hadn't noticed and Shanna remained distracted by things for another few months or years, perhaps Misaki would have been treated like a common doll forever. On the other side, Shanna is impressed by how quickly Karenina learns to use her powers seeing that Karenina also saw Misa's memory, affirming to Karenina that she is a fast learner and perhaps she could be useful on the spot.


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