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Nikki, an elf with long purple hair pulled back in a ponytail and blue-green eyes, and a white suit with black and purple cape, is a brave adventurer who travels the world doing various missions for money that usually takes increasingly risky missions and travels to increasingly distant places as the missions she encounters become more and more boring because she has become more and more experienced over time.

So, to get rid of boredom, Nikki usually takes the missions that are exaggeratedly well paid but that no one wants because of their danger. One day Nikki arrives at the mission board of the next town she is passing through on her journey and finds a very juicy and daring mission, for an amount of reward she had never seen on a mission before, about capturing some jellyfish beasts that have been wreaking havoc in the caves near the entrance of the town lately. Nikki does not understand why a mission that seems to be so simple offers so much reward, so she wonders if this mission is really worth her attention (as it turns out to be very simple for her), but curiosity does not stop tormenting her, because, after all, this mission offers so much reward for a reason.

At the end of the day, Nikki thinks that maybe she is underestimating those jellyfish beasts she has to capture and, eager to take that reward to her pockets, besides being satiated with curiosity to see how strong those jellyfish men are, she takes off the poster of that mission and starts her journey to those caves outside the town.

Nikki even if those enemies could be very strong, she is eager to see how strong they are, maybe fighting against those enemies will be a challenge for her and she can't help but get excited about the danger she could find inside the cave, if the pay is so high, surely those jellyfish men must be very dangerous and powerful, or who knows, maybe this mission will be her first failed mission' Nikki thinks.

Once Nikki arrives at the cave, she finds it boarded up and barred with several fences and several signs warning of danger all around the cave entrance. Also, to Nikki's curiosity, she sees how there are torn women's clothes near the entrance, as if the victims of those jellyfish men were mostly women and that, after devouring them (which is what Nikki thinks they do with their victims), perhaps they discard their clothes outside the cave.

All of this only excites Nikki, and she wonders what dirty and evil things they would do to her and did to their victims, and even Nikki often jokes with herself about it because at the end of the day it's not that she's a masochist thirsty for violence, but that Nikki is really confident in her abilities and, even if the medusa beasts were about to defeat her, she believes that she will always find a way to defeat any enemy that comes her way and that this will make her grow stronger as a warrior and as an adventurer.

Minutes later, when Nikki entered the cave and discovered what would be in there and what was waiting for her, she regretted being so confident about the real dangers inside the cave. Nikki was easily and quickly overpowered and subdued by the jellyfish beasts and was tied naked and on her knees on the pedestal of a statue, chained and immobilized making it impossible for her to take her weapon and defend herself or be able to do anything in self-defense or against those jellyfish men.

On the other hand, Nikki feels very nervous because everything that is happening around her seems to have a ritualistic character that makes her very fearful and feel the environment kinda weird. She thought she couldn't get any more nervous until she saw that at the base of the pedestal her name is engraved in stone, wondering how the medusa beasts discovered her name, can they read her mind too, or were the medusa beasts waiting for her and somehow found out in advance that she was going to the cave, what kind of magic or dark trickery did they use to find out? Nikki was with her butt sweating and shaking at that moment thinking that maybe this would be her last mission and that she wouldn't get out of this situation in a good way this time, while the medusa beast was looking at her smiling with a shadow on its face planning what it will do with Nikki.

[Drawing 1]

Minutes later any thoughts Nikki had that this situation couldn't get any worse were quickly eroded as the jellyfish beast removed the robe it was wearing and, in its place, revealed a huge tentacle that, as with the tentacles in its hair, would appear to be its penis.

Then the jellyfish beast approaches her as the other beasts began to dance around her in ritualistic fashion and grabs her face, forcing her to suck on its tentacle while Nikki tries to resist as much as she can without any success thinking Nikki if at that moment all was lost for her as she moans and screams as long as that huge tentacle in her mouth allows her to. The shrieks and whimpers of a frightened Nikki become louder and louder as she notices that a layer of stone begins to form on her foot and expand along her leg as she continues to suck the tentacle of the jellyfish beast vigorously without any alternative, simultaneous to her ass and breasts bouncing over and over again without stopping.

[Drawing 2]

The jellyfish man continues to turn her to stone continuously as Nikki sucks in his sacred nectar as Nikki begins to lose her sanity the more, she sucks in, while simultaneously the stone continues to expand along her body until it reaches her face as she tries to scream while choking on the jellyfish man's tentacle, thinking that she has finally been irreversibly trapped.

[Drawing 3]

Finally, the jellyfish man, to finish the ritual of transformation into a statue, ends up violently penetrating Nikki with his tentacle and twisting it inside her, while she tries to move or squirm but, at that pace, she can only vibrate a little, while the jellyfish man cums in her petrifying also her insides with this.

Finally, all that is left of Nikki is a beautiful work of art, a stone statue draining the sacred nectar of the jellyfish man from her mouth and vagina in the last position she was in while being raped by him, in the cave where there were so many other statues of beautiful girls in the same situation, being Nikki not the first or someone special but just another statue inside that rudimentary art gallery.

[Drawing 4 and 5]


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