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Despite having spent so much time, Selene, a young villain and magical weapons smuggler with white hair with red locks and red eyes was sipping some coffee in a coffee shop wondering what to do with her life or what her next master plan will be, simply can't forget everything Jade has done against her. On the other side, Jade, who is practically a heroine and detective respected and loved by everyone with brown hair with a purple streak, even works with the police, but Selene has a bad memory for her from when they were friends many years ago when Jade abandoned her, so she doesn't see her as an innocent and pure person as other people usually do. Her hatred against Jade is enormous and she will never forgive her even if Jade asked her to, even though Jade doesn't even seem to remember who Selene is.

One day a mysterious woman with black hair and red eyes appears behind Selene, with a kind of sword that emanates a reddish color like that of her eyes. Selene, puzzled, wonders what the woman wants from her or why she is staring at her from behind her back and wonders if the woman is planning to attack her, so she puts herself on guard. However, before Selene asks the woman what she is up to, the woman talks to her first:

Mysterious woman:
You are filled with so much hatred that you can't even disguise it, right? You feel that society has failed you and that is why you have become a villain, but you can't find a way to take revenge on those who have hurt you and you only do small and insufficient evils helplessly while you see how people isolate you and deny your existence... However, if you make a deal with me, I can fulfill all your vengeful dreams no matter how complicated they are. Of course, if you accept the deal, you will be in debt to me forever and one day I will return to settle that debt. If you agree, take this sword, with which you will be able to erase all your enemies from existence, turning them into dolls and disappearing them from existence and from people's memory.

Selene, doubtful of the words of such a suspicious entity, can't help but leave in revenge and, moreover, after seeing a sword that emanates so much energy and is clearly so powerful, she couldn't resist the temptation to accept the deal. So, Selene takes the sword and feels the power coursing through her veins. So, Selene has made a pact with the mysterious woman and sealed her future.
[Drawing 1]

In the following days Selene caused great havoc in the city, testing her new magic sword and turning victims into dolls by running them through with the sword. Whenever a person is turned into a doll, the person's loved ones, such as friends and family, stop remembering the person as well, but this does not mean that institutions or governments stop perceiving the person's existence, so the disappearance of several people and the fact that their family and friends have forgotten them quickly attracts the attention of the authorities and, above all, Jade, since Jade is an investigator who usually investigates such crimes. In addition, the amnesia of the friends of the victims does not affect people who are able to use magic, like Jade, so some specific victims that Jade knows, Maria (her friend) and some friends of hers, students of the magic academy, cause special attention in Jade. On the other hand, it seems that there are witnesses who mention having seen Selene, her enemy and rival, turn these women into dolls with a sword.

On the one hand, Jade is very irritated with Selene for having done that to innocent women, but on the other hand Jade is very sad that Maria was one of her victims, since now her brothers and friends will not remember her as long as she is a doll. Thinking of a solution to this problem, Jade considers that the first thing to do is to catch Selene is to take the gun from her.
[Drawing 2]

However, beyond what Jade expected, later when Jade went to the next crime scene, it seems that Selene has stayed waiting for Jade to arrive, as if everything was coldly calculated... Even when Jade, upon Selene's appearance, expected a big duel before beating her, Selene quickly attacked treacherously, ruthlessly piercing Jade. Suddenly Jade was surrounded by an enormous magical energy that began to emanate from the wound and she was immobilized, and the world around her began to look bigger and bigger, as if the world was getting bigger and bigger in front of her eyes, or, perhaps, more appropriately, as if she was shrinking more and more in front of the world.

Finally, Selene has obtained the revenge she has so long sought and longed for, taking Jade turned into a doll from the floor to watch her carefully. After that Selene escaped from the scene of the crime to avoid arrest, with her new doll.
[Drawing 3]

Hours later, while Selene was watching her new doll pose on a shelf, the mysterious woman appears, saying it is time to collect the favor she did for her. Selene, unaware of the danger that looms over her, shows the mysterious woman the doll, offering Jade as a tribute to the mysterious and dangerous deity. To Selene's good luck, the woman accepts the offer, but to her bad luck, that mysterious woman wants to complete her collection before traveling to another universe to take a souvenir from there and considers that Selene would be a good match for Jade, as a doll, of course, something that surprises Selene. Suddenly Selene's sword disappears from her hands and appears in the hand of the mysterious woman, who treacherously pierces Selene.

Suddenly Selene is there on the ground, rigid and unable to move, leaving only a wrist and some magic around her, although she still perceives and consciously recognizes her surroundings. She finally knows what they feel and what is the perspective of all her victims.
[Drawing 4]

Finally, in some other indeterminate universe from the perspective of the victims, a new package arrives in Karenina's hands, a large fuchsia velvet case. Once Karenina opens the case and sees what is inside, she is not the least bit surprised. It looks like more souvenirs from her mother's travels. Even though it bothers Karenina that dolls keep arriving in the mail, at least these dolls seem calmer, to the point that their minds are blank, and they only have in their minds a lot of static and pleasure accumulated in a way that is difficult for Karenina to describe.
[Drawing 5]


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