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It seems to be hard days for Magician Wazoo, a famed magician in town who also owns a very famous magic store of his own. However, despite his booming fame, he has a big problem when it comes to getting new assistants for his magic acts in all kinds of events and magic shows that he offers.

Wazoo does not know why this happens, sure he can use transformation magic on his assistants, which seems to leave them very traumatized for some reason, but he always returns them to normal, at which time his former assistants take the opportunity to flee away, and it seems that no girl responds to the call of the job offer that Wazoo gives as an assistant for his magic shows. Perhaps, Wazoo thinks, he has already acquired such a bad reputation with the girls because of what his former assistants have said that no girl would even think of applying for a job as Wazoo's magic assistant?

At some point Wazoo thought it might be a good idea to hypnotize or mind control his new employees, but he hasn't decided to do that yet as he feels it would take away from the authenticity and interesting randomness of those situations, which usually cause surprise and terror in his assistants, although he wouldn't hesitate to use some of those methods if he had a new assistant, as it's hard to get new assistants these days.

The last time Wazoo had an assistant was months ago, a pretty girl with purple hair and fuchsia eyes. Wazoo still remembers her surprise and her face full of terror when she was turned into a helpless little doll in front of all the witnesses and people who attended that magic show. She was a good assistant and lasted a few months, until Wazoo finally applied his most famous spell on her at the request of the audience. Even he, in his morbid mind, wondered if it might be worth selling Mur, his former assistant, as a figurine on the Internet, but finally decided to return Mur to normal. And so, as it happened in previous times, Mur fled the place in fear of what the famous magician could do to her.

[Drawing 1]

Now it's been months since that scandalous situation with Mur's escape, which Wazoo still remembers as if it happened yesterday, and no one has stopped to take away the "job offer" flyer that Wazoo taped to the outside wall of his magic store. Wazoo wondered if he should just give up and pursue his career as a solo magician without the luxury of hiring an assistant, or if, in any case, perhaps he should broaden the criteria for hiring. Be that as it may, it seemed that Wazoo's luck was about to change when he saw through the window of his store, as he was calmly thinking about the situation, a suspicious silhouette in front of the wall where he had posted the "job wanted" application.

However, Wazoo was quite surprised when, peering through the window, he found a young boy with tanned skin, pure white hair, and honey-colored eyes. This boy was definitely not what Wazoo had expected, but his features were so exotic that he could not afford to let such a person go. Also, to his luck, it seems that the boy (who is named Joan) did not read the requirement of the job posting that asks that "only women are admitted" and went to the door to get reports about that job posting.

[Drawing 2]

Wazoo, wasting no time, let the boy into his store while he began to take some measurements of his body, leaving the boy bewildered. However, Wazoo, with a morbid and lascivious eagerness, was even a little honest for himself and told the boy that only women were allowed in that job, but that is not an obstacle for him.

That's how the magician raised his wand and began to make the necessary modifications to make the boy a great magical assistant, while the boy watches as his clothes start to disintegrate while a bunny-girl/magical assistant dress is started. Before the boy could do anything, he already had his clothes completely transformed and found himself the now cross-dressed a sweet and cute bunny-girl outfit.

[Drawing 3]

Joan, exasperated and flustered at being dressed like this, asks Wazoo for explanations, seeking to know why he has done such a thing against him and how strange it feels to be dressed like this. Even though Joan might have thought that things can't get any more complicated, he was really wrong when Wazoo decided to help Joan feel better in those clothes, helping a little more with his magic wand while waving it around Joan and filling Joan with that strange, fuchsia-colored energy or magic.

That's how Joan's hair grew exaggeratedly, while his previously flat hips became sexily accentuated sideways with a bell-like relief, and his breasts grew as they bounced, for every bounce of each breast, his breasts grew bigger and bigger until at some point they stopped. However, that was not what worried Joan the most, but how, suddenly, thanks to that radiated magic, his virile member mysteriously disappeared without a trace, as if a black hole had hatched it, only that member of his body.

Joan, very confused and surprised and, by this point, quite frightened, demanded explanations from Wazoo, being interrupted by the magician, who asked him to keep quiet while he enjoyed the show.

[Drawing 4]

Joan, who would now be known as Joanna from now on, in an untimely manner, as if she had not felt the passage of time or as if she had been teleported to another place, is now terrified while on a stage standing in front of many people who watch with expectation the radiating beauty of the new assistant of the famous magician Wazoo, ready to be the guinea pig of the magician's most famous act, being struck again by the magician's magic.

Finally, Joanna falls to the ground turned into a figurine, to be later held by the magician's hands to be exhibited to the public who watch astonished as the magician has turned a person into a figurine, an audience that will never get tired of watching this act wondering how the magician does it, not knowing that it is real magic and not a cheap trick.

[Drawing 5]

Finally, for the last show, in which Wazoo was looking for a new way to take advantage and enhance his most famous act (the transformation into a figurine of the assistant), he finally decides to close that night doing a humble but cute puppet show with Joanna, who is dying of shame inside and is there, trapped and helpless as a figurine or, rather, now, as a puppet, with a cute and luxurious pink ballet dress.

[Drawing 6]

[End 1: escape]

The next day, through the carelessness of Wazoo, who spent the night after the show partying over the success of the show, Joanna returned to normal. This is how she now finds herself naked running down the street wondering what now that she is a girl and can't go back to her former life as Joan, and thus joining the long list of Wazoo's assistants who run away, this time by accident of the same magician who allowed it even if it was not in his plans to let his new assistant go this time.

[Drawing 7]

[Ending 2: The wizard's favorite trophy]

Wazoo, tired of looking again and again for a new assistant, thinks that Joanna has done a great role, so this time he would not let Joanna run away as happened with the previous assistants. On the contrary, this time Wazoo would convince her, one way or another, that living as his greatest trophy, on a shelf well packed so as not to deteriorate, is his new priority in life and that she only exists to serve the famous magician for all eternity, only being taken out of her packaging every time Wazoo will do a new magic show and need her assistant again.

[Drawing 8]


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